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Peru Part 2. Bellwork: Define Terms Charango—10 stringed mandolin Ocarina— globular flute Bullroarer—idiophone which spins on a string Flageolets—large.

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Presentation on theme: "Peru Part 2. Bellwork: Define Terms Charango—10 stringed mandolin Ocarina— globular flute Bullroarer—idiophone which spins on a string Flageolets—large."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peru Part 2

2 Bellwork: Define Terms Charango—10 stringed mandolin Ocarina— globular flute Bullroarer—idiophone which spins on a string Flageolets—large recorders Kena—notched flute

3 Announcements Test on Peru Thursday March 27 th Reading outline #20 due Tuesday March 25 th No world music 5 th period this Monday March 24 th

4 Outcomes Scholars Will: Grammar: Learn basic facts about Peru Logic: Learn to create a sound on a transverse flute

5 Machu Picchu

6 Migration—Bering Strait

7 Mongoloid peoples are the largest group on earth-a third of the world population.

8 Charango-video

9 Ocarina

10 Bullroarer-video

11 Kena

12 Guided Notes Rattle are filled with quartz pebbles. The gourd is considered a head spirit, the handle represents the neck, the split is the mouth and hair of the spirit is the feathers attached to the rattle. As recently as the 16 th century around 1500 different languages were spoken in South America. Two large migrations of people came from the Bering straight during 2 periods of Wisconsin glaciation, 50,000- 35,000 years ago and 25,000 to 12,000 years ago when a land bridge supporting tundra existed. The word for “sing” is the same as recite or falling into a trance.

13 Flageolet Demonstration

14 Active Listening #3 Pajaro campana What Japanese instrument does this remind you of? Describe a scene or draw a small picture that this music could be the soundtrack for. What meter is this in?

15 Just the facts #3 Pajaro campana Present day harps were brought from (Europe) by Jesuit missionaries during the 17th and 18th centuries. The right hand typically plays the (melody) in octaves and harmonizes it by adding intervals of thirds or sixths while the left hand harmonizes.

16 CFU: Symbolism and Semiotics Yesterday we talked about the magical symbols Peruvian shaman use to cure and harm. What can symbols teach us about the world? Symbolism is the practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an abstract idea. An action, person, place, word, or object can all have a symbolic meaning. In Japanese, the letters themselves symbolically represent their meaning. In China, a simple object can represent many different meanings. For example flowers may suggest a fair lady, love or beauty.

17 Semiotics Semiotics is the study of meaning-making. This includes the study of signs and sign processes likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication. The word itself has a greek root: Sema meaning sign.

18 Semiotics in music When listening to music, we impose our preconceived notions of what the sound is. For example, we just finished studying Hawaii. The steel guitar is used in Hawaii, but also in country music, so—if you are a Hawaiian you will hear the steel guitar according to your own folk music, whereas a country music fan will hear the steel guitar in relation to country songs. My hope is that as you have been listening to all different types of world music and sounds, the meanings you associate with these sounds will grow and expand.

19 What does this symbol mean?

20 How it is represented

21 Star Meanings

22 Guidance-navigation Freedom The cosmos Goals Fame Brightness Shining Wish North star

23 Create a symbol that represents you This must be simple—only one object. List the other definitions this symbol could represent.

24 Guided Notes Bamboo/bark trumpets represent the vegetation demons. Andean Q’eros use microtones in their music. Measured music is connected to dance. Typically, land oriented cultures dance more than water/canoe based cultures. The bird is one of the most important magical animals because it can traverse two worlds—heaven and earth. Many flutes are constructed from bird bones, many rattles adorned by bird feathers, aid of birds requested by the shaman.

25 Bamboo Trumpet

26 The purposes of Chant Chants are a means of: averting impending danger inflicting illness or causing destruction curing illness or relieving pain Conversing with spirits giving thanks casting love spells

27 Shrunken Head

28 Shrunken Head demonstration 1. Remove skull from head by cutting a slit in the back of the neck. 3. Put red seeds under and sew up eyelids 4. Palm pins hold mouth together 5. Head is boiled on a wooden form 6. Head is dried on hot rocks and sand 7. Skin coated in ash

29 Shrunken head meaning Tsantsa=the Andean word for shrunken head. The practice of preparing shrunken heads originally had religious significance; shrinking the head of an enemy was believed to harness the spirit of that enemy and compel him to serve the shrinker. It was said to prevent the soul from avenging his death.

30 CFU: Snowball Create one question from the facts you learned in our class today. Write it on a piece of paper along with your name and then crumple it up and throw it to the front of the room. When you are instructed to, go up and choose one snowball. Open it up and answer the question then turn it in.

31 CFU: How to create sound on a transverse flute. Step 1: Whistle, if you can. Step 2: While whistling hold your finger about an inch away from your mouth and feel how strong and fast that air pressure is. Step 3: Now stop whistling, but keep blowing while opening your mouth wider, sideways, and draw your upper lip tight across your upper teeth. Step 4: With your mouth in this new formation, say “too” just using your tongue and not your lips.

32 Making a sound Try out your new embouchure on your bottle. Experiment with the angle of the bottle in relation to your mouth, roll it around a little until you get a sound. Keep your air stream strong and fast. Try blowing over the hole, not straight down into it.

33 Bottle choir Get in two lines facing each other blue facing yellow. Red forms a third line on the end. Put yourselves in this note order: Yellow: C, Db, Bb Blue: Eb, E, A, B, Everyone try to make a sound again. Now play when I call your note. In Peru, this is how the siku (panpipe) is played—usually at least two people are needed to play a song because each siku only has half the notes.

34 Scale C D b E b E A B b B

35 Bass Line Song A E A E A E

36 Song #1 The Bird Man First say/sing the notes of your song: Eb Eb-----Bb C------Bb-----Db-----C-------Bb------ Eb Bb C Bb Db C-------Bb

37 Song #2 On the Mountain D b E b D b B b D b E b D b B b D b E b D b B B b B b B b

38 Exit Ticket Define semiotics: What is a bullroarer? What is the role of the right hand on the harp? Short answer: How and when did the first inhabitants of South America arrive?

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