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Advocacy on ECED Institute for Human Development, Culture and Environment.

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1 Advocacy on ECED Institute for Human Development, Culture and Environment

2 Territory/Extension: 8.5 million km2 Population Over 180 million Language: Portuguese BRAZIL Children mortality rate (1-5 range) To each 1.000 born: 2000 39 2003 35

3 Brazil and its 5 regions North Northeast Center West Southeast South.. 27 states 5,560 cities

4 Brazilian Education Structure Basic Education Early Childhood Education (0 - 6) Primary and Secundary Education (7 - 14) High School (15 - 18) Higher Education Indigenous education Distance education Special Resources education Adult education Enviromental education

5 RegionPopulationPopulation aged 0 to 6 (b) Percentage (b/a)x100 North12,900,7042,306,48517,9% Northeast47,747,7717,156,17415,0% Southeast72,412,4118,889,07612,3% South25,107,6163,160,30212,6% Center West11,636,7281,619,37613,9% Total169,799,17023,141,41313,9% Resident population and population from 0 to 6 years of age, According to Regions – 2001 Source: IBGE – Demographic Census 2001

6 Region Enrollment (2001) Day CarePré-schoolTotal North57,843363,086420,929 Northeast288,1891,471,6151,759,804 Southeast473,1892,127,2652,600,454 South210,047587,897797,944 Center West64,079268,940333,019 Total1,093,3474,818,8035,912,150 Early childhood education enrollment, according to Regions – 2001 Source: Ministry of Education – Census 2001

7 Type of Services Monthly per capita income expressed in minimum salaries (MS) 0 to ½ MS More than ½ to 1 MS More than 1 to 2 MS More than 2 to 3 MS More than 3 to 5 MS More than 5 TOTAL From birth to 3 years of age Preschool 5,907,1810,5515,1421,8432,519,15 Four to six years of age Preschool 42,4750,4759,5268,9676,2181,4852,00 Primary education 8,338,307,497,437,939,278,14 Total 50,8058,7767,0176,3884,1590,7660,14 From birth to 6 years of age Preschool 22,1326,1632,0539,0446,7854,9728,13 Primary education 3,703,643,293,333,644,253,60 Total 25,8329,8035,3442,5750,4259,2331,74 Brazil: Rates of access to educational services for children from birth To six years of age, according to family income - 1999 Source: IBGE – National haosehold Sample Suervey 2001

8 Early Childhood education Total Number of Teachers Level of Education (%) PrimarySecondary complete College complete completeincomplete Brazil352,7063,26,869,220,8 North26,5684,211,181,03,7 Northeast120,0415,111,276,57,1 Southeast137,0851,42,663,032,9 South49,2173,36,363,127,5 Center West19,7952,14,866,726,4 Percentage of teachers working in early childhood education, according to level of education – Brazil and Regions – 2001 Source: ME/ INEP/ SEEC

9 72% of Brazilian cities have Daycare Centers. 4,815,431 children attend Preschools. 98% of Brazilian cities have Preschools. There are 92,526 Child Education establishments all over the country. Of those, 67% (61,992) belong to the town hall administration and 27% (24,982) to private initiatives 1,09,681 children, from ages 0 to 3 attend Daycare Centers, distributed over 24,014 establishments

10 EDUCATION Daycare (0 - 3 range) 39% have principals with Higher education 32% have educational coordinators with Higher education 8% have teacher with Higher education. PRESCHOOL (4 – 6 range) 38% have Principals with Higher education 35% have educational coordinators with Higher education 27% have teacher with Higher education. 16% Have administration staff with Higher education.

11 .Federal Constitution 1988. Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional 1996(Law n.9394/960. Diretrizes operacionais para a Educação Infantil (CEB 4/00) National Guidelines for infrastructure (physical plant, sanitary facilities, space requirement, food preparation, furnishing and educational supplies). Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Infantil (CEB 1/99). National Curriculum Guidelines. Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a formação de docentes da EI e EF National Guidelines for Teachers Formal education ( high school and college). National Education Plan 1998-2008. Ambicious goal for ECED A chievements

12 1.To act under ethic, political and esthetic principles argued by the hole staff a)Ethic principles of autonomy, responsibility, solidarity and respect to the common good b)Political principles of rights and duties for citizenship, of the exercising of critics and the respect for democratic order c) Esthetic principles of sensibility, creativity, ludicity, of the quality and diversity of both artistic and cultural manifestations Curricular Guidelines ECE 2. Recognize, respect and strength the identity of all evolved, including families. 3. Educate and care for the child, as a whole being, complete and indivisible. 4. Articulate and integrate knowledge, in a pleasurable way, in permanent contact with the family and community, having the dialogue and the interaction as axis to the pedagogical work. 5. Evaluate the evolution of the child and record their progress.

13 6. Invest on a professionalizing education for the ones who deal with elementary education. 7. To perfect all process of management and the exercise of educational leadership at the School, having the best quality of Elementary education in mind. Curricular Guideline ECE

14 CHILD What ? When ? Why ? Who? How ? Where? Space Learning experiences / curriculum Plan, Evaluate and keep records Goals Management, monitoring and evaluation Family Partnership and the connection with the community Opportunity Equality Relations and interactions Organizing the technical staff Teaching and learning strategies Quality Indicators

15 The child has rights Criteria for a minimum standard services 1. Our children have the right to be in contact with nature. 2. Our children have the right to a safe and stimulating environment. 3. Our children have the right to individual attention. 4. Our children have the right to play. 5. Our children have the right to hygiene and health. 6. Our children have the right to a healthy nutrition. 7. Our children have the right to develop their curiosity, imagination and the ability to express their self. 8. Our children have the right to move with in large spaces. 9. Our children have the right to develop their cultural, religious and ethnic identities. 10. Our children have the right to express their feelings. 11. Our children have the right to protection, affection, and friendship. 12. Our children have the right to a special attention during their period of integration to the school. Ministry of Education 1993

16 Advocacy on ECE: a small view Pastoral da Criança (Child Pastoral) Is a social action agency operated by National Conference of Brazilians Bishops and founded in the early 1980. All activities are comunity and family-based, and comunity leaders are trained to mobilize families to combat child mortality and provide the quality of their lives. The function of the leaders is to monitor pregnant womem and poor children up to age 6 and to teach mothers and other family memberss about hygienics, nutrition and education, giving particular emphasis to nutritional surveillance and an overall child development. Working in process : rural and urban areas Partners: Unicef and Catholic Church

17 ANDI is a non-profit social organization, funded in 1992, with its headquarters located at Brasília. Its intent is to invest on the creation of a journalistic culture that investigates matters related to the socially excluded Brazilian child universe, trough the observance of their rights. ANDI articulates with the media offering “news subjects” suggestions – denunciations and well succeeded social experiences – also researching facts, characters and identifying studies, statistics relevant to the defense of children rights. ANDI also promotes seminars and workshops, making available, trough its website, several information. ANDI

18 The Network initiated its work promoting strategies a work-methods developed by ANDI trough out the years. And so, became a partnership between communication organizations that act promoting child rights all over brazil Its objectives are: a)To consolidated a journalistic culture that gives priority to the covering of matters that contribute for the promotion and defense of children rights; b) To contribute for the development of a culture, among institutions and professionals, that values the ethic and the systematic dialogue with journalists for the development of permanent communication actions c) Support the education of university students to act as communication and social mobilization agents. ANDIs WORK ANDI Brasil Network

19 · Boletim Semanal Priotidade Absoluta (Absolute Priority Weekly Report) · Clipping "A Criança e o Adolescente na Mídia"; (Children on the Media)· Regional researching "A Criança e o Adolescente na Mídia"; (Children on the Media) “ Citizenship under six! “ Published to the jornalist · Bancos de Fontes ANDI e Rede ANDI.(Resource Database)Bancos de Fontes Some products of ANDI Brasil Network ANDI Brasil Network Participants

20 Its work is based on ANDIs methodology, using communication for social development. Just as ANDI is a news agency that, rather than producing news, mobilize and promotes the education of journalists, monitors media, news subjects that relates to strategic themes, organize resources and data; the agencies of ANDI Latin America Network will do the same in its. The Network encourages a collective work around a common agenda, the promotion of children social rights on the coverage that is made by the media trough all Latin America ANDI Latin America Network

21 Undime is a organization that has under its responsibilities the management of one of the most important sectors of citizenship promotion. Undime work is focused on municipalities, on communities, transforming local actions and articulating it with national issues. Undime is a national organization that congregates cities education secretaries (27) Funded in October of 1986 has its headquarters at Brasilia, from where the organization manages the actions off its affiliates and partners network, highlighting issues concerning the development of educational policies. UNDIME National union on municipality education managment

22 . Education secretaries are able to create exchange networks. Promotes its achievements and encourages the participation of different sectors of society in the educational process.. Develops education and training activities for cities leaders, having as goal a better public education.. In order to give its contribution to the analysis and proposal of solutions for the education, Undime indicates a representative for the National Education Council, an auxiliary to the Minister of Education. UNDIMEs WORK Major goal for 2005-2007 Early Childhood Education Day care and preschool

23 Trough out the country, OMEP BRASIL works trough partnerships with public and private organizations, having as a the goal the education of the professional that works with small children. Its work has been very important mobilizing political and civil influences on the behalf of children rights. A OMEP was funded in 1948. Four years later Brazilian educators participated at a OMEP Congress in Mexico bringing the idea back to their country

24 OMEP's objective is to use every possible means to promote the optimum conditions for the well-being of all children, their development and happiness within their families, institutions, and society. To this end, OMEP assists any undertaking to improve early childhood education, and supports scientific research that can influence these conditions. OMEP also works to educate its members and the public about issues relating to young children throughout the world.

25 Trough out the country, OMEP BRASIL works trough partnerships with public and private organizations, having as a the goal the educaction of the professional that works with small children. Its work has been very important mobilizing political and civil influences on the behalf of children rights. A OMEP was funded in 1948. Four years later Brazilian educators participated at a OMEP Congress in Mexico bringing the idea back to their country

26 Abrinq is the organization ' becomes friends of the child', without lucrative ends, that was born in 1990, year of the promulgation of the Child's Statute and of the Adolescent. Mission To promote the defense of the rights and the exercise of the child's citizenship and of the adolescent. Performance. in the popularization of the children's rights, getting the attention of the society for the most urgent subjects; - in the political articulation, close to the governments municipal, state and federal, for to influence public politics; - in the viabilização of programs and projects, accomplished in partnership with companies, governments, national and international social organizations; - in the reedition and popularization of the best experiences, transmiting knowledge and engaging new partners.

27 Some concerned institutions with the small children met with the determination of they begin a work intersetorial to improve the situation of the First Childhood in the city of São Paulo. Since the beginning of the discussions, it was noticed the importance of forming a permanent committee that it involved all of the actions on behalf of the children. The including composition of the PERMANENT COMMITTEE translates the concern in integrating the several ones and private section-in the politics and service actions the first childhood. Actions addressed for sensitization of the society in the subject of the First Childhood as foundation of Peace has been accomplished in the last ten years in several parts of the world, starting from the publication of scientific works that you/they proved that the human being's first years are decisive in the the individual's formation.

28 Letter Commitment published by CoPiPaz shouts the Brazilians to assume the commitment with the first childhood in the construction of the peace involving all of the segments: I govern federal, universities, social projects, creation of committees, companies and, the rights of the child when playing and to explore the arts in stimulating atmospheres for his/her development. Actions: organization of international seminars, publication of books, formation program and training and, presence in programs of it politicizes publishes

29 In the air since September 22, 1997, more than a television channel, Futura Channel is a project of Education to Brazil. Futura has as educational beginnings that guide its programming: ethical; the incentive to the community spirit and the enterprising spirit and the valorization of the cultural pluralism. They are those the basic beginnings of this channel, that differs of all the other ones for a discerning work of community mobilization. In practice, that means that besides a programming carefully elaborated, you have the continuous support of a team of education professionals to take Futura until the community and to guarantee the effectiveness of the educational action. Videos, books and teams of training of leaderships and educators.

30 MULTIRIO – Rio de janeiro Cityhal Multimidia Company is responsible for the production of TV programs, websites, CD-ROMs and other publications focused in Education. Investing in interactivity and services, MULTIRIO directs its programming to society in general and to the biggest network of public education in Latin America, There are about 1.035 schools, 30 mil teachers and 700 students, from early childcare to Primary and Secundary Education, as MULTIRIO viewers. MULTIRIO invests also in the usage of technology as a way to inform, educate, generate knowledge, seeing and analyzing the world rather than a simple tool that can be used in the classroom.

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