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Landscape History and Culture Beliefs China Quiz.

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1 Landscape History and Culture Beliefs China Quiz

2 Landscape: 1. This is called the “Roof of the World”. 2. This desert has sandstorms that can last for days. 3. This desert has rocks and stones instead of sand. 4. Most of China’s population lives in this area. 5. The capital of China. A. Gobi B. North China Plain C. Beijing D. Plateau of Tibet E. Taklimakan

3 History and Culture: 6. 92% of China’s population is from this ethnic group. 7. A line of rulers from a single family. 8. The art of beautiful writing. 9. The movement of people to cities 10. A many-storied Buddhist temple. A. Han B. Urbanization C. Pagoda D. Calligraphy E. Dynasty

4 Beliefs: 11. This teaches that people should be polite, honest, brave and wise. Also, children should obey their parents; everyone should respect their elders and obey their rulers. 12. This teaches that people should live simply and in harmony with nature. 13. This teaches that meditation, wisdom and morality can help with life’s problems. A. Daoism B. Buddhist C. Confucius

5 Short Answer: Write the question and the answer: 14. Why was the Great Wall of China built in the north? 15. Name two Chinese inventions.

6 Fact v. Opinion Panther Prep Quiz

7 Fact v. Opinion Directions: Identify if the statement is fact or opinion. 1. China has a population of 1.29 billion people. 2. There are too many people living in the country of China. 3. The Great Wall of China was built in the North to protect China from invaders. 4. Emperor Chin was a mean emperor for pulling the men out of their homes to build the wall. 5. Stir fry cooking is better than any other cooking in the world. 6. The three major rivers in China are the Xi River, the Yellow River, and Yangtze River. 7. The Mississippi River is prettier than the Xi River. 8. The people of China are part of a mixed economy, there is mostly communism with some free enterprise. 9. Ninety percent of China’s population lives in the Eastern part of China. 10. Calligraphy is a more beautiful style of writing than cuneiform.

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