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Turn in lab from yesterday into the bin

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1 Turn in lab from yesterday into the bin
Wake-up Which macromolecule(s) functions in short term energy and structure? Explain the difference between Benedict’s and Biuret’s. (More than color change) Turn in lab from yesterday into the bin

2 Enzymes Christopherson

3 Occurs when bonds are broken or formed to create a new substance
Chemical Reaction Occurs when bonds are broken or formed to create a new substance Reactants Products

4 Enzymes Review Enzymes are proteins; made up of amino acids held together by peptide bonds

5 Regulates the chemical reactions of the cell
Enzymes Review Regulates the chemical reactions of the cell

6 Enzyme Characteristics
Biological Catalysts

7 Catalysts speed up chemical reactions
What is a Catalyst? Catalysts speed up chemical reactions Ex: What do you do to help sugar dissolve faster in tea?

8 Enzymes and Reactions

9 Example of Enzymes as Catalysts
Amylase: Enzyme in mouth that breaks down carbohydrates If you put a saltine cracker in your mouth and let it “sit”, it will eventually taste sweet

10 Enzymes Characteristics
Have an active site; binding site for substrates

11 Enzyme Characteristics
Enzymes are site specific; One enzyme = One job Determined by active site

12 How Enzymes Work Substrate;
Reactant 3. Enzyme releases the product; Enzyme remains unchanged. 2. Enzyme-substrate complex forms; Enzyme molds around the substrate for a reaction 1. Substrate matched the active site of the enzyme Product Active Site Enzyme-Substrate Complex Enzyme; Catalyst

13 What does this have to do with ME????? Who cares about enzymes?

14 Lactose is a Disaccharide (2 sugars) found in milk

15 Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose

16 What does lactose get broken down into by lactase?

17 Fill in the following terms into the enzyme diagram below:
Lactase Glucose Lactose Galactose

18 What’s happening in us?

19 What is Lactose Intolerance?
Lactase is not present to break down the lactose. The sugar just builds up inside.

20 What’s happening in us?

21 Effects of Lactose Intolerance*
Bloating, Pain/Cramps in Belly, Noise in Belly, Gas, Diarrhea

22 Lactose Intolerance Worldwide

23 Lactose Intolerance in Ethnic Groups

24 What to do if you are Lactose Intolerant?

25 Wake-up What is the purpose of the active site?
What would happen if the active site lost its shape?

26 Environmental Effects on Enzymes
Temperature* High Temperatures can denature enzymes Denature means lose shape (active site).



29 Environmental Effects on Enzymes
Temperature Low Temperatures cause enzymes to move slowly Decreasing enzyme activity


31 Environmental Effects on Enzymes
2. pH Dramatic changes in the pH of a solution can denature an enzyme Decreasing enzyme activity

32 Digestion Nerves Digestion Papaya’s

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