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Elements and Principles of Dance

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1 Elements and Principles of Dance
Objective 10: The student will demonstrate understanding by applying elements of dance and principles of movement to analyze and describe how themes in dances and styles of dance communicate ideas and feelings

2 BEST: Elements of Dance
Body: What we move Energy: How we move Space: Where we move Time: When we move

3 Body Body Part: part of the body that is moving
Body Shape: different shapes the body makes Body Base: what is supporting your body's weight :29-1:12

4 Energy Explosive, percussive, sustained, swing

5 Space Level: The height of the movement
Pattern and direction: the shape and direction of the pathways you travel through 2:04-2:40

6 Time Relationship of one movement/part of a movement to another.
Tempo: the speed of the movement Duration: The time of the movement 2:40-3:00 (until 1:40)

7 Principles of Dance Balance Movement Weight shift

8 Balance Arranging a dance so that no one part overpowers other parts.

9 Movement The path the viewer's eye follows throughout a dance
Movement gives the feeling of motion and guides the viewer Allows the dance to flow The artists controls what the viewers see and how they see it.

10 Shift of Weight shift of weight occurs when the body changes support
1. from both feet to one foot 2. from one foot to another foot 3. from one foot to two feet

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