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Simile.  A simile is:  A comparison of two unlike people or things using the words like or as.  Similes often contain exaggeration.

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Presentation on theme: "Simile.  A simile is:  A comparison of two unlike people or things using the words like or as.  Similes often contain exaggeration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simile

2  A simile is:  A comparison of two unlike people or things using the words like or as.  Similes often contain exaggeration.

3 John is as strong as a bull. What is being compared?  John—bull  What is the meaning? John must be really strong in order to be compared to something so big and powerful.

4 Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re going to get.  What is being compared? Life—box of chocolates  What is the meaning? Life can be unpredictable.

5 Mary is like a human calculator.  What is being compared? Mary—calculator  What does it mean? Mary must have great math skills if she is being compared to a calculator.

6 Metaphor  A metaphor is  A situation (generally in literature) where the unfamiliar is expressed in terms of the familiar.

7 Why do we use metaphors? Tranquility Time slides a gentle ocean waves upon waves, washing the shore, loving the shore. Can you picture the ocean? Can you feel the slow rhythm of the waves? Can you feel the calmness and tranquility? Do you understand the term ‘tranquility’ better now? *Metaphors help us to understand difficult terms or topics.

8 My brother was boiling mad.  What does it imply or mean?  A person cannot, literally, boil. It is to show how hot his temper was and that he is very, very angry.

9 It’s raining men.  What does this imply or mean?  Men do not literally pour from the sky, there is just an abundance of suitors at the time.

10 The assignment was a breeze.  What does this imply or mean?  An assignment is not, literally, a breeze or wind. It simply implies that the assignment was easy, or light.

11 Life is a journey.  What does this imply or mean?  In life there are always going to be ups and downs, challenges, good times and bad times...just like a journey.

12 Analogy  A literal comparison between two things that have some features that are the same and others that are different.  Many analogies are similes and some are metaphors!

13 Analogies: Unlock the meaning!  They went together like peanut butter and jelly.  Meaning: Peanut butter and jelly are a common and favorite thing for people to eat, going together really well. Therefore, they are good companions, friends, and work well together.

14 Hyperbole  A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect.

15 I could sleep for a year.  No, they would not actually sleep for a year, but it emphasizes how tired they feel.

16 This book weighs a ton!  No, the book does not, literally, weigh a ton. This just emphasizes that the book is really, really heavy.

17 What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?  Life is a journey.  Life is like a journey.  Life is as eventful as a journey.  **Which is which? How do you know?

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