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UW Extension Horse Hay Marketing Program 2007 Buyers Survey Buyers Survey Keith VanderVelde UW Extension Marquette County 480 Underwood Ave. Montello,

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Presentation on theme: "UW Extension Horse Hay Marketing Program 2007 Buyers Survey Buyers Survey Keith VanderVelde UW Extension Marquette County 480 Underwood Ave. Montello,"— Presentation transcript:

1 UW Extension Horse Hay Marketing Program 2007 Buyers Survey Buyers Survey Keith VanderVelde UW Extension Marquette County 480 Underwood Ave. Montello, WI 53949 608-297-9153 ext #4

2 Horse Hay Marketing Program Phone Calls to Seven Stables in Wisconsin & Illinois  Questions Asked Related to Hay Buying and Feeding  Most had similar concerns  Feed 350 horses hay each year-limited pasture land due to high land cost  Ninety percent of the horses are boarded for other owners  Board rates ranged from $350-$750 per month  Hay was a major part of most horses diets  Most stables averaged 20-25 lbs of hay per head per day or 9,200 lbs per year (4.6 ton per year/horse)

3 Horse Hay Marketing Program Buyers Survey Top Ranked Issues:  Forage Quality/Safety Concerned about horse health and liability issues Concerned about horse health and liability issues  Forage Uniformity and Consistency Want to feed hay and grain at constant levels with no changes Want to feed hay and grain at constant levels with no changes  Size of Bales Prefer small squares weighing 45 lbs (1/2 bale per horse) Prefer small squares weighing 45 lbs (1/2 bale per horse) Several stables big squares ok if they have tractor/loader Several stables big squares ok if they have tractor/loader Round bales only used for rough board (outside penned) Round bales only used for rough board (outside penned)  Regular Delivery with Dependable Timing Cannot run out or get down to 3-4 day supply in winter Cannot run out or get down to 3-4 day supply in winter

4 Horse Hay Marketing Program Buyers Survey Top Ranked Issues :  Price-least important-at $4 per bale the hay cost per month is only $60 per month ($4/2 x 30 days=$60). Hay cost per horse per year is $720. Hay in 45 lb bales at $4 per bale is selling for $177 per ton. At 4 tons per acre the gross sales are $711 per acre.  Stables spend more on Insurance and Hired labor  Clients want horses to receive the best hay based on color and texture  Stables want hay that does not cause colic, heaving, or coughing  Stables strive to minimize situations that involve calling veterinarians.

5 Horse Hay Marketing Program Getting the Business 1. Have the right product 1. Grass/legume mix in small square bales 2. Bright green color-no rain damage 3. Store inside or sell direct from field 4. Have a forage analysis available 5. Give some feeding recommendations for the hay

6 Horse Hay Marketing Program Getting the Business 1. Distinguish Your Business: 1. Business Stationary 2. Hay related Invoices 3. Produce Tags that go on each Delivery 4. Deliver in Clean trucks and trailers 5. Have good signage on trucks-name, phone, e-mail, website, product 6. Wear clean clothes-cowboy hat and boots create positive impression 7. Take time to visit with owner or manager of stable 8. Treat the help with Respect

7 Horse Hay Marketing Program Getting the Business 1. How Big is the Business: 1. American Horse Council Estimates the U.S. Has 10 million horses 1.Exceeds the 9.1 million dairy cows 2.For each horse there are 3 beef cows 2. There are 2 million horse Owners in U.S. 3. 35% earn less than $50,000 4. 28% earn more than $100,000 5. 70 % live in towns with less than 50,000 residents

8 Horse Hay Marketing Program Getting the Business 1. Know the Clients: 1. Horse owners spend on horses not Harleys or Boats 2. Horse industry is a discretionary income industry 3. Horses often fall into the pet or companion animal category

9 Horse Hay Marketing Program Getting the Business 1. Category of Owners: 1. Professional Owners and Trainers 1.Racetracks, training facilities, ranches, breeding farms 2.Rely heavily on quality feed products 2. Competitive Riders 1.Compete in various horse related events/shows 2.Interested in performance of feed products and price 3. Recreational Riders and Owners 1.Trail riders 2.Interested in performance, price and availability 4. Caretakers 1.Own Pasture Pets 2.Focus on price and convenience

10 Horse Hay Marketing Program Getting the Business 1. Questions to Ask Before Entering the Market 1. What is My Product? 1.Must be Quality Grass/Legume Mix 2. Who is My Customer? 1.Figure out customer needs: bale size and quantities 3. Where Can I Sell: 1.Direct to Client 2.Direct to Feed Store or Hay Broker 4. How am I Going to Get Hay to Customer? 1.Logistics 2.Store and Unloading-enough space for semi-load

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