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International Charter School Options in the event of closure.

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1 International Charter School Options in the event of closure

2 Unconfirmed Enrollment Numbers at The International Charter School Projected forward to 2008-2009 1 st Grade84 2 nd Grade70 3 rd Grade73 4 th Grade78 5 th Grade57 6 th Grade73 7 th Grade31 8 th Grade42 9 th Grade42

3 Total Elementary Zone Effects on Enrollment in Grades 1-6 (2008-2009) Elmer Avenue29 students Hamilton 72 students Keane 49 students Lincoln 27 students Paige 9 students Pleasant Valley63 students Van Corlaer97 students Woodlawn 41 students Yates30 students Zoller 18 students

4 Total Middle School Zone Effects on Enrollment in Grades 7-8 (2008-2009) Mont Pleasant 37 students + 45 sixth? Central Park23 students + 22 sixth? Oneida13 students + 6 sixth?

5 Short Term Options William C. Keane School Options Squeeze Play Option Special Legislation Option Additional Classroom Lease Options Modular Classroom Options Steinmetz Options

6 Long Term Options Build a New School Store Fronts/Vacant Buildings Alternative School Schedules Option

7 William C. Keane Option 1 Current K-4 th grade charter students into Keane for grades 1-5 next year Current 5th-7th charter students into appropriate middle schools as 6th-8 th grade 8 th grade charter students to SHS Disruption to current elementary buildings is minimized. Slows down the process of phasing in new Keane attendance zone Slows down movement of sixth grades into elementary schools Enlarges middle schools sixth grade populations.

8 William C. Keane Option 2 Keane as Early Childhood Education Center taking Kindergarten students and Pre-K students from Hamilton, PV, Van Corlaer (Fulton?), Lincoln and Elmer Ave. Opens up space into those elementary schools for all returning charter school students Allows for maintaining current sixth grade elementary settings. Minimizes effect on current students in all elementary buildings. Allows time for long term solution and slows down sixth grade move to elementary settings. Would generally result in slightly larger class sizes across the district’s elementary schools.

9 Squeeze Play Options Identify all available spaces in classrooms across the district and assign returning charter school students to available spaces keeping them as close to home as possible. Requires us to disregard all current attendance zones for charter school students in many cases. Would most likely result in all Van Corlaer, Elmer and Hamilton sixth graders moving to middle school. Creates a very large number (12) of self-contained sixth grade classes at Mont Pleasant.

10 Special Legislation Option Allow the district to operate the school in its current facility outside district lines with a new administration and faculty and staff. This option would need to be contingent on some resolution of the outstanding debt owed on this facility. I understand this debt to amount to over $6.5 million. Allows this group of students to remain in their current location. Short term phase out as we look for additional facilities within our own district.

11 Additional Classroom Lease Options Currently discussing options that include lease of a variety of current classroom space in Schenectady. Multiple smaller facilities allow us to spread students out. Could perhaps also allow us to expand our Early Childhood Education options. Decreases the impact on current buildings. Allows us to continue our move toward smaller class sizes and elementary sixth grade settings. Necessitates unique leadership structures.

12 Modular Classroom Option Open space at various current elementary sites Yates Zoller Central Park campus High school campus Steinmetz campus Can be set up in the time allotted. Possibility of multiple sites for dispersion.

13 Steinmetz Options Modular classrooms Relocate current students and programs to Schenectady High School or other site Create a new K-6 school with current charter school students as a “school of choice” New administration, staff and faculty

14 Build a New School Long term solution Requires significant financial resources Possibility of a long term lease with a developer in a variety of locations Variety of configurations and uses possible

15 Store Fronts/Vacant Buildings Utilize a variety of currently vacant buildings to “build in” classrooms Provides for a flexibility of configurations based on available space and programming.

16 Alternative School Schedules Option Double sessions in building Run two days back to back in the same building Double staff schedules – day/evening Allows parents and staff to choose schedule Doubles number of students served Necessitates overnight cleaning

17 Alternative School Schedules Option Multi-Track/Year Round Increases capacity of school by 25% Divide students into four “schools within a school” Year round calendar – 45 days on – 15 off Could also do 90/30 or 60/20 Smaller class sizes Parent and staff options to choose track/calendar Frequent opportunities for interventions during intercessions Costly and negotiated agreement concerns Buildings are always occupied

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