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Commit to doing at least one kind act each week. Create a computer graph to chart acts of kindness for a month. Write about how it made you feel when.

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Presentation on theme: "Commit to doing at least one kind act each week. Create a computer graph to chart acts of kindness for a month. Write about how it made you feel when."— Presentation transcript:


2 Commit to doing at least one kind act each week. Create a computer graph to chart acts of kindness for a month. Write about how it made you feel when you did these acts of kindness. SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday One Act of Kindness

3 “You” Rock With a paint pen, write “You” on a smooth river rock. Keep the rock on your desk. Let the rock remind you to be kind, especially to new students.

4 Bullies Old & New Read: Each Kindness and The Hundred Dresses Compare how behaviors of bullies have changed or stayed the same through out history. Old BulliesSameNew Bullies


6 More books by Jaqueline Woodson

7 More books illustrated by E.B. Lewis

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