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Wave Energy Kate Riley Energy Alternatives Spring 2007.

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1 Wave Energy Kate Riley Energy Alternatives Spring 2007

2 Physical Properties of Waves  Waves are created by wind passing over large bodies of water.  Waves are measured by their: Height (H) Height (H) Wavelength(λ) Wavelength(λ) Frequency (v) Frequency (v) Period (T) Period (T)

3 Development of Wave Energy  North Atlantic has highest potential  Most development along European coast  Estimated 30GW-80GW in UK alone  Worldwide estimates 2 TW or 17,500TWh/yr

4 Development of Wave Technology  Leaders in researching and investing in wave technology: UK UK Norway Norway Japan Japan Rep. of Ireland Rep. of Ireland Australia Australia Indonesia Indonesia

5 What does it take?  High average wave energy  Persistent waves  Deep water close to shore (decreases frictional energy loss)  Small tidal range (<1m)  Conducive natural coastline

6 Does Belize have what it takes?  There is currently no wave technology operating or being researched in Central America  Belize is a poor candidate in spite of having an extensive coastline  Coastline is sheltered by reef and islands  Shallow water is not ideal

7 Devices are classified by two criteria: Location: fixed to seabed floating offshore tethered …and Orientation: terminatorsattenuators point absorbers

8 Oscillating Water Column (OWC) 1. An artificial gully is constructed 2. Water acts as a column, rising and falling with the waves 3. This draws water in and out of the top chamber and acts as a piston to drive the turbine

9 Tapered Channel (TAPCHAN) 1. Waves are funneled into a tapered channel 2. Their height increases until they spill into an elevated reservoir 3. Water turns turbine as it is returned down the gradient into the ocean

10 Wells Turbine  Self-rectifying: can accept airflow in either direction  Similar to horizontal- axis wind turbines  Eliminates need for gearbox because of increased speed potential (increases energy captured)

11 The Ups…  Very small environmental impact No chemical or noise pollutionNo chemical or noise pollution Low visibilityLow visibility Do not interfere with migrating fishDo not interfere with migrating fish Can create a haven for marine lifeCan create a haven for marine life  Small impact on shipping and marine industries  Floating devices will not impact coastal environment

12 …and the Downs  May alter coastline and concrete structures must be removed at end of operation  Insignificant amounts of greenhouse gases released  Intermittent resource  Expensive to install and maintain  Damage is frequent due to violent storms  Cables from offshore devices to transmit energy are needed

13 Is it worth the trouble?  So far most wave technology is theoretical or in the experimental stage  Main costs= installation and maintenance  Devices with high durability and few moving parts are best

14 ¿Preguntas?

15 Sources  Boylr, Godfrey. Renewable Energy, Power for a Sustainable Future. London, UK. Oxford University Press. 2004   02/RE_info/wave%20power.htm 02/RE_info/wave%20power.htm 02/RE_info/wave%20power.htm  und/Wave/TAPCHAN.jpg und/Wave/TAPCHAN.jpg und/Wave/TAPCHAN.jpg  df df df Other Images:  ,1.jpg,1.jpg 

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