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Religious Diversity in the Southwest of Salt Lake City Ashley Bohne, Samuel Strong, Mario Nava, Brian Burton.

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Presentation on theme: "Religious Diversity in the Southwest of Salt Lake City Ashley Bohne, Samuel Strong, Mario Nava, Brian Burton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religious Diversity in the Southwest of Salt Lake City Ashley Bohne, Samuel Strong, Mario Nava, Brian Burton

2 Religious Diversity in Utah What do you think it means to have religious diversity community? ● The definition of diversity means “the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.”. Utah is known for the dominant LDS religion,which is the most obvious and most present. But hopefully after this assignment we could all be more aware of the different religions in the state. How our group coordinated the project and the objectives. ● We chose the SLCC Jordan Campus as the middle point then went 5 miles on all directions and divided the area into quadrants. ● Each individual accomplished the following objectives for their specific quadrant. o First, scope out an area for the any religious establishments. o Second, research one of the establishments. o Third, compare the chosen establishment with the US statistics.

3 Shadow Mountain Church ● The only Evangelical Christian church in the West Jordan area, and within 4 miles. ● Their mission statement: “ We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ who are fully committed to living the great commandment and the great commission every single day.” [3] ● Total Membership:250 people ● Year of Establishment: 2003 ● Why the chose this location: It was what that could afford. They hope to move to a move centralized location.

4 Shadow Mountain Core Beliefs and Values The Bible: We believe the Bible to be inspired and infallible and as such, the supreme authority in faith and life. God: We believe that there is one God, Who eternally exists in three persons - Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a sinless and perfect life, and by offering Himself on the cross, paid the penalty for man's sin. He rose on the third day, and all who receive him by faith alone are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby recognized as children of God. Heaven & Hell: We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved to the resurrection of eternal life and they that are lost to the resurrection of condemnation and eternal separation from God. Baptism: We believe that baptism by immersion is an outward sign of an inward reality demonstrating that a person has a new life in Jesus Christ and the recognition of the living presence of the Holy Spirit Purpose Of Life: We believe that our purpose for living is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. [4]

5 Evangelical Christian Churches in the U.S ● There are about 2,154,000 evangelical/born again Christians in America as of 2008. ● This number reflects an almost two-fold increase in the number of evangelical/born-again Christians since 2001.

6 Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah In essence the temple was built to help all Hindu’s in Utah worship, and to help the general public learn about all aspects of Hinduism In 1993 the temple concept was initiated In 2003 the Temple was finally consecrated for Lord Ganesha

7 Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah ● More than 800 Hindu Temples in the US ● Sri Ganesha temple is Special ● According to the 2004 Utah Census there was 9936 Asian Indians in Utah, not all Hindu ● The Temple was still built so the small number could worship ● Utah population in 2004 was 2,401,580 (see php?f=0&fips=49&year=2004 ) php?f=0&fips=49&year=2004 ● Simple estimation for 2004 9936/2401580 = 0.4% Utah population as Hindu’s ● According to Pewforum 0.4% of the US is Hindu, so Utah keeps in line with the National Stats

8 Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness ● Jehovah’s Witness honor Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things ● Some beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses set this religion apart from other Christian Denominations, limiting the number of people who will go to heaven to 144,000. ● Denying the Trinity doctrine and rejecting the traditional Latin Cross.

9 Jehovah’s Witness Beliefs God: God's name is Jehovah, and he is the only "true God." Heaven, Hell: Heaven is an other worldly kingdom, the dwelling place of Jehovah. Hell is mankind's "common grave," not a place of torment. All the condemned will be annihilated. Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit, when mentioned in the Bible, is a force of Jehovah, and not a separate Person in the Godhead, according to Witness teachings. The religion denies the concept of three Holy Spirit Jesus Christ: Christ is God's son and is "inferior" to him. Jesus was the first of God's creations. Christ's death was sufficient payment for sin, and he rose as an immortal spirit being, not as the God-man. Jesus Salvation: Only 144,000 people will go to heaven, as cited in Revelation 7:14. The rest of saved humanity will live forever on a restored earth. Trinity: Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs reject the Trinity. Witnesses hold that only Jehovah is God, that Jesus was created by Jehovah and is inferior to him Trinity Baptism: teach that Baptism by total immersion is a symbol of dedicating one's life to God. Bible: The Bible is God's Word and is truth, more reliable than tradition. Jehovah's Witnesses use the New World Translation of the Scriptures. Communion: Jehovah's Witnesses (The Watchtower Society) observe the "Lord's Evening Meal" as a memorial to Jehovah's love and to Christ's redemptive sacrifice. Contributions: All giving is voluntary. Cross: state that the cross is a pagan symbol and should not be displayed or used in worship. Witnesses believe Jesus died on a punishment stake, not a cross. Equality: All Witnesses are ministers. There is no special clergy class. The religion does not discriminate based on race; however, Witnesses believe homosexuality is wrong. homosexuality Evangelism: Witnesses are best known for going door to door, but they also publish and distribute millions of copies of printed material every year. door to door

10 U.S. Jehovah's Witness Publisher Statistics

11 Southside Church of Christ ● The original Church was founded on Sunday, October 1982. ● Brother William Stephens agreed to become the first minister of the Church. ● They believe and follow the Bible as close as they can. ● Primarily use the New International Version of the Bible ●Congregation of 350 People. 250 Active ●Have 2 Missionaries in Croatia and 2 in Africa. ●Preach both in English and Spanish ●Teach Preschool on weekdays.

12 Southside Church of Christ in the US ●Membership in the Church is heaviest in the Southern States. ●There are more than 15,000 individual Churches. ●There are more than 7000 men that preach publicly for the Church.

13 Quadrant 1 Map

14 Quadrant 2 Map

15 Quadrant 3 Map 1 - LDS Church 2 - LDS Church 3 -LDS Church 4 -LDS Church 5 -LDS Church 6-LDS Church 7-LDS Temple 8-LDS Church 9-LDS Church 10-LDS Church 11-LDS Church 12-LDS Church 13-LDS Church 14-LDS Church 15-LDS Church 16- Shawdow Mountain Church 17-LDS Church 18-LDS Church 19-LDS Church 20-LDS Church

16 Quadrant 4 Map

17 Comparing Our Data to Nat’l Stats Our Data: LDS= 150 Locations Catholics= 3 Locations Lutherans= 2 Locations Baptists= 8 Locations Jehovah’s Witnesses: 2 Locations Community Churches: 6 Locations National Stats: LDS= 13,977 Locations Catholics= 17,483 Locations Lutherans = 11,000+ Locations Baptists = 1,308,054 Locations Jehovah’s Witnesses = 15252 Locations Community Churches = 35000+ Locations

18 How does Utah Compare to National Landscape? ● When it comes to the bigger religions/beliefs Utah does not follow the National stats ● For smaller religions/churches they are closer to the same ● For the US as a whole the Tradition with the largest percentage of Americans is the Evangelical Protestants, but that is only the 3rd largest group in Utah ● The Latter-Day Saints are the Largest religious group in Utah, comprising more than half of Utah’s population

19 Conclusion What we knew from the beginning: ● The LDS religion was the prominent church in Utah. What we found out along the way: ● There are actually a lot of different religion that have found a home in Utah, simply because we are collectively a very religious state. How we think differently from this new information: ● We now have a better understanding of the religious landscape in our neighborhood and are each more educated on a religion that differs from our own.

20 Sources (Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah mission statement) (Picture of Sri Ganesha Hindu Temple of Utah, from Google Images) (Utah Percentages from ( Shawdow Mountain Misssion Statment) (Shadow Mountain Core Beliefs) (Gallery) (Evangelical numbers in US) (Chart of Evangelical) (Evangelical Beliefs) (JW core beliefs, picture) (JW U.S. Stats) (JW beliefs) (Religion percentages) (Southside Church of Christ Info) (Southside Chruch of Christ Info) (Southside Church of Christ Stats) (Mormon Stats) (Catholics Stats) (Lutherans Stats) (LDS National Stats) (Catholic National Stats) (Jehovah Witnes) (Lutheran National Stats) (Baptist Location stats)

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