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This Quran Is Just Magic! The Story of Walid Bin Mughira

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1 This Quran Is Just Magic! The Story of Walid Bin Mughira

2 When the Prophet (SWT) started to preach Islam, many
people accepted His Message and stopped worshipping idols.


4 The Quraysh became very angry when they found out about this, because if more people became Muslims, than less people would come to the temples and put sacrifices infront of the idols. The Quraysh loved those sacrifices, as they would take them when people were not looking, and keep it for themselves!


6 So the Quraysh had a meeting, in which they discussed the Quran, as that was the main source of people converting to Islam, because of its beautiful words and lovely messages.


8 Walid, the best poet in Arabia, was asked what he thought
about the Quran. Walid said that he had not yet heard the Quran, and that he would first go to the Prophet (S) and listen to it, and then come back to the people.


10 When Walid, who was the best poet in Arabia, heard the Quran, he was SHOCKED! He never thought that anyone could be better than him, but for the first time in his life, he heard such beautiful Arabic being recited, even more beautiful than his!


12 He ran away from there as soon as he could!


14 When Walid did not go back to the Quraysh, they got worried
When Walid did not go back to the Quraysh, they got worried! They thought that maybe Walid became a Muslim! That would have been very bad for them, because if someone as famous as Walid became Muslims, many other people would copy him.. So Abu Jahl went out to look for him. When he found Walid, he asked him what he thought about the Quran.

15 Walid told Abu Jahl that he had never heard such beautiful words in his whole life! He told him that the Quran had the most perfect words, perfect rhyme and tune, perfect grammar and style, perfect everything! Abu Jahl then asked Walid whether he thought that the Quran was really from Allah (SWT)? Walid told Abu Jahl to give him some time to “think..”


17 The Quran, in Surah al Muddasir, Surah no
The Quran, in Surah al Muddasir, Surah no. 74, describes the “thinking” of Walid as follows:

18 [74:18] "Surely he reflected and guessed, [74:19] But may he be cursed how he plotted; [74:20] Again, may he be cursed how he plotted;

19 [74:21] “...Then he looked, [74:22] Then he frowned and scowled...”

20 [74:23] “...Then turned back and was big with pride, [74:24]Then he said: This is naught but enchantment (Magic)...”

21 Walid did a very bad thing by telling the people that the Quran, the Words of Allah, was just magic, even when he knew the truth... The Quraysh became very happy when they heard this! Many of them started calling the Prophet a Magician, after what Walid said. Walid did this to keep himself famous in the Quraysh, because if he would become Muslim, he would lose all his money and fame. But he lost a bigger thing than money, he lost Islam and Allah (SWT)..

22 We learn two things from this story: 1) Don't ever become proud, or think that you have a great status, because the only one who has the Power to Give you a status or Make you famous is Allah (SWT). 2) When you recite the Quran, pay attention to its beautiful words and sentences, and always remember that the words you are reciting are the Words of Allah (SWT).

23 ~~~~ The End ~~~~

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