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Welcome to Grade 4/5 Hanson! Bienvenue! f Flash Fairvale Elementary School Anglophone South School District Wednesday, August 27, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Grade 4/5 Hanson! Bienvenue! f Flash Fairvale Elementary School Anglophone South School District Wednesday, August 27, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Grade 4/5 Hanson! Bienvenue! f Flash Fairvale Elementary School Anglophone South School District Wednesday, August 27, 2014

2 Fairvale Elementary School Bells Grades 3, 4 and 5 7:40Buses start to arrive/ Supervision begins 8:05Enter school 8:10Announcements 8:15 Instruction Block # 1 10:00RECESS: Time to Eat 10:15 RECESS: Time to Play 10:30 Instruction Block # 2 12:00 NOON: Time to Eat 12:15 NOON: Time to Play 12:45 Instruction Block # 3 2:30 End of Instruction 2:35Dismissal 2:40Buses Depart

3 1.We listen to each other. 2.Hands are for helping not hurting. 3.We use I-Care language. 4.We care about each other’s feelings. 5.We are responsible for what we say and do. I-Care Rules

4 The 7 Habits of Happy Kids Be proactive – You’re in charge Begin with the End in Mind – Have a plan Put First Things First – Work first, then play Think Win-Win – Everyone can win Seek First to Understand, then to be understood – Listen before you talk Synergize – Together is better Sharpen the Saw – Balance feels best

5 Follow directions the FIRST time they are given. Always raise your hand to contribute to classroom discussion. Laugh WITH anyone but laugh AT no-one. Respect other people and their property. * Always try your best! Classroom Rules

6 Literacy Curriculum The outcomes of the English and French literacy curriculums are very similar and taught through a variety of reading, writing and oral activities. Students will be exploring various comprehension strategies and writing genres (narrative, retell, descriptive, and persuasive).

7 Literacy Curriculum (cont’d) Health, Science and Social Studies will all be taught through a variety of reading, writing and oral activities. Health: Protecting Yourself, Your Family and Community Personal Wellness Growth and Development (Grade 5) Use, Misuse and Abuse of Materials Science: Properties and Changes in Materials Properties of Light Social Studies: Exploring the landscape of Canada Discovering Canada

8 Math Curriculum (5) Number: –Represent, compare and describe numbers to 1 000 000 –Apply mental math and estimation strategies to solve problems –Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers –Divide 3 digit by 1 digit and interpret remainders to solve problems –Demonstrate an understanding of fractions by using concrete and pictorial representations –Add and subtract decimals, relate decimals to fractions and compare and order decimals (limited to thousandths)

9 Math Curriculum (5) (cont’d) Patterns and Relations: –Identifying, describing and reproducing patterns found in tables and charts in order to make predictions and solve problems. –Solve one-step single variable equations involving a symbol to represent an unknown number. Shape and Space: –Measurement (perimeter, area, length, volume, capacity, –3-D objects and 2-D shapes. Statistics and Probability: - Construct, interpret and compare data from pictographs and bar graphs.

10 Math Curriculum (4) Number: –Representing, comparing and describing numbers to 10 000 –Math facts to 9+9 and 9X9 –Multiplying 2 or 3-digit by 1 digit numbers –Adding and subtracting 3 and 4-digit numbers –Understanding fractions less than or equal to one –Describing and representing decimals (tenths and hundreds) –Adding and subtracting decimals

11 Math Curriculum (4) (cont’d) Patterns and Relations: –Identifying, describing and reproducing patterns found in tables and charts in order to solve problems –Solve one-step equations involving a symbol to represent an unknown number Shape and Space: –Measurement (24-hour clock, calendar dates, area of 2-D shapes) –3-D objects Statistics and Probability: - Demonstrate an understanding of pictographs and bar graphs

12 Homework Expectations 1- Reading (daily) 2- Math (daily activities, weekly Friday mental math tests, unit tests) 3- French L.A. (Verb of the week, reading comprehension, writing activities) 4- Science, Social Studies and Health (tests, projects) 5- Incomplete School Work (to be finished at home) 6- Tests/Permission Slips/Notices (to be signed)

13 Communications Parent-teacher communication will be via: Phone calls: school phone 847-6206 Newsletters Class Weebly  Email: By appointment Notes in agenda

14 Meet Our Team… Specialist Teachers Don’t forget to say hello to our many specialists: Literacy Mentors Mrs. Laurie Shillington– English Mme Laura Batt-Melanson – French Immersion Music Mrs. Jennifer Russell Physical Education Mr. Pierre Melanson Mrs. Tracy Price-Emmerson Mrs. Heather Allan-Murdoch Education Support Teachers of Resource Mr. Joe Armstrong Mrs. Holly Lint Mrs. Wendy Romeo Education Support Teacher of Guidance Ms. Kerry Casey Administrative Team Principal: Mrs. Hierlihy Vice-principal: Mrs. Dobbin Secretary: Mrs. Cowan Enjoy the barbecue!

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