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ELECTRICITY Physics Content nEnEnEnE llll eeee cccc tttt rrrr iiii cccc aaaa llll P P P P oooo wwww eeee rrrr nUnUnUnU nnnn iiii tttt o o o o ffff e.

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Presentation on theme: "ELECTRICITY Physics Content nEnEnEnE llll eeee cccc tttt rrrr iiii cccc aaaa llll P P P P oooo wwww eeee rrrr nUnUnUnU nnnn iiii tttt o o o o ffff e."— Presentation transcript:



3 Content nEnEnEnE llll eeee cccc tttt rrrr iiii cccc aaaa llll P P P P oooo wwww eeee rrrr nUnUnUnU nnnn iiii tttt o o o o ffff e e e e llll eeee cccc tttt rrrr iiii cccc iiii tttt yyyy nKnKnKnK iiii llll oooo wwww aaaa tttt tttt ---- hhhh oooo uuuu rrrr m m m m eeee tttt eeee rrrr nMnMnMnM aaaa iiii nnnn C C C C iiii rrrr cccc uuuu iiii tttt

4 Electrical Power Electrical Power Power = Energy change / time unit of power: Watt (W) unit of energy: Joule (J) unit of time: second (s) 1W = 1Js -1

5 Unit of Electricity Unit of Electricity - The energy consumed in household appliances is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh) - One kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy that is used by a 1000 W appliance in one hour. that is used by a 1000 W appliance in one hour.

6 The total cost of electricity consumption in June 0.12 0.28 0.4 12 0.084 0.196 0.28 8.4 12.8 384 8.96 268.8

7 Electricity Bill Chan Tai Man 13 Nathan Road Kowloon 85467-253-07 Chan Tai Man 13 Nathan Road Kowloon 28-04-98 共日用電量 由 至 59 01-03-9828-04-98 06-05-98

8 Kilowatt-hour meter Kilowatt-hour meter When the mains cable enters the home, it is connected through a fuse to a kilowatt-hour meter.

9 Hong Kong Electric Holdings Ltd. China Light & Power Co. Ltd. Two Electrical Suppliers in Hong Kong:


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