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The Nervous System : The eye

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1 The Nervous System : The eye
Learning Objectives: Recognise and label a vertical section through the eye Understand their functions

2 Blind spot test Draw a cross and a circle about 5 cm apart on a piece of paper. Hold the paper at arms length. Close your left eye and with your right eye focus on the +. Then, slowly bring the paper closer to your eye. The circle will seem to “disappear”. This is your blindspot.

3 Interesting facts… Eyesight provides the brain with more input than all the other senses combined! Each optic nerve contains one million nerve fibres It is estimated that more than half the information in the conscious mind enters through the eyes.

4 Memory game You have 30 seconds to memorise where each of the labels in the next slide go

5 Memory game End

6 Click on the eye diagram and see how much you learnt in 30 seconds!
Memory game Click on the eye diagram and see how much you learnt in 30 seconds! N.B. This link will be active only within a school in Wales

7 Making predictions Iris Cornea Lens Retina Sclera
In pairs, make predictions on what the functions of each of these parts of the eye are. Iris Cornea Lens Retina Sclera

8 Cartoon capture Play the video. When watching, draw pictures to help you remember how light enters the eye. You will use your pictures after the video to explain the process to your partner. So … concentrate!

9 Take a closer look at the eye
Cows eyes are very similar to human eyes, just a bit bigger! So click on my eye to watch a dissection! Mooooooooo

10 Refractive errors

11 Things near and far appear in focus
Normal eye sight Things near and far appear in focus

12 Nearsightedness Close up images like the chair are in focus, objects far away are blurry.

13 Nearsightedness The eyeball is too long relative to the focussing power of the cornea and lens. Light rays are focused in front of the retina and the image is blurred. By putting spectacles with a concave lens, the light rays bend apart so that they are focused on the retina. Retina Light rays Concave lens

14 Farsightedness Objects far away are in focus, but close up objects like the chairs are blurry

15 Farsightedness The eyeball is too short relative to the focussing power of the cornea and lens. Light rays are focused behind the retina and the image is blurred. By putting spectacles with a convex lens, the light rays bend together so that they are focused on the retina. Retina Light rays Convex lens

16 Astigmatism This is a combination of both near and farsightedness, making all objects blurry

17 Cornea Transplants Corneal transplant is used when vision is lost because the cornea has been damaged by disease or injury. Some of the conditions that might require corneal transplant include the bulging outward of the cornea, a malfunction of the cornea's inner layer and painful corneal swelling or tissue growth on the cornea. Some of these conditions cause cloudiness of the cornea; others alter its natural curvature, which also can reduce vision quality.

18 WARNING… not for the faint hearted…
Cornea transplants WARNING… not for the faint hearted…

19 Is this what the future has come to…?
Eye tattoo Have our developments in eye surgery gone too far? How do you think this “eye tattoo” will effect his sight? Do you think it’s worth it?

20 How good is your eye sight?

21 What have we learnt? I understand fully I’m Ok with it I do not understand Can you recognise and label a section through the human eye? Do you understand their functions? Learning outcomes

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