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¿Cómo eres? How are you? (Describe yourself) (Informal/Familiar)

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Presentation on theme: "¿Cómo eres? How are you? (Describe yourself) (Informal/Familiar)"— Presentation transcript:



3 ¿Cómo eres?

4 How are you? (Describe yourself) (Informal/Familiar)

5 aburrido/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

6 boring

7 alto/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

8 tall

9 ambicioso/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

10 ambitious

11 artístico/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

12 artistic

13 atlético/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

14 athletic

15 bajo/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

16 short

17 bonito/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

18 pretty

19 bueno/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

20 good

21 callado/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

22 quiet

23 calvo/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

24 bald

25 castaño/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

26 brown(hair)

27 cómico/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

28 funny

29 creativo/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

30 creative

31 delgado Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

32 thin

33 desorganizado/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

34 disorganized

35 divertido/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

36 fun, enjoyable

37 estudioso/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

38 studious

39 extrovertido/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

40 outgoing

41 feo/a ugly Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

42 ugly

43 fuerte strong Adjective: A word that describes a noun. E ending refers to both masculine and feminine nouns. Add an S to make the word plural.

44 strong

45 gordo/a fat Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

46 fat

47 grande Adjective: A word that describes a noun. E ending refers to both masculine and feminine nouns. Add an S to make the word plural.

48 big/large/great

49 guapo/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

50 handsome

51 inteligente Adjective: A word that describes a noun. E ending refers to both masculine and feminine nouns. Add an S to make the word plural.

52 intelligent

53 interesante Adjective: A word that describes a noun. E ending refers to both masculine and feminine nouns. Add an S to make the word plural.

54 interesante

55 joven Adjective: A word that describes a noun. Consonant endings refer to both masculin and feminine nouns. Add an ES to make the word plural.

56 young

57 largo/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

58 long

59 listo/a Adjective: A word that describes a noun. O ending refers to a masculine noun. A ending refers to a feminine noun. Add an S to make the word plural.

60 ready, smart

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