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The GASB 34 Compliant AFR A Learning Experience Presented by: Mary Kay Beer School Accounting Section Chief 783-9001 And LouAnn.

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Presentation on theme: "The GASB 34 Compliant AFR A Learning Experience Presented by: Mary Kay Beer School Accounting Section Chief 783-9001 And LouAnn."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GASB 34 Compliant AFR A Learning Experience Presented by: Mary Kay Beer School Accounting Section Chief 783-9001 And LouAnn Caldarella Accountant 783-9003 School Finance Division

2 AFR Package Statistics For fiscal year 2002-03 –There were 696 entities required to file an AFR –Of these there were 450 in Phases I and II of GASB 34 implementation –246 entities were not required to file using the new standards; however some have implemented early

3 Due date – What due date???? The IU due date was October 1 per PA School Code, all other entities had a November 21 due date As of November 21, only 334 out of 696 school entities had filed their AFR database file There were 282 SD’s; 14 IUs; 47 Charter Schools and 19 CTCs outstanding 201 outstanding were to file in compliance with GASB 34

4 AFR Package Problems reported Access 2003 incompatibility – request the run time version Rename and zip function Downloading issues – check with your in school technical support Transmitting problems – file size issues

5 What to send A complete AFR submission consists of: –Renamed database file, there is a button on the Main Menu to assist with this process –Send to: –Our office began to reply automatically to files received via email this year –Signed cover sheet with original signatures and the printed financial statements sent via surface mail –Notes to the Financial Statements sent via surface mail, this can be filed at a later date

6 AFR Package Validations Check on accounting accuracy – there are over 600 validations built into the AFR to ensure compliance Check on revenue/expenditure reporting accuracy Ensure that schedule information ties into the overall functional area Avoid the phone calls by clearing validations that cannot be justified

7 Common Errors Big Offenders 7110 – not including delayed payment and missing deductions 7310 accruing “owed” money before notification by the PDE CY/PY discrepancies: fund balance, net assets Reconciliation Statements – provide detailed descriptions, not one word explanations


9 Common Errors: But my auditor says you’re wrong Recording accruals and deferrals – it’s owed to me, so it’s mine Measurable and Available criteria Long term liability for Rental reimbursements due – let’s just book them all Recording revenues and expenditures – where do I get the backup? –2548 is sent in June via surface mail –Payment and deduction letters are sent via Penn Link when the payment is made –FAI payment system

10 Common Errors Internal balances – not intergovernmental funds Reconciliation Statements – but that’s the number that makes the validation go away Explain the differences between your information presented using the modified accrual accounting method for fund reporting versus the full accrual for the government wide statements

11 Comments on the following Materiality issues – materiality does not negate accuracy Revenue coding information is included on the FAI system and as part of your payment correspondence Incorrect coding and omissions Negative cash balances

12 Why do we insist on accuracy Federal reports – Title 1 money to PA Actual Instructional Expense Restricted Indirect Cost Requests by taxpayers, other states, the legislature, PSEA and PSBA Tuition Rate – used to calculate payments/deductions for Incarcerated Ed, PRRI, APS, 1305 & 1306 students



15 Lessons Learned Fiduciary funds reporting – just trying to be consistent, this year we will have the Fiduciary funds available as a drop down box or all available to enter data into What to do with those earned income taxes on the Statement of Activities Rounding errors – we will establish a variance so that those schools who provide their detail in whole dollars may not get a validation to justify

16 New for 03-04 Validations to check: No elementary expenditures will be allowed in 1300 1200 object 300 vs 560 & 590 – will need to provide a justification Check to see if there is data in 2750 & 2250 – justification needed if no entries Act 89 revenue verifications (IUs only) If you are entering data regarding a component unit (CU) you will be asked to identify that CU

17 03-04 Changes Additional collection of certain objects for consistency Additional reporting of termination benefits on the Restricted Indirect Cost Schedule – object codes 115, 221 and 222 Delete the Other Fiduciary funds column

18 03-04 Changes Add object code 780 for reporting infrastructure assets Add revenue codes 7291 and 7340 New schedule to report Title V part A (Innovative Programs) and 7291 revenues Add a column for Other Major Proprietary fund

19 Additional Information Revise the line on the Statement of Activities to reflect “Other taxes levied” to replace the “Taxes levied for specific purposes” line There will continue to be an automatic reply when your message is received in our office informing you that your message was received Problems with attachments will receive a reply indicating the problem When filing the Notes to the Financial Statements we are requesting a Word file not paper

20 Where can I get help? The Comptroller’s website: The GASB website: The PASBO website: Various reference books including the GAAFR, and the Manual of Accounting and Financial Reporting for PA Public Schools (available on the Comptroller’s web site).

21 Questions

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