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Stratospheric Ozone Depletion IB syllabus: 5.6.1-5.6.6 AP syllabus Ch 17, 18 Video – The Hole Story.

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2 Stratospheric Ozone Depletion IB syllabus: 5.6.1-5.6.6 AP syllabus Ch 17, 18 Video – The Hole Story

3 Syllabus Statements  5.6.1: Outline the overall structure and composition of the atmosphere  5.6.2: Describe the role of ozone in the absorption of UV radiation.  5.6.3: Explain the interaction between ozone and halogenated organic gasses.  5.6.4: State the effects of UV radiation on living tissues and biological productivity.  5.6.5: Describe three methods of reducing the manufacture and release of ozone-depleting substances  5.6.6: Describe and evaluate the role of national and international organizations in reducing the emissions of ozone-depleting substances

4 vocabulary  Halogenated organic gases  Pollution  Non-point source pollution  Replenishable natural capital

5 Atmospheric Structure  Layered structure – Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere  Troposphere is layer next to earth’s surface – 75-80% of mass of earth’s air  Atmospheric composition  78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, trace amounts of water, argon, carbon dioxide  Lapse rate – rate at which temperature declines with increasing altitude in the troposphere

6 Layers of the Atmosphere Atmospheric pressure (millibars) 02004006008001,000 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 (Sea Level) –80–4004080120 Pressure = 1,000 millibars at ground level Temperature (˚C) Altitude (kilometers) Altitude (miles) 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 Thermosphere Heating via ozone Mesosphere Stratosphere Ozone “layer” Heating from the earth Troposphere Temperature Pressure Mesopause Stratopause Tropopause

7 Ozone  Ozone is O 3 formed from O + O 2  Found in the lower Stratosphere as the ozone layer – good protective qualities  Found in the Troposphere as a result of human pollution – bad qualities photochemical oxidant

8 Ozone Formation  O 3 + UV  O + O 2  O + O  O2  O + O2  O3  It’s Replenishable

9 Ozone absorbs UV radiation  When UV strikes O 3 it is absorbed and its energy used to break the chemical bond  O 3 + UV  O + O 2  So UV doesn’t make it to the earth’s surface

10 Ozone Layer  Layer in the lower stratosphere  Keeps 95% of harmful UV radiation away  Seasonal depletion of ozone layer above Arctic & Antarctic, overall thinning everywhere but tropics  Depletion is serious long term threat to (1) humans, (2) other animals, (3) sun driven producers (plants) supporting food webs


12 CFC’s (Freons) 1.Discovered in 1930 2.Chemically stable, odorless, nonflamable, nontoxic, noncorrosive  dream chemical in the troposphere 3.Coolants, Propellants, Sterilants, Fumigants 4.1974 discovered to be lowering concentrations of stratospheric ozone 5.Immediate ban called for

13 CFC’s II  Large quantities being released – use, leaks, production of plastics  Remain in troposphere – unreactive, insoluble very stable  11-20 years to rise to stratosphere  Release high energy Cl atoms when exposed to UV which speed up breakdown of ozone  Each CFC lasts 65-385 years in stratosphere  Can break down up to 100,000 molecules of ozone

14 Ultraviolet light hits a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) molecule, such as CFCl 3, breaking off a chlorine atom and leaving CFCl 2. UV radiation Sun Once free, the chlorine atom is off to attack another ozone molecule and begin the cycle again. A free oxygen atom pulls the oxygen atom off the chlorine monoxide molecule to form O 2. The chlorine atom and the oxygen atom join to form a chlorine monoxide molecule (ClO). The chlorine atom attacks an ozone (O 3 ) molecule, pulling an oxygen atom off it and leaving an oxygen molecule (O 2 ). Cl C F O O O O O O O O O O Summary of Reactions CCl 3 F + UV Cl + CCl 2 F Cl + O 3 ClO + O 2 Cl + O Cl + O 2 Repeated many times

15 Summary of Reactions 1.CCl 3 F + UV  Cl + CCl 2 F 2.Cl + O 3  ClO + O 2 3.ClO + O  Cl + O 2 Steps 2 + 3 are repeated many times causing massive destruction of ozone

16 Methyl Bromide  Other major ODC  Used as a pesticide and fumigant on crops  Kills nematodes, fungi, weeds

17  Remember that ozone breaks down naturally when it absorbs UV  This speeds up that process and limits the regeneration of O 3  Pollutants enhance O 3 destruction  disturbing the equilibrium of the O 3 production system

18 Year 19701975199020002005198519551960196519801995 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 Total ozone (Dobson units) October monthly means Decreasing ozone volume in fall over the poles

19 Seasonal Polar Thinning  Seasonal loss of ozone in summers over poles  Ozone hole is actually ozone thinning  Sunless winters, polar vortex causes swirling winds isolated from rest of atmosphere  Ice crystals in clouds collect CFC’s and speed release of Cl  Sun returns in spring / summer and frees large volumes of free Cl  Ozone thinning travels north to effect Aus, NZ, S. Am., S. Af.

20 August 7, 2001 October 10, 2001 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 05 15 Ozone partial pressure (milipascals) Altitude (kilometers)

21 Year 1979198219851988199119941997200020032006 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Million square kilometers Figure 18-29 Page 474 Area of North America Size of Ozone thinning

22 Antarctic Sept Ozone Loss

23 Arctic March Ozone Loss

24 Human Health Worse sunburn More eye cataracts More skin cancers Immune system suppression Food and Forests Reduced yields for some crops Reduced seafood supplies from reduced phytoplankton Decreased forest productivity for UV-sensitive tree species Wildlife Increased eye cataracts in some species Decreased population of aquatic species sensitive to UV radiation Reduced population of surface phytoplankton Disrupted aquatic food webs from reduced phytoplankton Air Pollution and Materials Increased acid deposition Increased photochemical smog Degradation of outdoor paints and plastics Global Warming Accelerated warming because of decreased ocean uptake of CO 2 from atmosphere by phytoplankton and CFCs acting as greenhouse gases What are the effects? Effects on Humans, Plants, Animals & Global climate A 1% loss of stratospheric ozone equals a 2% increase in skin cancers & 1% increase in cataracts worldwide. Humans make cultural changes, others cannot

25 Ultraviolet A Ultraviolet B Thin layer of dead cells Squamous cells Basal layer Melanocyte cells Basal membrane Blood vessels Hair Epidermis Sweat gland Dermis Squamous Cell CarcinomaBasal Cell CarcinomaMelanoma

26 Solutions & Protection  Must immediately stop using ozone depleting chemicals  Long recovery time afterwards due to persistence in the atmosphere  Substitutes are available for most CFC uses  Hydrocarbons seem to be best for future

27 How can the manufacture and release of ODC be reduced?  Refrigerants can be recycled  Alternatives to gas blown plastics can be used  Alternative propellents – hydroflourocarbons – better but a potent greenhouse gas  Alternatives to methyl bromide can be used for fumigation and pesticides

28 Problems  Existing stockpiles were ok to use after the phase out  Old CFCs continue to leak out of junked cars and fridges  Black market trade in CFCs increasing because they are not made but still useful  China, India, Mexico have increased use and production of CFCs  Full recovery expected by 2050 if current decline continues

29 Montreal Protocol  1987, 36 nations in Montreal  Cut emissions of CFCs by 30% between 1989 and 2000  After 1989 ozone thinning info new meetings in 1990, 1992 formed new Copenhagen protocol, 177 nations  more stringent reductions required  UNEP involved in these agreements as well as an accelerated phase out for Korea, China, India  Montreal Multilateral Fund est’d for aiding transition  Also studying the relative effectiveness of the measures being taken

30 Year 1950197520002025205020752100 3,000 0 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 Abundance (parts per trillion) No protocol 1987 Montreal Protocol 1992 Copenhagen Protocol Ozone depleting chemical concentration Predictions in stratosphere

31 In the US  Government ratified Montreal Protocol agreeing stop production of CFC propellents  Taxes levied on CFC production and use  Corporations changing their ways  McDonalds (1987) – stopped use of styrofoam packaging  Caused foam packaging industry to stop use of all CFCs by 1988

32 Next…  Return to 1980 levels by 2050  Assume countries follow agreement and don’t produce new ODC  Ozone loss has been cooling troposphere masking global warming’s real effects  Good precedent for global cooperation

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