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Measuring: Using the Metric System in Science. graduated cyclinder.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring: Using the Metric System in Science. graduated cyclinder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring: Using the Metric System in Science

2 graduated cyclinder

3 A graduated cylinder is used to measure liquid volume. It is the most accurate of the glassware used to measure liquid volume. The milliliter is the unit of measure for liquid volume.

4 metric ruler

5 A metric ruler is used to measure length or distance. The unit of measure is a centimeter (cm) or millimeter (mm).

6 beaker

7 A beaker is glassware that is used to measure liquid volume. The unit of measure is the milliliter.

8 triple beam balance

9 A triple beam balance is a measuring tool that measures mass in grams.

10 Flask

11 A flask is glassware that is used to measure liquid volume. The unit of measure is the milliliter (ml).

12 Match the following measuring tools to their unit of measure and type of measurement.

13 Question 1 A graduated cylinder measures a) mass b) liquid volume c) distance in what unit? d) milliliter e) centimeter f) gram

14 Question 2 A flask measures a) liquid volume b) mass c) distance in what unit? d) millimeter e) gram f) milliliter

15 Question 3 A beaker measures a) mass b) liquid volume c) distance in what unit? d) milliliter e) gram f) centimeter

16 Question 4 Which is more accurate? a) a beaker b) a flask c) a graduated cylinder

17 Question 5 A triple beam balance measures a) mass b) liquid volume c) distance in what unit? d) milliliter e) gram f) millimeter

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