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Presentation on theme: "WORKSHOP ON CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS AT KNUST A presentation by Nathaniel N-A Okine PhD DEPARTMENT OF PHARM. CHEMISTRY 11 th APRIL, 2012."— Presentation transcript:



3 WORKSHOP ON CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS AT KNUST A presentation by Nathaniel N-A Okine PhD Chairman, Examinations Audit Committee WEDNESDAY 11 TH APRIL, 2012

4 SOLUTION TO EXAMINATION MALPRACTICE? Serious problems require serious solutions no matter how crude. See how a Vice-Chancellor of a reputable University decided to solve exam malpractice in his institution. The invigilators are on top of the tree.



7 OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Introduction Registration of Courses Approval of Internal & External Examiners Processing of examination Questions Invigilation by Academic staff Marking and Processing of examination results. Board Meetings and release of Examination results. Conclusion.

8 MODIFIED REGULATIONS ON CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS- MARCH. 2011 INTRODUCTION Examinations- means to fulfill one of the University’s main function apart from Teaching It forms the basis for assessing students’ performance. Proper conduct of Examinations is an obligation on the part of every Academic staff, Departments, etc. Continuous Assessment (30%) forms an integral part of University Exams

9 REVIEWED REGULATIONS ON CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS-MARCH. 2011 These Regulations must serve as reference and check list for all categories of University Academic Staff and Students NB: Provision is made for; Duties and responsibilities for Examiners, Invigilators, Auxiliary Invigilators and Departmental/ Faculty Examinations Officers under the regulations and Instructions to Candidates

10 MODIFIED REGULATIONS ON CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS- MARCH. 2011 Registration of Courses It is a pre-requisite for Eligibility to take an Examination in the University. Students shall be allowed to write examination only in courses registered formally. Absence from all Lectures, Tutorials and Practical classes without permission for 15 lecture days or more per semester bars a student from Semester Examinations

11 Registration of Courses For Individual courses, a student fails attendance requirements if he is absent from Lectures, Tutorials and Practical Classes for Three (3) or more periods per semester. He is thus disqualified from taking that paper at the end of the semester. On-line registration

12 Internal and External Examiners List of First and Second Internal and External Examiners/Moderators shall be prepared by the Head of Department (HOD). The list shall pass through Faculty Board, College Board and finally to the Academic Board for approval. Specific dates for the above activities are as follows: Second, Third, Fifth and Six week respectively

13 Processing of Examination Questions Examination in each course shall not be less than Two (2) Hours duration Two sets of Questions shall be set and should be ready for vetting by the 10th week of the semester A panel of Three, the First and Second Examiners & HOD or his representative shall vet the Questions The HOD shall chair the meeting Vetting shall take place in the 11th week The Final Examination Questions must be Camera- ready

14 Processing of Examination Questions The Final Examination Questions must be signed and sealed by the Three They shall be kept by the Examiner or in a vault at the HOD’s Office until appointed date for photocopying Photocopying may be done at the College or the Photocopy unit. Photocopy unit shall prepare a Timetable for the Colleges (now three days before the paper is due) Photocopying process in the College/Faculty /Department must be monitored by the Examiner/ Examinations Officer

15 Submission of Course works/Project reports/Long Essays/Workshops/Studio works/Field works Reports on the above shall be submitted on the due date. Failure or late submission without tangible reason may cause the ‘report’ to be marked Zero. In the case of Project reports and long Essays, they shall be assessed at the stage of presentation.

16 Submission of Course works/Project reports/Long Essays/Workshops/Studio works/Field works Course work deadlines /assessments taking place within scheduled class meetings/ laboratory sessions shall not be missed by students without good reasons

17 Invigilation of Examinations This is an Essential part of Conduct of Examinations & a duty of all Academic staff. As such All Academic staff shall be scheduled to invigilate. Invigilators are required to be present at the place of Examination 30 minutes before the session commences. Auxiliary Invigilator (Examiner whose paper is being written) shall make himself available throughout the period.

18 Marking and Processing of Examination Results Marks of Candidates shall be submitted to the HOD with the Marked scripts. Candidates shall be identified by their Index Numbers only. The marks submitted shall show the following; i. Full complement of marks obtained by the candidate on each question and/or those of MCQ’s ii. Total marks iii. Examination marks - 70%

19 Marking and Processing of Examination Results iv. Continuous Assessment - 30% v. Final Marks (iii + iv) - 100% Marks sheets must be signed by the examiner and must come with a soft copy to the HOD. The marked scripts shall be kept in the Department for a minimum of Six years. NB; No marks should be processed if they do not come with the marked scripts. Departmental Boards shall ensure that the above rules are strictly observed.

20 Marking and Processing of Examination Results It must also be ensured that marks recorded are true reflection of each Candidate’s performance. Year group Examiners must be re-introduced to cross-check marks entries. Planning unit must provide Index Numbers (First Years) latest Two(2) weeks before Mid- semester Examinations commence. NB; Examination Scripts shall be marked only in the Offices of Examiners

21 Board Meetings Examiners’ Board meetings shall be held by all Departments to consider their results – After 3 rd week Approved results from the Departments shall be submitted to the Faculty Examinations Officer He shall compile them into detailed results (Broad sheet) The latter shall be vetted by a co-ordination meeting of all departmental Examination Officers NB: Rules for vetting are provided in appendix C2 Sect.1

22 Board Meetings The vetted results (Broad sheet) shall be submitted to a Special Faculty Examiners’ Board meeting for consideration & approval Subsequently the Results shall pass through the following Boards for consideration and approval; 1. 4 th week -Processing of results followed by Faculty Board 2. 5 th week -Vetting of results by Audit Team 3. 6 th week -Consideration and approval by College Board

23 Release of Results Special Academic Board – soon after receipt of all results Provisional results shall be published especially for the sake of withdrawn students before the new Semester/Academic year begins The College registrar is responsible for the notification Continuing students shall contact their Academic Tutors for their results before registration

24 Confidentiality of University Examinations All University Examinations including Continuous assessment are confidential Maximum care shall be exercised to ensure this confidentiality Examination questions shall not be shown to students Marked scripts shall not be shown to students without authorization The panel that vets a particular Question paper shall be held responsible for its leakage / problems

25 Confidentiality of University Examinations A very grievous offence is committed if an Examiner inadvertently or intentionally causes leakage of Examination questions. He shall be disciplined in accordance with statute 58. No Teaching Assistants, National Service Persons nor Secretaries shall be allowed to type-set Examination Questions.

26 Duties of Faculty/College Examinations Officer Ensures that all students are duly registered Ensure that all arrangements for the Examinations are made Prepares Examination Timetables, allocates Examination rooms and assigns Invigilators Ensures that the Timetables are posted on Student Notice Boards without names of Invigilators

27 Duties of Faculty/College Examinations Officer Supervises Photocopying and collects printed Examination questions from Faculty/College Vault or the Photocopy Unit Processes, prepares and audits Examination results before submission to the Examiners’ Board Ensures total compliance with the prescribed Examination regulations by Examiners, Invigilators and Candidates General supervision of University Examinations

28 Duties of Examiners Must adhere to the Timetable for submission of questions for vetting Questions for vetting must include marking scheme Must ensure that no/minimum corrections are made during the examination period Auxiliary Invigilators must be available throughout the examination period to answer queries and collect their scripts

29 Duties of Examiners Shall consult the final Timetable for information on Time & Place of Examinations Shall sign for any scripts collected from the Invigilator or the Examinations Office Shall adhere to the Timetable for submission of examination marks to HOD Marks shall be submitted with the marked scripts not later than Three(3) weeks after the Examinations period Defaulters shall be reported to the Dean, the Provost and the Vice-Chancellor

30 Duties of Invigilators Arrive at the place of Examination 30 minutes before the session commences Shall inspect the Identity and Admission cards of candidates before admission into the room Candidates shall not be allowed to enter an Examination room later than 30min or, Leave the room earlier than 30 minutes after commencement of the session

31 Duties of Invigilators No candidate shall be seated 30minutes before the start of a session The following shall not be allowed in an examination room; any book, material, hat, bag, pencil case, mobile phone, programmable calculator, palm top computer, a scanner and radio etc. An invigilator has authority to confiscate such items and must report on such matters

32 Duties of Invigilators Borrowing of any item or material from another candidate is prohibited in an examination room No papers shall be removed from the examination room except the question paper Communication with other candidates or movement from one’s sit are prohibited during any session Question papers shall be placed in answer booklets before session begins Under no circumstances shall candidates be left without supervision

33 Duties of Invigilators Candidates under temporary permission to leave the examination room must be closely monitored Utmost vigilance must be exercised during the examination period & nothing shall be done to distract attention Occasionally invigilators must move about the examinations hall/room All Examination Scripts shall be counted, enveloped and signed at the end of each session

34 Duties of Invigilators They shall then be handed over to the Examiner/Examinations Officer with the attendance sheet incorporated Candidates caught in breach of Examination regulations must be allowed to continue writing the examination However, a written report on the incident with exhibits shall be submitted to the Examinations Officer

35 Duties of Invigilators These shall be forwarded to the Dean concerned for further action The Dean in consultation with the Provost shall immediately appoint a committee to investigate the matter The Committee shall present their Report to the Provost

36 Duties of Invigilators The report shall promptly be forwarded with recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor for appropriate action Investigating Committee of any breach of Examinations Regulation shall include; a. University Lawyer b. Student Representative

37 Sanctions to Invigilators/Examiners Performance of Staff in the conduct of Examinations shall count in assessing Quality of Teaching for promotion Conduct of defaulting Invigilators shall be reported to their HOD’s with copies to the Dean, Provost and Vice-Chancellor Examiners who default to set their Questions on Time shall be reported by the HOD to the Dean with copies to the Provost and the Vice- Chancellor

38 Sanctions to Invigilators/Examiners Inability to ensure smooth conduct of examinations in a Department shall constitute incompetence by the HOD Instructions to Candidates It is the Responsibility of candidates to consult their Notice Boards for details of examinations In their own interest candidates are strongly advised to find out where & when to report for each examination

39 Instructions to Candidates Practical & Oral examinations, Studio presentations shall be conducted in the Departments concerned The University reserves the right to change the Time and venues for holding examinations Where necessary, changes shall be made on the Timetables and Candidates informed accordingly Candidates should report not earlier than 30 minutes before the time fixed to start a paper

40 Instructions to Candidates Candidates shall occupy place/sit assigned as indicated by their Index number No candidate shall enter the Examination room later than half an hour after commencement of examinations He shall not be allowed to leave until half an hour after commencement of examinations If one enters the room within the 30 minutes from the start, he must report to the Invigilator to be checked in

41 Instructions to Candidates No writing on an Answer Booklet is allowed before examinations commence No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examinations room within the last 30minutes of a paper Candidates must have in their possession their Identity and Admission cards for inspection before they are allowed in Unless specifically authorized, non of the following, shall be entertained in an examination room

42 Instructions to Candidates Any book, material, hat, bag, pencil case, mobile phone, programmable calculator, palm top computer, a scanner and radio etc. An invigilator has the authority to confiscate such items The matter shall be reported in writing as breach of Examination Regulations to the Examinations Officer

43 Instructions to Candidates Candidates shall use their Index Numbers only throughout all Examinations Candidates may leave the Examination room temporarily only with the express permission of the Invigilator Such candidate shall be escorted by an Attendant Every necessary precaution shall be taken including physical search before candidate leaves or returns

44 Instructions to Candidates No communication between candidates or borrowing of materials shall be permitted during examinations Attention of the Invigilator may be attracted by raising an arm Any used or unused Answer Booklet, Supplementary Sheet or Scannable form shall not be taken away at the end of examinations Smoking or Eating shall not be permitted in the examinations room

45 Instructions to Candidates Plagiarism is a serious offence punishable by dismissal from a programme Infringement on any of the above Regulations shall be reported to the Examinations Officer for necessary action.

46 Continuous Assessment/ Mid-Semester Examinations It consists of Assignments, Quizzes, Writing of reports, Oral and Mid-semester examinations These may be organized at or after the First half of a semester For courses that are run by multiple Lecturers, it must be carried out when at least 50% of the syllabus is covered It is advised that a composite paper be set for such courses above All Regulations that cover the conduct of Examinations in the University shall apply.

47 Inspection Team Conduct of Examinations & Examination Halls/rooms shall be monitored and inspected unannounced Also Lectures especially Service Courses must be monitored during the semester The Team is made up of ; a. Pro Vice-Chancellor b. Deputy Registrar (Academic), c. Head, Quality Assurance Unit and d. Relevant Dean

48 Correction of Marks There shall be a Marks/Results Amendment form. It must be kept by Faculty Examinations Officers only. All Examiners who wish to correct marks/results of candidates must fill that form accordingly

49 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS At the last Academic Board meeting approval was given for the University to organize the above examinations. It should be carried out in the first week of August when the university reopens. The period shall be five days for the conduct of the examination. The second week shall be used for marking the scripts

50 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS This will be followed by submission of marks to HOD’s in the third week Departments/Faculties shall process the results within the third week. Results shall be published in the fourth week after vetting by the Audit Team. Also decision on trailing students shall be taken after the Fourth week.

51 SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS NB; First year students trailing up to Four courses only shall be allowed to register and take the above examinations. Also students who satisfied attendance requirements but got sick during the main exams shall be allowed to take advantage to write the exams. Continuing students trailing more than five courses may register as many courses as the period of exams would permit.

52 Consequences for failing to write supplementary Examinations Students who fail to write the supplementary exams but trail more than Two courses at the time of decision making shall be made to Repeat /be Withdrawn as the case may be. NB; All Examiners are required by the University’s regulations to set Two set of questions.


54 NB: Marked scripts must be attached.


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