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What causes cancer?. Cancer – Basic information  There are over 200 types of cancer!  There are many different ways to get cancer, not just hereditary.

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1 What causes cancer?

2 Cancer – Basic information  There are over 200 types of cancer!  There are many different ways to get cancer, not just hereditary like a lot of people think.  Most people don’t just get cancer, there is usually other problems that caused it.

3 Age  A lot of types of cancer become more common as we get older.  The longer we live, the more time there is to make “Genetic Mistakes”.  As you get old your cells change so much that they could become cancerous.  They could also be cancerous but it takes longer for them to develop.

4 Immune System  If you have problems with your immune system you are more likely to get some sort of cancer, Doesn't mean you will though.  Some examples of immune system problems are AIDs/HIVs, rare medical syndromes, certain viruses.  The types of cancers that goes along with the immune system are liver, stomach, and cervical cancer.

5 Bodyweight  Maintaining a healthy bodyweight, more physical activity, and a healthier diet can lesson the chances of you getting a certain type of cancer.  In the UK scientists say if you follow those 3 “rules” every 1 of 3 deaths would not occur.

6 Day to Day Environment  You can get cancer from things you can not even prevent like 2 nd hand smoke.  Some more common examples of this is Tabaco (smoke), the sun, natural and man made radiation.  There are MANY more example, some of these are even avoidable and some aren’t.

7 What is Carcinogen?  It means “something that causes cancer.  Carcinogens damage the DNA, causing problems in genes that can lead to cancer.  Examples of this are Tobacco, air pollution, the sun, harmful gases.  Carcinogen is only a contributing factor, there are many other reasons to how cancer is formed.

8 DNA mutation (Physical)  These include radiation, ultraviolet light and mineral fibers like asbestos fiber, which causes mesothelioma.  Sources of radiation may include x-rays, cosmic rays, and indirectly from radon gas.

9 DNA mutation (Chemical)  Chemical mutation is caused by binding and chemical interaction of a chemical substance to the DNA.  This binding may cause damage to DNA or may simply cause the genetic code to be misread.  Examples: benzopyrene (found in cigarette smoke) and vinyl chloride (found in the plastics industry), and hetrocyclic amines (found in over-cooked food).

10 DNA mutation (Biological)  Includes viruses and bacteria.  Viruses has many different ways to make a cell cancerous, not just one.  Most donate their DNA to the host cell and cause problems in the genetic code. Which will eventually lead to cancer.  Examples of these are human papilloma virus, T-cell lymphocytic virus, hepatitis B virus,

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