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28 Feb 2000ISAT 3001 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

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1 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3001 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

2 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3002 Bridge Circuits ISAT 300 Spring 1999

3 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3003 Wheatstone Bridge n A circuit designed to measure changes in resistance n In Instrumentation it is used as signal conditioning for strain gages

4 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3004 VsVs R1R1 R2R2 R3R3 R4R4 + - -+ VoVo A B C D

5 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3005 Build a Wheatstone Bridge VsVs + - R2R2 R3R3 V2V2 V3V3

6 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3006 Build A Wheatstone Bridge VsVs + - R2R2 R3R3 V2V2 V3V3 R1R1 R4R4 V1V1 V4V4 VoVo Or Apply Kirchoff’s Voltage Law:

7 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3007 Balancing the Bridge Governing Equation Multiply by a common denominator Simplify

8 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3008 Balance The Bridge The bridge is balanced if the output is zero

9 28 Feb 2000ISAT 3009 If R3 is the RTD, then With some algebra, For RTD circuits we can get R RTD as a function of V o Start with Design with R1=R4, then

10 28 Feb 2000ISAT 30010 RTDs: Characteristics and Applications n Characteristics: u Resistive device, active, linear u Large range: -200 to +850 o C for Platinum u High accuracy:  0.001 o C u Low sensitivity: 0.39 % per o C u Don’t need reference temperature n Applications: u Industries and laboratories where high accuracy of temperature measurements are required.

11 28 Feb 2000ISAT 30011 Thin-Film RTDs Thin-film RTD design is a newer technology and is gaining favor due to lower cost. It is designed to minimize strain on the platinum due to thermal expansion since strain also cause changes in resistance, R =  (L/A).

12 28 Feb 2000ISAT 30012 Calendar-Van Dusen Equation For platinum, the resistance temperature relationship is given by the Calendar-Van Dusen equation: For the U. S. calibration curve,  = 0.003851/°C (U.S. calibration curve, text p 248)

13 28 Feb 2000ISAT 30013 Platinum RTD: R versus T (U.S. Calibration)

14 28 Feb 2000ISAT 30014 RTD’s small resistance change requires n Bridge circuit: u Can detect small resistance changes u If R 1 =R 4, R RTD = R 2 (V s -2V o )/(V s +2V o ) (eq. 9.11) R1R1 R2R2 R RTD R4R4 VoVo VsVs “Supply” Voltage

15 28 Feb 2000ISAT 30015 Circuits Used to Determine the Resistance of an RTD n Two-wire: Non-linear relationship between the measured voltage and the RTD resistance. n Three-wire: Better results. n Four-wire: Resistance is a linear function of the measured voltage.  Four Wire Design

16 28 Feb 2000ISAT 30016 Example: An RTD probe has a resistance of 100  at 0 o C. The Calendar-Van Dusen constants are  = 0.00392,  = 1.49, and  = 0 for T > 0 o C. What will be the resistance at 350 o C. Alternatively, we could use table 9.3 (p248) and obtain R T = 231.89 . (R T =R RTD )

17 28 Feb 2000ISAT 30017 Summary n Thermocouples u Passive, non-linear, increase temperature increase voltages, big temperature range. u Types K and T are common devices. u Need reference temperature n Thermistors u Active, highly non-linear, increase temperature decrease resistance. u Medical use, not available above 300 o C. n RTD’s u Requires a Bridge, Linear by nature. u High accuracy, use in industry & laboratory. n ALL: time constant of a first order system

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