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Research Project HM280 Stephanie Alvarez. What is Bipolar Disorder?  A medical disorder that impairs the brains ability to maintain a calm and steady.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Project HM280 Stephanie Alvarez. What is Bipolar Disorder?  A medical disorder that impairs the brains ability to maintain a calm and steady."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Project HM280 Stephanie Alvarez

2 What is Bipolar Disorder?  A medical disorder that impairs the brains ability to maintain a calm and steady mood..  Unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and ability to carry out daily activities  Moods fluctuate, depending on which type of bipolar disorder that person suffers from.

3 Types of Bipolar Disorder  There are 5 different types of bipolar disorder.  Bipolar Disorder I & II, Rapid Cycling, Mixed Bipolar, and Cyclothymia disorder.  Bipolar I- Manic depression disorder.  Periods of severe mood episodes from mania to depression.  Bipolar II- Milder form of mood episodes of hypomania.  Rapid Cycling- Pattern of frequent mood episodes.  Mixed Bipolar- simultaneously experience manic and depression episodes.

4  Cyclothymia Disorder- episodes of hypomania with brief periods of depression.  Do not last long how they would in full blown bipolar disorder.  Different Emotions Experienced  Explosiveness and irritability, anger, periods of extreme sadness and low energy that they cannot easily control (depression). Continued’

5 Emotions & Moods Cont’  Elation- great happiness.  Extreme sadness and low energy (not easily controlled)  Mood shifts happen abruptly  Can persist for weeks, months, and years.  Mania- An abnormally elevated mood state.  Inappropriate elation, increased irritability, severe insomnia, increased speed and volume of their speech.  Hypomania- less severe.  Fluctuating moods, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts.  Does not impair someone from work, family, or social life.  People displaying hypomania symptoms tend to be unusually cheerful.

6 Symptoms of Bipolar at school  Impaired abilities such as planning, organization, concentration, and abstract reasoning.  More hostile, and defiant.  Can be reluctant, loss of interest, disconnected.  These symptoms are usually the only ones children will experience.

7 Symptoms of Bipolar at Work  Impaired abilities such as planning, organization, concentration, and abstract reasoning.  More hostile, and defiant.  Can be reluctant, loss of interest, disconnected.  Make changes at work  Do your best to avoid stressful situations  Take small breaks when you feel overwhelmed  Take time to think. Do not make impulsive decisions.

8 Causes  There is no exact cause, can be a number of things  Genes, abnormal brain structure and function, anxiety disorders, biological differences, imbalance of neurotransmitters.  Genetics- can run in family. Most common in people with first parent or sibling who have this disorder.

9 Ways to treat Bipolar Disorder  Psychological Interventions (Counseling)  Psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy, parent guidance sessions, anger management.  Medications  Mood stabilizers, anti-psychotic medications, and anti depressants.  A combination of therapy and mood stabilizers are recommended.  Even if those both are recommended mood changes etc will still occur.

10 Behavioral Plans for Children  Provide frequent acknowledgements of success  Reward (child) for making efforts to reduce problem behaviors.  Develop meaningful incentives with the child.  Anger management for both children and adults.


12 Sources  School Psychiatry Program & Madi Resource Center. Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression). “What is Bipolar Disorder?” 2010.  National Institute of Mental Health. Bipolar Disorder in Children and Teens. “What is Bipolar Disorder?” January 28, 2015. and-teens-easy-to-read/index.shtml#pub5  Insel, Thomas. Behavioral Research at NIMH. “Reorganizing the 'Bricks' to Advance Public Health.” January 31, 2015  l-research-at-nimh.shtml l-research-at-nimh.shtml  Marcia, Calvin. Adler School of Professional Psychology. March 10, 2015  Arana, Flavio. Meridian Psychiatric Partners. University of Wisconsin. February 17, 2015. March 12, 2015.

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