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North American Church Planting Demographics. “Establishing churches with the intention that numerical growth will come from evangelizing and discipling.

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Presentation on theme: "North American Church Planting Demographics. “Establishing churches with the intention that numerical growth will come from evangelizing and discipling."— Presentation transcript:

1 North American Church Planting Demographics

2 “Establishing churches with the intention that numerical growth will come from evangelizing and discipling local people, particularly the unchurched.”

3 1.40% of Americans say they attend church regularly. Breakdown 2.20% in church on any given Sunday. 3.5% attend church 5 out of 8 Sundays 4.15% attend church sporadically 60% rarely if ever attend church. Church Attendance in America

4 1. This past year 3500 churches closed their doors and 4000 new churches started. 2. 75-80% of church growth in America is people transferring from one church to another. 3. The percentage of people who call themselves “born again” stays at 32% year after year. Church Growth In America

5 Cons. Anabaptist Church Plants 1.There are a some Anabaptist churches in which the majority are natives.

6 Cons. Anabaptist Church Plants Outside of North America 1.There are a some Anabaptist churches in which the majority are natives. 2.Most are dependent on North Americans to keep the church operating. Members are not equipped to lead the church and take responsibility for it.

7 Cons. Anabaptist Church Plants in North America 1.The majority of attempts in America are colonization. Few join the church. 2.Church plants end up being salt and light, rather than the catalyst for indigenous church plants. 3.A few churches have a majority of local members, but most were previously Christians. 4.Not aware of any churches in which the majority of the members were previously unchurched. 5.Church plants often end up populating other churches or becoming acculturated.

8 What shall we say to these things…?

9 Seekers Plain People looking for a church that is more authentic, alive, or active. More Relevancy More Opportunity A Fresh Start Transplant Growth Independence / Leniency

10 Seekers Protestants who are wanting something more than mainstream Christianity Plain People looking for a church that is more authentic, alive, or active. Contemporary Non-Conformists More Relevancy More Opportunity Independence / Leniency A Fresh Start A Clean Slate Transplant Growth Transfer Growth

11 Those Without Friends Social Outcasts Poor Relational Skills Dependent on Free handouts

12 What shall we say to these things…?

13 Seekers Protestants who are wanting something more than mainstream Christianity Plain People who are looking for a church that is more authentic, alive, or active. Transplant Growth Transfer Growth


15 What should our response be… …if growth in our churches is posterity growth, transplant growth, or transfer growth and not convert growth?

16 Seeking the Unchurched

17 Helping Non-Seekers Become Seekers

18 James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after fatherless and widows in their distress Who should we be seeking? 3.7 million do not live with either parent 24 million do not live with their biological father 25 million live in single parent home Fatherless

19 James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after fatherless and widows in their distress Who should we be seeking? 13.6 million widows Widows Widows spend 14 years as a single (average) Many widows experience financial hardship

20 Luke 7 12 As [Jesus] approached the town gate, a man who had died was being carried out, the only son of his mother... 13 When the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, “Do not weep.” 14 Then he came up and touched the bier Who should we be seeking? 2.5 million people die each year Grieving 900,000 Americans die prematurely each year 32,000 Americans die in auto accidents

21 Psalm 68:6 “God sets the lonely in families” Lonely Who should we be seeking? 168 million – Only one person close to them 5 million people - no one they talk with What kind of families? a.Church Families b.Family of God

22 Exodus 23:9 "You shall not oppress a stranger, since you yourselves know the feelings of a stranger, for you also were strangers in the land of Egypt. Who should we be seeking? USA has 40 million foreign born immigrants Immigrants 22 million are not citizens 1 million strangers enter the US each year. 70,000 of these are refugees

23 Psalm 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Who should we be seeking? Unbelievers Atheists – 10 Million (3%) Nones – 50 Million (12.8%) Agnostics – 13 Million (4%)

24 Jude 22 “And have mercy on those who doubt; Who should we be seeking? Doubters Adults 18-34 (Millennials) who doubt God’s existence 26 Million (31% of this age group) 64 Million Americans (20%) doubt the authority and relevance of the Bible. (Doubled in the last 5 years)

25 “ Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? Who should we be seeking? The Educated 21 million college students Over half not Christian – 5.8 million are secularists 3.5 million scientists and engineers 1.5 Million College and University Faculty

26 “For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.” Who should we be seeking? The Uneducated 131 Million (41 %) never went to college 188 million (59%) never graduated from college 38 million (12%) never graduated from high school 32 million adults (14%) can’t read 67 million adults (21%) read below 5 th grade level

27 “Walk in Wisdom toward those who are without.” Who should we be seeking? Other Categories Prisoners Enemies Gainsayers Government workers Criminals

28 “For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.” Who should we be seeking? Other Religious 2.2 million Buddhists 6 million Jews 2.8 million Muslims 2.2 million Hindus 6.4 million Mormons

29 Seeking Non-Seekers Same vocation Same ministry Same neighborhood Same stage of life Host meetings based on common interests Same hobbies

30 1.Child – 3.5% probability that family will follow. 2.Mother - 17% probability that family will follow. 3.Father - 93% probability that family will follow. First Person in a Household to Convert to Christianity and attend Church

31 Reaching Unchurched People Is Your Church Ready? 1.Your main meeting engages teenagers. 2.People who attend your church actually know unchurched people. 3.Your attenders (including children) are prepared to be non-judgmental 4.You’re good with questions. 5.You’re honest about your struggles. 6.You have easy, obvious, strategic and helpful steps for new people. 7.You’ve dumped all assumptions. 8.You are flexible and adaptable.

32 15 Characteristics of Unchurched People 1.They don’t all have big problems. 2.They feel less guilty than you think. 3.Occasional is regular. 4.Most are spiritual 5.They are not sure what “Christian” means. 6.You can’t call them back to something they never knew. 7.Many have tried church, even a little, but left. 8.Something is generous 9.They want you to be a Christian

33 15 Characteristics of Unchurched People 10. They are intelligent, so speak to that. 11. They hate hypocrisy 12. They love transparency 13. They invite their friends if they like what they are discovering. 14. T heir spiritual growth trajectory varies dramatically. 15. Some want to be anonymous and some don’t.

34 Eliezer: “I being in the way, the Lord led me.” Jeremiah: “I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. ” “It is not in man to direct his steps.”

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