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Different Cultures through Religions. Culture Refers to a person’s total way of life. Including – Language – Religion – Beliefs – Customs – Institutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Different Cultures through Religions. Culture Refers to a person’s total way of life. Including – Language – Religion – Beliefs – Customs – Institutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Different Cultures through Religions

2 Culture Refers to a person’s total way of life. Including – Language – Religion – Beliefs – Customs – Institutions – Technology

3 Cultural Perceptions It makes each person who and what they are in the world. When it comes to different cultures they may have customs that shock, intrigue us as humans. We may disagree with these customs. The perceptions of Cultures have created many misunderstandings and conflicts in the world.

4 Religion One of the key aspects to understanding cultures is religion. Different religions can control what people eat, wear, or how they act in their daily lives.


6 Animism Followers: Indigenous peoples including Shinto, and some forms of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Central Beliefs: refers to the belief that non-human entities are spiritual beings, or at least embody some kind of life- principle. Different spirits include: Animals Plants Places Ex: Inuit Tribe in Canada, Pocahontas

7 Hinduism Followers: Hindu Gods: There are 1,000’s of Gods and Goddesses. (Polytheism) Brahma is the chief god. Central Figure: No central figure, but the Brahmins are the religious leaders. Karma: Persons behavior in life on earth will determine that persons form in the next life. Sacred Objects: Ganges River in India and the Cow is a sacred animal. Texts: Vedas Caste System: Strict separation of classes; no marriage or association with other “castes”. This is now banned in India, but still occurs. Areas of Concentration: India and Nepal


9 Judaism Followers: Jews Believe: One God (Monotheism) Central/ Sacred Figures: Abraham and Moses Sacred Site: Jerusalem and the Wailing wall. Text: Torah and Talmud Areas of Concentration: widely scattered, however, an overwhelming majority are located in the United States and Israel

10 Buddhism Philosophy: referred to as this and most don’t believe in a “God” Basic philosophy: Based on self- denial and mediation. Sacred Figure: Indian prince named Siddhartha Guatama also known as Buddha which means “The Enlightened One” Sacred Text: Pali Canon Buddhism: Concentrated in China, Tibet, Japan, Australia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka The Dalai Lama- Buddhist monk, leader of the Tibetans (more about his struggles in Tibet soon)

11 Buddhist Temple and Stupa

12 Confucianism Confucius = Politician, advisor to the king. Way of life taught by Confucius. Was so successful that the king gave him his own province. Others were jealous and convinced the king to throw Confucius out. Once Confucius dies, people began to write down many of his thoughts. Philosophy goes well with communism because a major premise is “obey your government” & “humans are teachable”

13 Shintoism Followers: Shinto Polytheistic More of a way of life than a religion Native Religion in Japan (not an “official” religion of Japan) Creation story: Spirits created & then lived on the Japanese islands Kami = supernatural force inclusive of gods, spirit figures, & human ancestors. Followers go to shrines to worship kami

14 Taoism (Daoism) Emphasis on living in harmony with Tao Prefers little (govt involvement) anarchism & laissez-faire government. Emphasize: compassion, moderation & humility Text: Tao Te Ching Official Deity: Jade Emperor Largely influences Chinese culture. Not truly a religion, has some religious aspects.

15 Map of Christianity

16 Christianity Followers are Christians Believe in one God Central/Sacred Figures: Jesus, Peter, Paul Text: Bible (New Testament) Sacred Site: – Jerusalem and Bethlehem Areas of Concentration: North and South America Europe Russia Australia New Zealand The Philippines Sub-Saharan Africa

17 Map of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism

18 Islam Followers: Muslims Believe in one God Sacred/ Central Figures: – Allah (God) and the Prophet Muhammad. Sacred Site: Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem Sacred Text: Qu’ran (Koran) Areas of Concentration: – The Middle East – Africa – Europe – United States – Central and South Asia – China

19 Sikhism Followers: Sikh Believe: In one God Mix of Hinduism and Islam Sacred/ Central Figures: – God and the founder Guru Nanak Sacred Places: The Golden Temple in Pubjab, India Areas of Concentration: India, SE Asia, Pakistan, UK, Europe

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