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The Windsor Consulting Group, Inc. Occupational Training and Education Global Business Health and Safety Strategies WCG.

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1 The Windsor Consulting Group, Inc. Occupational Training and Education Global Business Health and Safety Strategies WCG

2 Globally Harmonized System (GHS) Hazard Communication Awareness Training Overview: This course provides awareness level training on the updates made to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 which have been implemented to meet the Globally Harmonized System of classification and labeling of chemicals. Course provides an overview of the major changes to the Hazard Communication Standard, including what needs to be done to meet new requirements for labeling, safety data sheets, and training to make the workplace safer for workers by providing easily understandable information on the appropriate handling and safe use of chemicals. Duration: 4 Hours

3 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) General Site Workers (40-Hours) Overview: This course is intended for employees who will work on hazardous waste sites or participate in emergency response operations involving toxic chemicals, biological and radiological agents, and other physical hazards. According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard, 29 CFR 1910.120, employees must not perform any hazardous waste operations or work on emergency response tasks including natural disasters unless they have been trained to the level required by their job function and responsibility. At the conclusion of this course, students will learn:  How to recognize common physical and chemical hazards in the workplace, as well as uncontrolled environments, and estimate the associated risk  The importance of the site safety plan  Ways to reduce the possibility of exposure to hazards on site  The selection and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  How to use direct reading instruments and interpret results Duration: 40 Hours (Comprehensive) 8 Hour (Annual Refresher)

4 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Occasional Site Worker (24-Hours) Overview: This course is intended for workers who will perform occasional and limited duties on hazardous waste and emergency response and recovery work sites. According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.120, 24 hour training is required for “workers on site only occasionally for a specific limited tasks (such as, but not limited to, groundwater monitoring, land surveying, or geo-physical surveying) and who are unlikely to be exposed over permissible exposure limits…shall receive a minimum of 24 hours of instruction off the site.” At the conclusion of this course, students will:  Understand how hazardous materials are handled and identified  Understand the effects of exposure to hazardous substances  Understand the importance of the site safety plan  Learn the significance of using appropriate safety methods and work practice controls Duration: 24 Hours (Comprehensive) 8 Hour (Annual Refresher)

5 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry With Hands-On Exercise Overview: This course is required training for any employee who will perform work within a permit-required confined space entry. Training content will include:  Identification of confined spaces  Differences between confined spaces and permit-required confined spaces  Duties and Responsibilities of Authorized Entrant, Attendant, and Supervisor  Proper work practices and procedures for safe entry  Air monitoring requirements – including hands-on practice  Proper documentation of confined space entry (the Confined Space Entry Permit)  Overview of confined space rescue procedures  Hands-on practice in confined space entry and non-entry confined space rescues This training meets the OSHA Permit-Required Confined Space Standard (29 CFR 1910.146) and includes non-entry rescue requirements. Duration: 16 Hours (Comprehensive) 4 Hour (Refresher)

6 Occupational Noise Exposure Awareness Overview: The objective of this course is to train employees on ways to protect and conserve their hearing in noisy environments. The following topics will be presented:  Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Occupational Noise Exposure Standard (29 CFR 1910.95)  Types of occupational noise sources found in manufacture, construction, and other global industries  Understanding the effect of elevated levels of noise on hearing  Noise assessment and monitoring techniques  Hearing conservation methods and interpretation of results  Construct of engineering/administrative controls  Selection and use of personal protective equipment  Training and recordkeeping requirements Duration: 4 Hours

7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview: This training is designed to meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) PPE Standards, 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I. Training topics include:  Types of required PPE based on job safety and health analysis and risk assessment  OSHA PPE regulations; capabilities and limitations of PPE  Methods and metrics to measure effectiveness of using PPE  How to properly use, fit, and adjust PPE  PPE cleaning, maintenance, storage, useful life, and disposal guidelines. Duration: 4 Hours

8 Machine Guarding Overview: This course is deigned for those who operate or maintain equipment that utilizes machine guards. This training is designed to meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1910 Subpart O. The topics covered include:  Identification of the hazards of machinery  Understanding the purpose and use of safeguards  Describing and identifying the hazards specific to machines that employees work  Identifying procedures to be followed if machine guards are damaged, missing, or unable to provide protection  Lockout and tagout requirements Duration: 2 Hours

9 Job Hazard Analysis Overview: This class will discuss how to conduct a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). It will focus on the relationship between the worker, the tasks, the tools, and the work environment, as well as what to look for to reduce or eliminate uncontrolled hazards. This class consists of two group exercises designed to identify the jobs for which JHAs should be performed as well as how to complete JHA forms. Duration: 4 Hours

10 Bloodborne Pathogens Overview: This course focuses on ways to reduce occupational exposures to blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) through workplace and engineering controls. Students will also learn the significance of the Exposure Control Plan as well as the importance of the Hepatitis B vaccine. Recent findings indicate a promise for a vaccine for Hepatitis C. Learn more by attending this course. Duration: 4 Hours

11 Trenching and Excavating Overview: Excavation operations are recognized as one of the most hazardous construction operations. Course topics include:  Common hazards associated with trenching and shoring  The basics of soil mechanics  How to determine soil type, using both visual and manual methods  Various mechanical methods for trenching and excavating  Determining initial site conditions  Selecting applicable protective measures Duration: 8-Hours

12 Manual Materials Handling (Back Safety) Overview: This course focuses on one of the most physically challenging responsibilities in the workplace - manual materials handling. Participants will learn:  Proper lifting and storage procedures  Basic principles of ergonomics to recognize hazards and injuries  Procedures for reporting hazardous conditions  Methods and procedures for early reporting of injuries  Selection and use of personal protective equipment Duration: 2 Hours

13 Slips, Trips, and Falls Safety Overview: Slips, trips, and falls constitute 15% of all job-related accidental deaths and are second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatality. This module is designed to provide all workers with a better awareness of safe conditions and work practices and procedures to reduce slip, trip and fall hazards. Topics covered include:  OSHA standard for walking and work surfaces  Method to measure slippage on floor surfaces  Hazards in the workplace  Hazard prevention  Work site housekeeping and maintenance  Proper footwear  Proper walking techniques Duration: 2 Hours

14 Fall Protection Overview: Each year, falls account for the greatest number of fatalities in the construction industry. And, falls are always a major concern in other industries. This course is designed to ensure compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Fall Protection Standard, 29 CFR 1926.500. It is intended for employees who work on scaffolding, trusses, platforms, or roofs. Fall protection can be adapted and applied to manufacturing, maritime, agriculture, logging, and other hazardous industries. The course includes:  How to erect, maintain, disassemble, and inspect fall protection systems  Use of control measures including handrails, guardrails, covered floors  Engineering controls such as forklifts, manlifts, bucket trucks, etc.  Guardrail systems and personal fall arrest systems  How to work on low-sloped roofs in residential construction Duration: 4 Hours

15 Lockout/Tagout Overview: This training provides instruction covering the proper practices and procedures used to safely power down/shut down equipment, isolate it from its energy source(s), and prevent the release of potentially hazardous energy while maintenance and servicing activities are performed. This training meets Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Lockout/Tagout Standard (29 CFR 1910.147). Duration: 4 Hours

16 Respiratory Protection Overview: The objective of this course is to provide mandatory training that explains the need for respiratory protection equipment to include proper selection, use, and care of employee respiratory protection. The course will cover terminology, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) certification, and medical evaluation requirements. The course meets the requirements set forth in the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard (1910.134) and may include respirator fit testing, if required. Duration: 4 Hours

17 Powered Industrial Trucks/Forklifts Overview: This class focuses on the safe operation of powered industrial trucks. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) defines a powered industrial truck as a mobile, power-propelled truck used to carry, push, pull, lift, stack, or tier materials. Powered industrial trucks include forklifts, pallet trucks, rider trucks, fork-trucks, or lift-trucks. Each year, tens of thousands of preventable forklift-related injuries occur the workplace. This course will provide training on safe operation of powered industrial trucks with special emphasis on loading and unloading, center of gravity, stability, and mechanical limitations. Beside the formal instruction, there is a hands-on practical, which aligns with the manufacturer’s instruction. Duration: 8 Hours

18 Electrical Safety Overview: This course provides general background information on electrical safety for employees who work primarily in non-technical positions. Topics include:  Dangers of electrical shock and arc flash  Qualified person training and education  Written program and procedures  Selection of wiring and protective devices  Calculation of arc flash distances  Arc flash and shock hazard analysis  Safe work practices and procedures  Lockout/tagout procedures and testing equipment  Personal protective equipment and clothing  Safe work environment Duration: 8 Hours

19 Accident Investigation Overview: This course is intended for supervisors who are tasked with investigating accidents. Participants will learn to distinguish between an accident, a near miss, and an incident. The key points in conducting an accident investigation will be discussed, including the importance of timeliness and conducting post-accident employee interviews. Duration: 3 Hours

20 Spray Painting Safety Overview: This training is designed for employees that are engaged in spray painting activities. OSHA Standard 1910.94 "Ventilation" defines a "spray-finishing operation" as the "employment of methods wherein organic or inorganic materials are utilized in dispersed form for deposit on surfaces to be coated, treated, or cleaned." Spray operations can present both physical and health hazards to those involved. Topics include:  Composition of coatings  Occupational health hazards from coating materials  Fire and explosion hazards associated with spraying operations  Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and clothing  Proper ventilation and airflow in booths and rooms  Routine maintenance and housekeeping Duration: 2 Hours

21 Welding and Cutting Safety Overview: This class provides information on the safety and health hazards of welding and cutting, which are known to pose a unique combination of both safety and health risks to more than 500,000 workers in a wide variety of industries. Topics include:  Hazards and controls specific to oxy-acetylene fuel gas welding, brazing, cutting and arc-welding  Occupational health hazards from metal fume and dust  Occupational health hazards from paint and other surface coatings  Ionizing radiation exposure from thorium electrodes  Non-ionizing radiation safety – ultraviolet, visible, and infrared energies  Selection and use of respirators, personal protective equipment and clothing  Hazards of flammable and combustible materials Duration: 2 Hours

22 OSHA Standards For The Construction Industry Overview: This course covers the scope and application of OSHA policies, procedures, and standards as they relate to the construction industry. Special emphasis is given to those areas that are considered the most hazardous. Topics include:  Introduction to OSHA  GHS and hazard communication  Personal protective equipment  Fire protection and prevention  Electrical safety hazards  Tools- hand and power tools  Fixed and mobile scaffolding  Floors, wall openings, and ladders  Fall protection  Trenching and excavations Duration: 10-Hours (Awareness) and 30 Hours (Comprehensive)

23 OSHA Standards For Manufacture and General Industry Overview: This course covers Federal and state policies, procedures, and standards as well as general industry safety and health principles. Special emphasis will be placed on areas that are considered to be most hazardous. Topics include:  Introduction to OSHA  GHS and hazard communication  Ergonomics  Personal protective equipment  Fire protection/egress  Electrical hazards  Hazardous materials  Walking & working surfaces  Materials handling  Machine guarding/lockout/tagout Duration: 10-Hours (Awareness) and 30 Hours (Compreshensive)

24 Indoor Air Quality: Factors Affecting Health Overview: Indoor air quality problems can be caused by ventilation system deficiencies, overcrowding, microbiological contamination, and outside air pollutants. Typical symptoms may include headaches, unusual fatigue, itching or burning eyes, skin irritation, nasal congestion, dry or irritated throats, and nausea. This training presents the most common identifiable causes and health effects of poor indoor air quality and presents an overview of indoor air quality in office settings. Duration: 8 Hours

25 WCG Offices located in Washington, DC and New York Metro Area Email: Tel: 1+ 732.221.5687 Websites: and

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