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How do Peruvian people dye alpaca and sheep wool?.

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Presentation on theme: "How do Peruvian people dye alpaca and sheep wool?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Peruvian people dye alpaca and sheep wool?

2 1.- Washing the wool Obtained from the shearing. Wash it thoroughly with hot water, extracting all organic moieties that are adhering to it along the life of the sheep. Then rinse with cold water.

3 2.-Drying of wool . The washed wool is left on a flat style, especially outdoors or near the heat of the stove or fireplace.

4 3.- Wool Escarmenado  This work consists of stretch wool sheared fragments, separating the fibers carefully crafted not crossing until they acquire a smooth texture and a very light weight. His work consists of stretch wool sheared fragments, separating the fibers carefully crafted not crossing until they acquire a smooth texture and a very light weight.

5 4.-Spun wool  This is done either with a spindle, a traditional instrument, or a spinning wheel, machine craft, and consists of twisting the wool fibers escarmenada thread until a desired thickness.

6 5. – Bolt  Spun wool is collected in the same round with a blade to create a ball, which is washed again with soap to remove all types of waste are still in it. After this washing, is used in its natural color or dyed with the desired color

7 6.-dyedwool  When the dyed wool is dry and the loom is prepared according to the measurements of the garment to be produced, the craft started weaving wool fabric on the loom and huitral or due to their particular experience, weaves the strands and gives rise a unique product.

8 The Natural Dyeing  The process of natural dyeing is based on colors taken from the vegetation and minerals found in nature, as indigenous techniques that have been passed for generations. Hidden in the bark, leaves, roots and sometimes the flowers are colored, after being boiled, penetrate the wool to go no more. That's the advantage of natural dyeing: it is eternal and unique. To dye the wool, it must be boiled for at least one hour chosen plant material, which then allowed soaking. After removing the water, put the wool and boil for twenty minutes to make it strong color.  Finally the wool is washed thoroughly until water runs clear.  For wool not used to fade the "biting" is the most common rock salt and light, but in ancient Mapuche women used urine and rotten ash or soot remaining on the roof of the rukas. Flower gives the yellow Matico not unlike Michay out, for example. The Notro flowered orange stains. Maqui leaves mixed with flowers are purplish Chilco. For the brown color, for example using the onion skin, or Palo Beard Michay root. The naturally deep red is hard to find now, as scarce tree that provided: The Tineo. 

9 Origin of Color Yellow:  Olive Green:  Dark Green:  Reddish:  Black:  Coffee:  light Brown:  Orange: Gray:  Blue:  Light green:  rose

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