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Breaking New Ground! A spirit-led process! Acts 9:31, 15:28, 16:10.

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Presentation on theme: "Breaking New Ground! A spirit-led process! Acts 9:31, 15:28, 16:10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breaking New Ground! A spirit-led process! Acts 9:31, 15:28, 16:10

2 Acts 16:6-10 “Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy spirit to preach the word in Asia. After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them. So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night…

3 Acts 16:6-10 “…a man from Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us,’ Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.”

4 Acts 16:6-10 “…a man from Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us…’” Who was this “man” from Macedonia?

5 Acts 16:6-10 “…a man from Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us…’” Who was this “man” from Macedonia? Who here is initiating church planting in Macedonia?

6 Purpose of Church Planting? Convenience of driving? Have less church work? ??

7 Purpose of Church Planting? Convenience of driving? Have less church work? ?? Carry the message to lost people

8 Purpose of Church Planting? Convenience of driving? Have less church work? ?? Carry the message to lost people Building Jesus (spiritual) kingdom

9 3 types of church plant starts: 1.Church splits 2.Swarming 3.Hard core What is the difference?

10 How Important is a Mother Church? Our Carolina Conference REQUIRES that all church plants have a mother church… Why do you think such a strong position is taken?

11 #1 Start– Mother Church Gives daughter church an identity

12 How Important is a Mother Church? 1. Cooperation vs. Competition. 2. Support with people resources. 3. Shared activities and outreach endeavors. 4. Financial accountability. 5. Healthier DNA for the church plant. 6. Quick recovery for mother church (6-12 months) 7. Positive future for additional church plants.

13 How can you help prepare your group to successfully plant?

14 Wisdom… Speak to area pastors about potential to inform and get their input. This will go a long way to help prevent any unneeded negative feelings towards a church plant

15 Basic Steps to prepare your church? #1 Sensing the Holy Spirit’s direction, business meeting vote to move forward is needed

16 Note on Mother Church Role A. Finances {includes separate funds for a. group’s operating & b. group’s evangelism=30%} B. Membership still a part of the mother church (until company status is obtained)

17 #2 Step to Planting: Selecting right LEADER

18 Key insight “The harvest is plentiful, BUT the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 “STOP PRAYING FOR THE HARVEST!” Leadership is the single most limiting factor to church plant multiplication!

19 Vision for multiplication 1. Pastors that commit to raise up a new church in every district they pastor until Jesus comes! 2. Lay people that step forward as laborers to raise up churches… resulting in “jets of light” in every city and village.

20 Testimonies, vol. 9, page 28-29 “I saw jets of light shining from cities and villages, and from the high places and the low places of the earth. God’s word was obeyed, and as a result there were memorials for Him in every city and village. His truth was proclaimed throughout the world.”

21 Who can plant? Outside of a spiritual foundation… What is the #1 quality (skill) of a church planter?

22 Who can plant? #1 quality of an effective church planter: Ability to create and initiate new ventures

23 Who can plant? Do you have indications in your life of an entrepreneurial spirit? Are you best equipped for a lead role OR a supportive role?

24 Additional qualities of a church planter! Feel called to plant. Are spiritually mature. Teachable spirit. Supportive of the Conference. Empowering (a team player) Big FAITH/Vision. They believe God can and will do awesome things. Influence. A leader must be able to inspire and lead others. (Discuss in pairs) Which of the above areas is the biggest challenge for you? How can God help you grow this area of your life?

25 Desire of Ages, page 822 “It is a fatal mistake to suppose that the work of saving souls depends alone on the ordained minister.”

26 #3 Step to Planting: Your Target: Who Will You Reach?

27 Target-Definition To have a target gives us the ability to aim our methods in such a way that we can be more effective with our results.

28 How would you “aim” your ministries and approaches differently with the various target groups below? -Young Families -Single Moms -Vietnamese -unchurched -morbidly obese -Needy (the poor) -Middle-aged men -Affluent “To target is not to be exclusive but to be intentional for greater effectiveness” (transplanting our lilies)

29 Raleigh, NC Population 2000…….276,093 2010…….403,892

30 MOTHER CHURCH – RALEIGH LITTLE CREEK ADVENTIST FELLOWSHIP COMPANY Group Status: 07/01/2008 Company Status: 07/19/2010 Attendance at Raleigh prior to company status 2009……2010……2011……. Tithe: (barometer of congregation’s relationship & faithfulness to God) 2009…..2010…..2011……

31 MOTHER CHURCH – RALEIGH LITTLE CREEK ADVENTIST FELLOWSHIP COMPANY Group Status: 07/01/2008 Company Status: 07/19/2010 Attendance at Raleigh prior to company status 2009……316 people 2010……355 people (303+52) 2011…….399 people (332+67) Tithe: (barometer of congregation’s relationship & faithfulness to God) 2009….. 2009….. $467,643 2010….. 2010….. $479,756 + $16,083 = $495,839 2011…… 2011…… $484,205 + $66,633 = $550,838

32 Lake Lure/Chimney Rock 68.1% were married couplesmarried couples 1 current SDA living in Lake Lure Evangelistic support from mother church crucial to success

33 Luke Lure & Chimney Rock, NC Lake Lure is 12 miles away from current closest SDA church.

34 -Major Need in area as well- A church plant that reaches former/inactive SDAs Ministry would be different-more accepting of those who haven’t lived the ‘standards’

35 #4 Step to Planting: Healthy Core Group

36 Definition: Core group: The nucleus of the future church plant. How do you decide WHO should be part of this nucleus?

37 Building a Core Group 1. Shared passion/vision. 2. Individuals who put mission first. 3. Individuals who are a magnet to others. 4. Individuals who match the demographic to be reached. Prioritize the above list …

38 Recruiting Your Core Group Friends. Those who match the target demographic to be reached. Members who are giving Bible studies. Passionate new members.

39 #5 Step to Plant: Incubation

40 Incubate 6-9 months as a core group of leaders. In-home meeting 1x a week Note: You wait to worship on Sabbath mornings UNTIL you have incubated!

41 Incubate 6-9 months as a core group of leaders. - Create Community (Get to know one another) -Prayer & Fasting -Study of the book of Acts & Steps to Launching by Tom L. Evans WRITE OUT: -Core values -Strategic 2-year Evangelistic Plan (based on your target demographic) -Ministry assignments

42 Core Values What are some examples of core values that impact the way your church carries out ministry?

43 Evangelistic Strategy What are the methods that will be most effective in the community you are trying to reach? What felt-needs events will you utilize? When will you hold your public meeting?

44 Ministry Assignments Organize as teams: Evangelism Administration Worship Children Social Note: Create clear job descriptions for all assignments.

45 #6 Step to Plant: COACH

46 Requirements: 1. Every Church Planter is assigned a coach.

47 Definition of coach: --A pastor employed by the Conference.

48 What we are looking for in a pastor/coach… -Proven soul-winner -Excellent listener -Empowering (will not take over the plant). -Familiar with the techniques of coaching and self-discovery. -Willing to commit (this is voluntary!)

49 Requirements: Coaching Relationship: Planter and Coach will meet on a monthly basis for a coaching appointment. Lunch or supper is recommended.

50 Content of Coaching Meeting: --Ask Questions… Examples: “What successes/victories have you experienced recently?” “What can we celebrate?” “What challenges are you currently encountering that we can pray about?” --Ask Questions… Examples: “What successes/victories have you experienced recently?” “What can we celebrate?” “What challenges are you currently encountering that we can pray about?”

51 Content of Coaching Meeting: --Ask Questions --Listen --Encourage --Accountability --Resource --Prayer --Ask Questions --Listen --Encourage --Accountability --Resource --Prayer

52 Requirements: 2. Coach meets with church plant group on a monthly basis. --Maximum 1x quarter on Sabbath morning. Options include: board meeting, business meeting, social, youth outing, etc. --Coach conducts baptisms and ordinations. Purpose: A relationship is built with the coach. The coach can resource the lay planter more intelligently.

53 Requirements: 3. Coach holds a one week (two weekend) reaping evangelist meeting with the plant on an annual basis. -- The coach has a relationship with the group so they will be well prepared and supportive of the meeting. -- This provides an affordable evangelistic endeavor on a regular basis for the church.

54 Future benefits of a coach Coach encourages planter and plant to: -- move toward company and then church status. -- stay focused on the mission of the church through regular evangelistic endeavors. -- be realistic regarding facility needs and requests. -- keep a positive relationship with the Conference.

55 What more lay-led, pastor- coached church plants allow For workers to be used in enter new fields where there is no church!

56 #7 Step to Plant: Build Momentum to Launch!

57 Momentum to Launch -Locate a place to rent -create a logo -advertise to community -begin multiple small groups -Develop 2 year outreach plan -Invite mother church for launch Sabbath

58 Contact Information: Brad Cauley (704) 887-5707

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