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Physical & Chemical Parameters of the Turnbow Pond Cody Clark Dylan Weir Jeffery Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical & Chemical Parameters of the Turnbow Pond Cody Clark Dylan Weir Jeffery Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical & Chemical Parameters of the Turnbow Pond Cody Clark Dylan Weir Jeffery Johnson

2 Turnbow Pond Groundwater Fed –Multiple seeps on uphill side –Stream running along south edge Expanded a couple years ago –Most macrophytes removed –Very turbid after refill Aeration system

3 Group A Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Total Phosphorus Conductiviy pH Bathymetry Irradiance Chlorophyll ɑ

4 YSI 556 Multiprobe Measures Dissolved Oxygen Temperature Conductivity pH

5 Dissolved O² & Temp

6 Conductivity & pH

7 Total Phosphorus Kemmerer Sampler

8 Bathymetry Equipment Boat, depth finder with GPS system, and a handheld GPS. Process Depth finder attached to boat maps the pond floor GPS collects data points as the boat moves around the pond Handheld GPS walked around high water mark

9 Bathymetry Methods –Paddle around pond in a grid pattern –Establish minimum and maximum depths for sample protocols –Walk the edge of the entire pond where the visible high water mark resides

10 Bathymetry Data Analysis –ArcGIS software organizes data points and renders a 3-D image of the pond shape and depth throughout –Minimum, maximum and average depths are calculated –Water volume is calculated from 3-D rendering and GPS points.

11 Bathymetry Results –All data points collected

12 Bathymetry Results Volume = 6297.2 M³ Area = 4679 M²

13 How to Measure Irradiance Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) Measures amount of light able to penetrate to “X” depth

14 Irradiance Profile Zero UV penetration >1m depth This plus turbidity creates colder temperatures for trout.

15 What Is Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll is used by green plants and algae to absorb sunlight and carry out photosynthesis.

16 Why Were Chlorophyll Samples taken? By measuring chlorophyll, you are indirectly measuring the amount of photosynthesizing plants found in a sample. In this case Algae To little, not enough to support biological communities. To much, indicates abnormally high nutrient levels Can result in algal blooms

17 How was it Collected? Collected using a 2 liter Van- Dorn Sampler Samples were taken at 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5 meters

18 Turnbow Pond Chlorophyll a Turnbow pond is Eutrophic Like most ponds Highly productivity due to high nutrients,especia lly nitrogen and phosphorus.

19 What do These Levels Mean? Upper water layer has 24.15 µg/L Most Eutrophic ponds range from 20 – 56 µg/L A Clear high mountain lakes have 0-2.6 µg/L Levels in pond may have been much higher in summer

20 What can be done? Refrain from spreading fertilizers up hill of the pond Increase the number of Cladocera by decreasing pond pH

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