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Nyle Robinson Deputy Manager Aging Home & Community Services.

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1 Nyle Robinson Deputy Manager Aging Home & Community Services

2  NOTE: CMS has not yet formally approved the plan & funding must be approved by the legislature  No Wrong Door Data System Design  Data system development to link systems & facilitate appropriate referrals  Under the Framework  Will help move Framework forward with additional larger advantages to service delivery  Core Assessment Tools/UAT  Purchase, implementation & maintenance of both intake (Level 1) & assessment (Level 2) processes  Integrate into a uniform data system  Train people who will use both intake & assessment

3  Advertising Plan  Direct Marketing- brochures, info. materials, promotional letters  Association Relationships (Service Providers, MCOs, Healthcare Providers, Discharge Planners, Advocates, Related Business, etc)- newsletters and presentations  Event Marketing and Cross Promotions  News and Feature Releases  Web Coordination and Promos  Radio/TV/Print  Social Media  Central Toll-Free Hotline  Single entry line for LTC Services  Majority of those seeking services will be 60 & up  Aging Helpline anticipated to be central call center  Calls may also go to other lines to speed response

4  ADRC Branding & Strengthening (Aging)  Aging & Disability Resource Center/Network  Intended to include all disability groups/services  Only Aging services are always included  All 13 areas have been different, need some uniformity or at least standards  Need to include the array of disability groups/services  Intended to help services work better together  Extend Options Counseling principles wider & deeper  Front-End Analysis & Improvement (Aging)  Avoiding placements more efficient & effective than reintegration later, prevention/early intervention  Illinois’ higher use of institutional care starts at the front door  Assumes we can increase deflection from placements & decrease the duration of many placements  Funds to pilot different approaches to increase deflections  Training for individuals who influence LTC placement decisions

5  Home & Comm. Ombudsman Program (Aging)  HB 1191 allowed for coverage of waiver participants subject to funding  BIP funding will provide this, quality improvement  Central Toll-Free Hotline (Aging)  See Overarching  HSP Reintegration Expansion to Cover Persons 60 & Over (DRS)  MFP recently expanded to cover Brain Injury & AIDS individuals of any age  Also want to cover individuals 60 & over with <29 points  BIP will improve supports, assure DRS does not have to restrict services to help these individuals  Employment 1 st (DDD/DRS)  Covered under DD, participation of DRS anticipated  Expanded DMH MFP Coverage (DMH)  Covered under MH

6  Employment First  Develop & implement a plan to review service options & enhance opportunities for individuals with DD to find & maintain meaningful employment in integrated settings at no less than minimum wage  Phase 1 - Work with consultants & stakeholders to define types of opportunities to promote, identify provider qualifications, review current rate structure, establish benchmarks  Phase 2 - obtain services to assist 200 individuals in accessing supported & competitive employment & establish procedural guide & other materials for use by providers throughout the system in supporting additional individuals in the future  NOTE: Anticipate a companion project for DRS customers

7  Capacity Expansion  Expand DD waiver capacity to an additional 500 individuals on the waiting list in the community  Tied to Ligas consent decree  Expansion of Service & Support Teams  Currently 2 teams provide technical assistance to providers in addressing challenging situations involving individuals with behavior & medical issues  2 additional teams will be added to meet the need for supports as the State rebalances toward reliance on community-based services

8  * Expanded DMH MFP Coverage  System currently has geographic gaps  Funds will cover additional areas  About half of SMI in NF are 60 & over  Without a DMH MFP program in an area many individuals have been stuck  PAS/RR System Interface with UAT  Develop interface between PAR/RR Level 1 & Level 2 screening & the UAT tool system  In-Home Recovery Support  Enhancement to the MH Rule 132 Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) & Community Support Team (CST) services  Primarily for Williams class members/not MFP eligible  Goal is to prevent returns to facilities

9  Peer Support in Drop-in Centers  A place where persons transitioned back to the community can engage peers who have done so successfully, offer support & hope  Dual Diagnosis Residential Treatment  Special services necessary to facilitate transition individuals with both mental illness & substance abuse  Orientation & support in Wellness Recovery Action Plan development, relapse prevention, access to self-help groups

10  Enhanced Skills training & Assistance  Assistance & skills training for individuals requiring a habilitation level of intervention to acquire basic skills for safe & successful independent apartment living  Primarily for Williams class members/not MFP eligible  Bi-directional Integrated health Care for Complex Needs  Coordination of behavioral & primary health care & illness management/self management to ensure the needs of those with SMI or dual SMI/SA with complex medical needs are met  Primarily for Williams class members/not MFP eligible

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