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Presentation on theme: "I NTERACTION WITH G AMING D EVICES : Portable Gaming Devices."— Presentation transcript:

1 I NTERACTION WITH G AMING D EVICES : Portable Gaming Devices

2 T YPES OF P ORTABLE G AMING D EVICES : Mobile Gaming Devices Handheld Gaming Devices

3 M OBILE G AMING D EVICES : Mobile gaming devices most notably include smartphones, tablet computers, as well as other devices. App stores available on these mobile devices have unintentionally transformed them into the most popular and widely used gaming platforms around today. Technologies such as touch screens and motion sensors have been incorporated into these gaming apps, making them easily accessible to audiences of all ages.

4 The easy to use controls and cheap cost of “casual” games on app stores appeal to a large audience of smartphone and tablet users. Perhaps the most popular series in mobile gaming, Angry Birds, has sold over 750 million since its launch in 2009 and has spawned its own merchandise chain. While being a relatively recent form of gaming (the first mobile game was from 1997), mobile devices have become the most widespread and commonly used forms of gaming devices, especially due to the vast supply of mobile phones.


6 H ANDHELD G AMING D EVICES : Handheld Gaming Devices are smaller, portable counterparts to the home video console. Typically, they feature a built-in screen, speakers, game controls and a rechargable battery. The current generation of handheld gaming includes the Nitendo3DS and the PlaystationVita. Handheld Gaming Consoles tend to have a more “hardcore” gamer audience than that of “casual” mobile gamers.

7 Handheld Gaming consoles have proven to be very successful over the last 30 years, with the most successful console (Nintendo DS ) selling over 150million units. The current generation of Handheld gaming devices make use of features like 3D gaming and interfaces, front and rear touch screens and augmented reality via cameras. Online stores that use WiFi and 3G on these devices make it possible to download games and apps to the devices internal and external memory, allowing for gaming on the go without the need for disks or cartridges.


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