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Networked Geographies of Search: Coordination, mobilisation & performance in police investigations of missing persons Amy Humphrey University of Dundee.

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Presentation on theme: "Networked Geographies of Search: Coordination, mobilisation & performance in police investigations of missing persons Amy Humphrey University of Dundee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networked Geographies of Search: Coordination, mobilisation & performance in police investigations of missing persons Amy Humphrey University of Dundee

2 Over 32,700 incidents per year (higher than UK average) ACPO (2010) ‘treat as murder’ Can indicate other risks: CSE, Forced marriage, domestic violence, mental ill health… 1 incident every 16 minutes (1 in 2 minutes for whole of UK) £43-80 million per year 3-5% of budget on 1.2% annual recorded incident >99% ‘safe and well’ only 0.5% have a fatal outcome. Allan Bryant Susan McLaean Renee MacRae Eric Cyl

3 “Our priority is to keep people safe and to do all we can to find them as quickly as possible ensuring vulnerable people are protected and supported” -ACC Wayne Mawson (Police Scotland Missing Persons Lead

4 Project Outline Four strands to the research: o National and Local/organisational policy & demand o The Investigation o The narrative o Performance & ‘success’ Data collection: o Key informant interviews – national strategic leaders o Documentary analysis – key policies and manuals o Case studies of 2 UK police forces Semi structured & in situ interviews – all ranks Peer group & case review focus groups Examination of closed case files Live case shadowing

5 Actor Network Theory (ANT) Three requisite features of an ANT study (Latour, 2005): o Non- humans as equally ‘active’ - valued within the network Plus, much like grounded theory o Leaves ‘grand social ideas’ such as gender or social capitol aside so as not to limit the associations being investigated. o Re-considers ‘the social’ in light of the associations investigated Concept of ‘Key translators’ Individual actors (human) who assert primary influence over network in regards enrolment of others into it or transmission of commonly held ‘knowledge’, ideas or beliefs

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8 Amy Humphrey Twitter: @amyl21

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