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Reclaiming Connection. An experiment on connection Can our positive thoughts/feelings influence the environment a quantum level (and perhaps be a force.

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Presentation on theme: "Reclaiming Connection. An experiment on connection Can our positive thoughts/feelings influence the environment a quantum level (and perhaps be a force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reclaiming Connection

2 An experiment on connection Can our positive thoughts/feelings influence the environment a quantum level (and perhaps be a force for eco-sustainability)? Random number generators (RNG) provide a simple way of testing these influences ( spreadsheet demo control r for a fast run through ) spreadsheet demo We’ll do a lit review on RNG research using: Meta-analyses – overviews of a wide range of research on a set topic. A critique of a meta-analysis – different studies come to different conclusions Groundbreaking research? A very recent study on influencing RNGs at a distance and research from the international global consciousness experiment We’ll collect baseline data right now on our ability to control RNGs (control c to clear, control e for a 16 minute 40 second run, record the result)now Then we’ll do a group loving kindness meditation and see it we can do better than chance on RNG

3 Can we influence random number generators? Radin and Nelson (2000). 515 experiments analysed from 1987-2000. These were dice throwing and random number experiments. Statistically very significant, meaning that people could predict or influence the numbers that came up. Bösch et al (2006). 386 studies analysed. Significant but small effect size, possibly the result of publication bias. That is to say that only experiments which show psychokinetic effects are published. Kugel (2011) says Bosch et al ”contains a large number of serious errors, which include data selection bias, faulty data coding, a lack of correspondence between experimental and control datasets, faulty statistical analyses, and erroneous interpretation of results” Fair to say that the jury is still out.

4 Mind-Matter Interaction at 190 km Tressoldi et al (2014) had an experimental and a control group. The control group were in the presence of the random number generator (RND) but not asked to do anything. The experimental group were asked to try and mentally shift the numbers generated (e.g. 0s or 1s) so that more (1s) than chance (50% 1s) were generated. Participants were asked to “become one with the apparatus and imagining that one remains inside it with positive emotions”. The RND was 190 kms away. The experimental group were better than chance (with 90% certainty) on 84% of 102 trials vs the control’s 14%. Meditators were best at this task. They theorise that mentally/emotionally produced bio-photons have the ability to interact with RND devices – interaction at the quantum level.

5 Global consciousnessconsciousness The global consciousness experiment is an attempt to show that when there is an aligned outpouring of human energy/ emotion connected to a single event (e.g. 9/11, the death if Nelson Mandela), the energy produced (perhaps as electro- magnetic wave forms) is powerful enough to disturb random number generators. Random number generators are placed in 141 sites around the world and their output is tracked in relation to major positive and negative events around the world.

6 Theory: “There will be structure in what should be random data, associated with major global events that engage our minds and hearts. Large scale group consciousness has effects in the physical world. Knowing this, we can intentionally work toward a brighter, more conscious future.” Does it work? Results of from 500 events show a small but highly significant effect. Success means getting the dots above the black dotted line of chance. The blue line is the grand average of all the results. Getting this result from random number generators is hugely unlikely. The theory doesn’t explain how the effect works. The selection of events seems a bit arbitrary and Western focussed.

7 The effect of positive events Mass social activation events (prayer, meditation, ceremony (including Mandela’s funeral), ritual, healing, humanity, Earth/nature, public demonstrations for peace, anti-war rallies) when taken collectively, are associated with highly significant RND effects

8 Loving Kindness meditation for the Earth – Step 1 Get Comfortable. Start the music Start the music Find a comfortable position for your body. Let your body and mind relax. Don’t worry if you can’t get perfectly comfortable or perfectly relaxed. Perfection is not required. Think about the random numbers as spirit, Gaia or an embodiment of Wairua or God and that you are becoming as one with it through this meditation Take 5 deep breaths - 3 seconds in/3 seconds out Start the RNG Start the RNG control e. Make sure the macros are enabled. Steps 2-6 will take about 3 minutes 20 sec minutes per cycle – 1000 seconds = 16 mins 40 seconds

9 Step 2 Develop Kindness Towards Yourself. Recite the following phrases: May I be safe from harm. May I be well. May I be peaceful and at ease. May I be happy. May you be filled with loving kindness Say the phrases over and over until you have positive feelings toward yourself.

10 Step 3 Develop Kindness Towards a Friend. Direct feelings of love and kindness towards a friend. Recite the same phrases as before: May she/he be safe from harm. May she/he be well. May she/he be peaceful and at ease. May she/he be happy. May you be filled with loving kindness Keep repeating the phrases until you have positive feelings for your friend.

11 Step 4 Develop Kindness Towards a animal. Now direct feelings of love and kindness towards a animal or group of animals – perhaps an endangered species. Recite the same phrases as before. May she/he/they be safe from harm. May she/he/they be well. May she/he/they be peaceful and at ease. May she/he/they be happy. May you be filled with loving kindness Continue repeating the phrases until you have positive feelings for the animal.

12 Step 5 Develop Kindness Towards a natural environment. Now direct feelings of love and kindness towards a place that is special to you. Recite similar phrases as before. May this place be safe from harm. May this place be well. May this place be one of peacefulness and ease. May all be happy in this place. May you be filled with loving kindness Continue repeating the phrases until you have positive feelings for the place you have chosen

13 Step 6. Develop Kindness Towards the Earth. Finally, direct feelings of love and kindness towards the Earth. Recite the similar phrases as before. May it be safe from harm. May it be well. May it be an Earth of peacefulness and ease. May all be happy on this Earth. May you be filled with loving kindness Continue repeating the phrases until you have positive feelings for the Earth and all that live upon it. Open the spreadsheet at 16 minutes be ready to press ESC on STOP

14 Discuss Stand up, stretch, relax, smile at someone How was it doing the meditation? Connection to spirit, etc? Look at the results – are they better than chance? How did the graph change as we moved through the meditation? Does your moral perspective on eco-sustainability change if you see yourself as connected to all matter – living and otherwise? What was the quality of the research we have explored today – How interesting, potentially useful was the theory? – How much did the theory explain? – How comprehensive is the research on RNGs? – Overall, where have we got to in this area of research?


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