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The Middle East: Turkey Objective: To recognize and discuss the history, people, culture, and current day situation of Iran. Objective: To recognize and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle East: Turkey Objective: To recognize and discuss the history, people, culture, and current day situation of Iran. Objective: To recognize and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Middle East: Turkey Objective: To recognize and discuss the history, people, culture, and current day situation of Iran. Objective: To recognize and discuss the history, people, culture, and current day situation of Turkey.

2 Early History: Centuries of Invasion 359 AD Romans invade and capture Byzantium- change it to Constantinople & it becomes the cap. Of Roman Empire Seljuk Turks/ nomadic people settle area 1000 CE



5 Ottoman Rule & WWI Under Ottoman Rule (very powerful parts of N. Africa, SW Asia, and SE Europe) WWI Ottomans fight on Central side 1918 rest of Ottoman Empire goes to British & French rule under mandates They are angry 1500s & 1600S1914-1918

6 20 th c. Turkey: A Move toward Modernization – Led by war hero Mustafa Kemal or later as he changed his name Kemal Ataturk (“Father of the Turks” – Founded democratic nation of Turkey (moves capital from Istanbul to Ankara) death of President Ataturk in 1938. Army takes control of govt after Ataturk’s death- tries to enforce secular values. 19201938

7 Modern-day Turkey: Victory of the Islamist- based Justice and Development Party (AKP) President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Kurdish Initiative The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), launched a guerrilla campaign in 1984 for an ethnic homeland in the Kurdish heartland in the southeast. The new initiative it pledged to extend linguistic and cultural rights and to reduce the military presence in the mainly Kurdish southeast of the country. Fighting continues 20022009

8 Turkey Today People & Culture Mostly Turks Kurds are the largest minority 20% of the population Ataturk created a split within Turkey’s upper classes and rural villagers Rural people more traditional- where Islam influences attitudes; esp. toward women Cooking- Olives, veggies, cheese, yogurt, bread, and kebabs Govt. Legislature is called National Assembly President and prime minister share power – Though most of the country is Islam- it’s govt. is secular (means that religion is kept separate from govt) Ex. In Islamic or Sharia law, a man can marry up to 5 wives- in Turkish law just one

9 Economy Is a member of the European union Economy includes modern factories & village farmers, craft making Impact: industry: textile and clothing, cement & electronics 40% of people work in agriculture (Grain, cotton, sugar beets, & hazelnuts) Natural Resources: oil, coal, iron ore Water = valuable Turkey spends billions in creating dams to increase water supply

10 Sources: BBC News Google Images Salter, Kit. World Geography. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008.

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