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REDCap Overview Institute for Clinical and Translational Science Heath Davis Fred McClurg Brian Finley.

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Presentation on theme: "REDCap Overview Institute for Clinical and Translational Science Heath Davis Fred McClurg Brian Finley."— Presentation transcript:

1 REDCap Overview Institute for Clinical and Translational Science Heath Davis Fred McClurg Brian Finley

2 What is REDCap? (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a web-based application used to create and manage databases and surveys in order to support data capture for research studies. (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a web based application used to create and manage databases and surveys in order to support data capture for research studies.

3 What is REDCap? 3 Modes Survey Intended for a subject or participant Can be anonymous Data Capture Intended for a research team member or collaborator Survey + Data capture combined

4 Who can use REDCap? Any University of Iowa investigator or research team can use REDCap. People use REDCap by logging into Video training modules are available here: p?action=training p?action=training

5 Why are people choosing REDCap over Excel and Access? Access is authenticated Using University of Iowa LDAP hawkId and password Secure hosting and regular data backups Data backups, software grades, and system maintenance are handled automatically by ICTS More on security shortly Allows multi site access research teams can input data simultaneously, from across the hall or across the country

6 Why are people choosing REDCap over Excel and Access? Research teams can quickly develop databases Any user can login and start a project Research teams have autonomy Creating a new database or survey Assigning user permissions and roles This should be in accordance with what is submitted to the IRB Granting rights for data import and export

7 REDCap Features Form creation and data entry are easy in the web interface



10 REDCap Features Classic Data collection Form(s) are intended to be used for 1 time period (ask the questions once) Longitudinal A form can be used for multiple time periods Vitals at visit 1, 30 days, 60 days Better for consistency, only make an update once Calendar for subject visits

11 REDCap Features Researchers can make modifications to their database at any time during the study In draft mode In production mode Questions using branching logic and calculated fields are supported Researchers can copy databases Researchers can clear all data from a database

12 REDCap Features Identified data Research teams can easily mark identified data in the interface and create access limits on those fields that include identifying information


14 REDCap Features Researchers choose what people and groups have access to: Data export, both identified and de- identified Data export & import capability User rights management View reports View logging Data comparison


16 REDCap Features Reports can be: generated on the fly Any field can be included on a report saved and used over and over within the interface limited to certain users


18 REDCap Features File Repository Placing a project in production file repository automatically snapshots your data dictionary with each production change Other project-specific files can be stored here E.g. consent form template, SOP Files can be securely shared with project members and non project members Via email and a token.

19 REDCap Features Graphics Data View & Stats

20 REDCap Features Data Comparison Tool Used to compare two records in a project Data Quality Tool Missing Values Validation Errors (incorrect or out of range) Outliers Hidden fields with values Multiple choice fields with invalid data

21 REDCap Features Double Data Entry Intended for 2 persons entering data from a form Each are independent DDE1 and DDE2 roles are assigned to 2 different people A reviewer reconciles Reviewer role is assigned to a third person (need an admin to enable)

22 REDCap Features Parent Databases Allows for a parent database with things such as contact information and demographics information Parents can have many children Child databases Child databases inherit information from parent databases Children have only 1 parent (need an admin to enable)

23 REDCap Features API For web developers wanting to use REDCap Allows external applications to connect to REDCap Used to retrieve or modify data and settings in REDCap e.g. data exports and data imports (need an admin to enable)

24 REDCap Features Researchers can export data to a variety of statistical analysis packages (SPSS, SAS, Stata, R or Excel) Researchers can grant or restrict access to export data for analysis Data exports are customizable, including all or some of the data forms and fields Exports can include identified or only de- identified data depending on user and group rights


26 REDCap Features Data logging provides information about who has changed the instrument who has changed the data who has accessed data when these events occurred


28 REDCap System Security (This is what the IRB will want to know) Physical Security Primary Data – HCIS Pomerantz Data Center Data backups – ITS Lindquist Data Center Operating System Security HawkID-Based Logins Data Encrypted at Rest Remote System Logging Configuration and Change Management

29 REDCap Data Backups Backups are always At rest --This means even the system admins who have access to the hard drive are unable to read On the fly – this means if someone where listening to network transmission they would be unable to decipher the information Copies of data replicated to remote data center every 15 minutes 100+ point in time copies of data available at any time Disaster recovery strategy has been tested without data loss

30 Reminder Hands on training tomorrow Newsletter Wiki Page: y/ICTSit/REDCap+Newsletter y/ICTSit/REDCap+Newsletter REDCap Documentation: y/ICTSit/REDCap y/ICTSit/REDCap

31 Questions?

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