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1 Round Robin Geometric Dimensional and Tolerance Assessment of Additive Manufacturing Technologies Vincent Capobianco MS 21 8-5-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Round Robin Geometric Dimensional and Tolerance Assessment of Additive Manufacturing Technologies Vincent Capobianco MS 21 8-5-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Round Robin Geometric Dimensional and Tolerance Assessment of Additive Manufacturing Technologies Vincent Capobianco MS 21 8-5-2015

2 2 Contents Outline (3) Participant Instructions (4) ­Purpose & Objectives (5) ­Artifact Definitions (6-9) ­Build Plate & Artifact Designation (10-15) ­Artifact Size Designation (16-18) ­Part Fill (19) ­Tier Selection & Artifact Orientation (20-26) ­Post Processing (27-29) Summary & Conclusions (30-32) Contact & Shipping (33-34)

3 3 Outline This proposal requests the printing of the enclosed parts by DoD and industry to aid in the development of an AM evaluation process. Printed parts will be evaluated by NSWC Corona to determine the geometric dimensional and tolerance variations that can occur within an additive manufacturing envelope. Results of the analysis shall be open and be provided to all participants to view the GD&T performance of each machine at each participant’s location. Participation in the round robin test is voluntary. Printing costs are covered by the participant, while analysis cost is covered by NSWC Corona.

4 4 Participant Instructions 1. Determine Level of Participation ­Artifact Size (Choose 50%, 100% or 150% scale) ­Part Fill (Choose Sparse or Solid Fill) ­Tier Structure (Choose Level I, II, or III) 2. Print Parts According to Prescribed Procedure 3. Follow Recommended Support Material Removal 4. Mark Parts Accordingly 5. Fill Out Survey (Attached Document) ­Provide Artifact Size, Part Fill, Tier Structure ­Machine information 6. Return Parts & Survey to NSWC Corona as Directed

5 5 Purpose and Objectives Purpose ­To develop an evaluation process of the Geometric Dimensional and Tolerance Variations within the manufacturing envelope of AM Technology. Objectives ­Develop collaboration with industry and DoD in the participation of this study ­Collect the additive manufactured parts across differing technologies and collect test specimens ­Measure specimens and compare GD&T variations between specimens ­Provide participants with results and develop a more mature evaluation process of AM technology

6 6 Artifact Definitions

7 7 Round Robin Artifacts GD&T Measurable Artifacts ­Four Artifacts Developed by NSWC Corona ­Challenge the Build Envelope of AM machines All Inclusive AM Technology and Materials ­Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) ­Electron Beam Melting (EBM) ­Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) ­Select Laser Sintering (SLS) ­Stereolithography (SLA) ­Etc. Designated Manufacturing Placement ­Artifact Coordinate system Designated ­Part Placement and Orientation Defined ­Features Three Tier System for Selection of Parts ­Multiple Size of Parts Available

8 8 Round Robin Test Artifacts Four different artifacts are proposed for the Round Robin Participation The different geometries focus on the 14 GD&T Variables from ASME Y14.5 2009 ­Each part Focuses on certain GD&T variables ­GD&T features measured using CMM AM Evaluation Artifact 1 AM Evaluation Artifact 4 AM Evaluation Artifact 3 AM Evaluation Artifact 2 Concentricity

9 9 Round Robin Artifact GD&T Parameters

10 10 Build Plate & Artifact Designation

11 11 Build Plate Coordinate Designation ­Part Location designated from ISO 841 Industrial automation systems and integration ­Artifacts will be located with coordinates and angles defined

12 12 Artifact Coordinate Designation Artifact 1 x y z (0,0,0) x z Front View Bottom View x y Origin location designated from A1L, A1W, A1H to describe Article 1 Length, Width, and Height Initial XYZ orientation is shown as the Isometric view on this slide A1W.5A1L A1L A1H.5A1W Isometric View

13 13 Artifact Coordinate Designation Artifact 2 Origin location designated from A2L, A2W, A2H to describe Article 2 length, width, and height Initial XYZ orientation is shown as the isometric view on this slide x y z (0,0,0) x z A2L y A2H A2W.5A2L.5A2W x Bottom View Front View Isometric View

14 14 Artifact Coordinate Designation Artifact 3 Origin location designated from A3L, A3W, A3H to describe Article 3 length, width, and height Initial XYZ orientation is shown as the isometric view on this slide x y z (0,0,0) A3L.5A3L Bottom View A3W.5A3W Front View A3H x y z x Isometric View

15 15 Artifact Coordinate Designation Artifact 4 Origin location designated from A4L, A4W, A4H to describe Article 4 length width and height Due to the diameter of artifact 4, A4L and A4W are equivalent Initial XYZ orientation is shown as the isometric view on this slide x y z (0,0,0) x y A4H A4W x z.5A4W Isometric View

16 16 Artifact Size Designation

17 17 Artifact Size Definition Multiple Sizes Available for Selection ­150% Scale ­100% Scale ­50% Scale ­Participant chooses the largest parts they can produce between 150%, 100%, and 50% scale Drawings of Full Scale Parts are Provided Showing GD&T

18 18 Scaled Artifact Size Envelope

19 19 Part Fill Recommend solid filled parts for 50% size of artifacts for Artifacts #1, #2, and #3 Recommend solid filled parts for all sizes of artifact #4 100% and 150% size of artifacts #1, #2, and #3 can be sparse filled

20 20 Tier Selection & Artifact Orientation

21 21 Participation Tiers 1 Build Envelope of Artifact 5 4 3 2 Participants are allowed to choose the level of parts to produce in builds ­Increasing tiers equates to more parts per build ­Minimum participation into round robin testing is tier one with total of 8 artifacts ­Requesting a total of 4 builds corresponding to the 4 different artifacts Tier One: Blue Total Artifacts Per Build: 2 Total Artifacts: 8 Tier Two: Blue + Orange Total Artifacts Per Build: 4 Total Artifacts: 16 Tier Three: Blue + Orange+ Red Total Artifacts Per Build: 5 Total Artifacts: 20

22 22 Build Plate Size Definition for Artifact Placement +x +y PW PL 2 x.1PW 2 x.1PL 2 x.1PW 2 x.1PL.5PL.5PW Part envelope will be located at least 10% from width and length at build plate edges Artifacts will be rotated in distinct directions for capturing build plate envelope variation Locations will be declared by build plate size variables plate length (PL) and plate width (PW) The attached build plate location spreadsheet can be used to calculate the location of the artifacts based on the size inputs of the build plate 2 1 3 1 5 4

23 23 Artifact Build Plate Orientation Artifact 1 Build LocationLocation (X,Y,Z)Reorientation (A,B,C)° Location 1(-[0.4PL-0.5A1L], -[0.4PW-0.5A1W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 2([0.4PL-0.5A1L], [0.4PW-0.5A1W], 0)(0, 0, 180) Location 3([0.4PL-0.5A1L], -[0.4PW-0.5A1W], 0)(0, 0, 180) Location 4(-[0.4PL-0.5A1L], [0.4PW-0.5A1W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 5(0, 0, 0) +x +y +z

24 24 Artifact Build Plate Orientation Artifact 2 Build LocationLocation (X,Y,Z)Reorientation (A,B,C)° Location 1(-[0.4PL-0.5A2L], -[0.4PW-0.5A2W], 0)(0, 0, 180) Location 2([0.4PL-0.5A2L], [0.4PW-0.5A2W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 3([0.4PL-0.5A2L], -[0.4PW-0.5A2W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 4(-[0.4PL-0.5A2L], [0.4PW-0.5A2W], 0)(0, 0, 180) Location 5(0, 0, 0)(0, 0, 180) +x +y +z

25 25 Artifact Build Plate Orientation Artifact 3 +x +y +z Build LocationLocation (X,Y,Z)Reorientation (A,B,C)° Location 1(-[0.4PL-0.5A3L], -[0.4PW-0.5A3W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 2([0.4PL-0.5A3L], [0.4PW-0.5A3W], 0)(0, 0, 180) Location 3([0.4PL-0.5A3L], -[0.4PW-0.5A3W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 4(-[0.4PL-0.5A3L], [0.4PW-0.5A3W], 0)(0, 0, 180) Location 5(0, 0, 0)

26 26 Artifact Build Plate Orientation Artifact 4 +x +y +z Build LocationLocation (X,Y,Z)Reorientation (A,B,C)° Location 1(-[0.4PL-0.5A4W], -[0.4PW-0.5A4W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 2([0.4PL-0.5A4W], [0.4PW-0.5A4W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 3([0.4PL-0.5A4W], -[0.4PW-0.5A4W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 4(-[0.4PL-0.5A4W], [0.4PW-0.5A4W], 0)(0, 0, 0) Location 5(0, 0, 0)

27 27 Post Processing

28 28 Support Material Removal Request support material removed from artifacts ­Metallics Minimal machining to remove support material only ­Dissolvable Materials Remove support material through dissolvable support material removal process Please ship parts to the address provided on slide 34 Please complete survey and return to Vincent Capobianco

29 29 Part Identification For itemization, request that the parts are marked with a sharpie after removing them from the build plate Please mark the numerical location, (1-5) on the bottom of the parts

30 30 Summary & Conclusions

31 31 Summary Timeline ­Requesting parts and survey no later than 30 days after release of round robin testing Project call ­Report provided in fourth quarter 2015 of GD&T comparisons ­Results of the analysis shall be open and be provided to all participants to view the GD&T performance of each machine at each participant’s location

32 32 Conclusion Collection of measurement data and report post analysis will be provided comparing GD&T and variations of individual artifacts across all AM technologies Outline of Inputs that effect GD&T ­User Experience ­Material and Process ­Recorded Temperature ­Recorded Pressure ­Part Size ­Location ­Part Fill

33 33 Contact For more information please contact Project Lead ­Vincent Capobianco (MS 21) 951-393-4048 Branch Manager ­Henry Meinders (MS 21) 951 393-4190

34 34 Shipping Address Please Ship Round Robin Artifacts to Naval Surface Warfare Center Corona Attention: Vincent Capobianco (MS 21) 1999 Fourth St Norco, CA 92860

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