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Prefixes – “un” and “dis”

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Presentation on theme: "Prefixes – “un” and “dis”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word un do undo Left click or press space bar to continue.

2 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word un dress undress Left click or press space bar to continue.

3 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word dis like dislike Left click or press space bar to continue.

4 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word dis please displease Left click or press space bar to continue.

5 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word un tie untie Left click or press space bar to continue.

6 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word un curl uncurl Left click or press space bar to continue.

7 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word dis mount dismount Left click or press space bar to continue.

8 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word un likely unlikely Left click or press space bar to continue.

9 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word un happy unhappy Left click or press space bar to continue.

10 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word dis allow disallow Left click or press space bar to continue.

11 Prefixes – “un” and “dis”
(Read,then write, the new word. Say what it means.) prefix root word un hurt unhurt Left click or press space bar to continue.

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