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{title of presentation} Taking the Donor Relationship Online Webinar presented Friday, May 7, 2010 By Rob Lavery CFRE Resource Development Consultant Southern.

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Presentation on theme: "{title of presentation} Taking the Donor Relationship Online Webinar presented Friday, May 7, 2010 By Rob Lavery CFRE Resource Development Consultant Southern."— Presentation transcript:

1 {title of presentation} Taking the Donor Relationship Online Webinar presented Friday, May 7, 2010 By Rob Lavery CFRE Resource Development Consultant Southern Ontario Library Service

2 {title of presentation} Agenda 4 Developing the donor experience - now that you’ve got them –Optimizing your online presence –Online stewardship –Social media –Integration of online/offline 4 What’s next?

3 {title of presentation} Opportunities in a digital world Jason Potts of England’s Think Consulting Solutions speaking at a conference in Toronto last year, described the ultimate unlikely digital candidate. Imagine a history-focused national charity, most of whose supporters are females over 60. Are you surprised to learn that when the organization asked, it learned that 86% of them have broadband Internet access, 95% have mobile phones and 33% have iPods?

4 {title of presentation} If you needed convincing… Why you need a donor-centred website: 4 An increasing number of people going online every day 4 Your competition is online 4 The average user is getting older 4 Most donations come from individuals 4 Online should be part of your overall donation strategy 4 Donors visit your website before making a donation

5 {title of presentation} How charities are using their websites 4 Acquiring new donors and members 4 Raising money 4 Selling products 4 Managing special events (registrations, selling tickets) 4 Engaging donors and members 4 Advocating for change

6 {title of presentation} Developing the Online Relationship 4 Moving from monologue to dialogue 4 Inbound –Plan your development strategy –Create a website that is donor-centred and interactive –Drive traffic –Capture visitor information 4 Outbound –Send email newsletters –Send appeal letters

7 {title of presentation} Optimizing Online Presence 4 Website: –Address security issue by using words like safe and secure anywhere you can –Build trust with credibility –Make sure offline and online are coordinated –Landing page replacing the response device < Avoid landing page mistakes that arouse suspicion: 1. No office address 2. No phone number 3. Testimonials by people who only have initials 4. Extravagant claims

8 {title of presentation} Design Considerations for your Website 4 Three types of visitors –Those who want to discover –Those who want to do something –Those who want to donate

9 {title of presentation} Design Considerations for your Website 4 Aspects of Design and Content –Fonts –Images, graphics, photos, videos –Organize your content for visitors –Usability –Links –Contact Us button –Your url –Navigation –Endorsements, testimonials

10 {title of presentation} Things to Aspire to with your Website 4 Donate in 4 clicks – or less 4 Set a range of giving amounts 4 Use strong visuals to stir emotions 4 Show how the money will be used 4 Campaign specific donation pages 4 Analytics (Google Analytics) 4 Integrating social media (wikis, blogs, video, web profiles)

11 {title of presentation} Beginning the Conversation 4 Stewardship through Email –Short, top-heavy, above the fold –News-worthy –No attachments –Serialize –Drive traffic to website – remember the 3 D’s –Don’t embed video, link to it –Going viral –Newsletter vs Appeal letter

12 {title of presentation} Building Lists 4 Constant Contact 4 Informz 4 Mail Chimp 4 Vertical Response

13 {title of presentation} Please remember 4 Fundraising is P2P – not just transactions 4 Understand your donors – what’s the donor experience? 4 Listen to your early adopters 4 Email is passive/aggressive

14 {title of presentation} People give to people they know 4 The power of the Internet to support person-to-person fundraising is immense, says Gerard van der Burg of Igloo Software 4 Fundraising emails from an organization, for example, have average open rates of 1% - but those from a friend raising money for the same organization are opened 70% of the time. 4 Even more dramatic, he asserts, is that people are one hundred times more likely to donate when friends, rather than organizational representatives, make the ask. 4 “Social network software facilitates a huge shift in fundraising tactics,” he notes. Rather than going out to the world and hoping you’ll be noticed, you use technology to build a community first. Then you empower those supporters to do the fundraising for you.

15 {title of presentation} Integrating Offline & Online 4 Some people will never change! 4 Offline back up for online 4 Migrating online to offline 4 Phone backup

16 {title of presentation} What’s Next? 4 Decline of email 4 Move to mobile 4 Google Wave 4 Churn in social media

17 {title of presentation} 5 Trends that will affect online giving in 2010 1. Greater number of donations, smaller gift size 2. Through all the talk of economic rebound, donors will still be wary of donating to new causes 3. Email outreach will continue to trend up, meaning more clutter in inboxes 4. Recurring gifts will be a huge portion of online giving 5. Year-end gifts will account for a substantial percentage of total contributions

18 {title of presentation} Thanks! Any questions? Rob Lavery Resource Development Consultant 1-800-387-5765 x5137

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