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Unidad 5.1 TJMS Señora Jorgensen. Both Verbs in Spanish mean “to be”  I am happy  I am American  That house is (made of) stone.

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Presentation on theme: "Unidad 5.1 TJMS Señora Jorgensen. Both Verbs in Spanish mean “to be”  I am happy  I am American  That house is (made of) stone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unidad 5.1 TJMS Señora Jorgensen

2 Both Verbs in Spanish mean “to be”  I am happy  I am American  That house is (made of) stone

3  N ationality  O rigin  T ime  I dentity  C haracteristics  E vents  P lace  L ocation  A ction  C ondition  E motion For how you feel or where you are, always use the verb ESTAR!

4  Mary is tired today. ◦ Emotion/condition ◦ For how you feel or where you are, always use the verb estar!

5  My sister-in-law is Peruvian.  Nationality ◦ Ser

6  This coffee is terrible today!  Condition ◦ Estar

7  My friend Lucy is from Canada.  Ser ◦ Nationality

8  I am at the library.  Estar ◦ Location ◦ For how you feel or where you are, always use the verb estar!

9  My brother is doing his homework.  Estar ◦ Action

10  I am a happy person.  Ser ◦ Identity/Characteristics

11  The party is this Saturday.  Ser ◦ Events

12  The party is this Saturday. I am very excited!  Ser, Estar ◦ Events ◦ Emotion

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