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Start Now Collaboration Solutions Putting a “Human” face on the Web.

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Presentation on theme: "Start Now Collaboration Solutions Putting a “Human” face on the Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start Now Collaboration Solutions Putting a “Human” face on the Web

2 e-business Problems?  Have you spent time and money on web-based applications only to find…  Your sales revenue is still declining?  Customers appear disinterested in your web site?  Over 30% of your shopping carts are abandoned?  Suppliers are still not delivering materials on time?  The cost of your customer service centers is increasing?  Travel expense has been escalating?  You still spend time managing internal & external projects? …there are solutions that you can Start Now! …there are solutions that you can Start Now!

3 The Internet Phenomenon  Online population --319 Million Global Reach, March 2001  U.S. Consumer e-commerce to reach $45 Billion Jupiter Research, Oct. 2000  Online adults who shop on the net – 56% Roper Starch, Oct. 2000  Homes with high speed access – 3.1 million Telecommunications Reports International, June 2000  Online small businesses with e-commerce in 2000: 34% IDC, Mar. 2000  Worldwide Domains registered: 26,993,431, Dec 2000  New domain names registered each week: 368,200 Network Solutions, Nov. 2000

4 The Internet Dilemma  e-business is essential to remaining competitive…  Capitalize on explosive Internet growth  Expand market reach  Extend operational & service availability  Lower cost of sales …the Internet is inherently impersonal Eliminates direct human interaction Difficult to maintain lasting relationships Long term erosion in customer satisfaction - But -

5 Why People are Important  Trust and Relationships are key to driving revenue  Several studies have indicated that between 33 and 66 percent of customers bail out of transactions before they are complete New York Times 6/99  10% of abandoned shopping carts are salvageable with better customer service… (adds $1.6B to e-Commerce market) - Giga, April 2000  72% (of companies surveyed) are too apprehensive to buy more than general materials through eMarketplaces Forrester, March 2000

6 Collaboration  What is Collaboration? Lat. Com-, together + Lat. Laborare, to work. 1. To work together, esp. in a joint intellectual effort 2. To cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupying one’s country  How does it help?  Brings Human Interaction to e-business solutions  Supports on-line, realtime collaboration and teaming –Track orders, develop contracts, negotiate, ask questions, build communities, resolve problems together, enable value chains… … e-Collaboration! … e-Collaboration!

7 Collaboration in e-business  B2B Services will first use collaboration as a market differentiator, but by 2004 rich collaboration services will be a given for most B2B activities Meta, B2B Collaboration, 7/26/2000  eMarketplaces are assessing the need to reposition human interaction, in the form of unstructured collaboration, back into the transactional process. …collaborative software, from team collaborative applications to real-time conferencing tools, is having a positive affect on online transactions. IDC, Collaborative Applications in B2B eMarketplaces, 7/2000 … e-Collaboration works! … e-Collaboration works!

8 e-Collaboration Collaboration Answer questions Resolve problems Enable value chains Develop communities Notify customers Buying Selling e-service e-commerce e-chain e-service e-commerce e-chain Workflow Virtual workspaces Real-time collaboration TransactionsData

9 QuickPlaceQuickPlace e-Collaboration Technologies  Real-time Collaboration  Conferencing services  Secure instant messaging services  Integration services  Virtual Workspaces  Share tasks, content, knowledge  Project Management and scheduling  Workflow  Develop, manage and monitor business processes  Eliminate the pitfalls of paper-based work SametimeSametime Lotus

10 e-collaboration Scenarios  B2B Negotiation/RFP  Inter-company teams working together to process complex agreements and contracts  Webinars  Hold electronic meetings to roll-out new products, provide expert sessions, manage attendees…  Commerce Chat  Live customer assistance through human interaction over the web

11 Real-time Collaboration

12 Virtual Workspaces - Teaming Global collaboration Shared applications Network awareness

13 B2B Collaboration & Workflow

14 Customer Value  Enhance the benefits of e-Commerce, CRM and other applications, through…  Increased effectiveness of communication…  Increased sales through improved customer support, cross-selling opportunities  Competitive advantage and higher sales completion through enhanced customer service  Personalized customer experience for increased customer trust, loyalty and satisfaction  Competitive differentiation as a supplier  Reduced cost of reaching and serving suppliers and customers  More effective planning through improved sharing of information and ideas

15 Affordable Solutions Software Component $ (SRP) Sametime Server (Extranet license) - Sametime per user license ($59 each) - Sametime per user license ($59 each)9,995 QuickPlace Server (Extranet license) - QuickPlace per user license ($59 each) - QuickPlace per user license ($59 each)9,632 Business Partner Services - from… - Planning, implementation and customization - Planning, implementation and customization (varies by Solution Provider) (varies by Solution Provider)7,500

16 Simple Justification Commerce Chat (Sametime) MonthAnnual E-commerce sales 250,0003,000,000 Abandoned carts (over 50%) 250,0003,000,000 Salvaged carts (10%) 25,000300,000 Increased Profit @ 10% 2,50030,000 Cost of Solution (one time) 25,000 R.O.I.20%

17 Start Now! What Should You Do Next?  Find more information… –Check out the IBM Web site for Small and Medium Businesses –White papers: IBM Start Now Solutions for e-business Driving Business Value through e-collaboration (Benchmarking Partners) –Detailed information on Lotus Sametime and Lotus QuickPlace –Contact a qualified IBM Start Now Business Partner

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