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Biblical “ORG” Chart God. Father and Son God Matt 3:17 Christ 1Cor 11:3 Matt 7:15 John 14:6 Matt 28:18 Heb 1:1.

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Presentation on theme: "Biblical “ORG” Chart God. Father and Son God Matt 3:17 Christ 1Cor 11:3 Matt 7:15 John 14:6 Matt 28:18 Heb 1:1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biblical “ORG” Chart God

2 Father and Son God Matt 3:17 Christ 1Cor 11:3 Matt 7:15 John 14:6 Matt 28:18 Heb 1:1

3 Domain of Christ Christ--Head 1Cor 11:3 “every man” Col 1:18 Church Col 2:10 “all principality and power”

4 “Church Expanded” Galatians 3:28 ChristJewGreekBondFree Male 1 Cor 11:3? Female Mark 16:15-16 Acts 2:47 2 Tim 3:16

5 “Composition of the Church” Galatians 3:28 ChristJewGreekBondFreeMaleFemale

6 THE “Dash” HeadSubject(s) 2 Peter 1:3 2 Tim 3:16 Deut 4:2 Col 3:17 Matt 7:21-23

7 The Triangle Model HeadParty #1Party #2

8 Relationship--Governments Romans 13:1ff, Titus 3:1 ChristGovernmentCitizens Acts 5:29

9 Relationship--Marriage Gen 3:16 Eph 5:23 Christ Husband Male Wife Female Acts 5:29

10 Relationship—Parent /Child Eph 6:1-4 ChristParents Children “In the Lord” Acts 5:29

11 Relationships—Elders/Church 1 Tim 3:5 Heb 13:17 Christ Elder Flock Acts 5:29

12 Relationships—Employer/Employee Col 4:1 1Tim 5:18 Luke 10:7 ChristEmployerLaborer Acts 5:29

13 Summary GodChristJewGreekBondFreeMaleFemale

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