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Introduction: I like to Move it! Move It! I Like to…MOVE IT!!....Let's Move along a great adventure to Madagascar and explore the wonderful creatures and.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction: I like to Move it! Move It! I Like to…MOVE IT!!....Let's Move along a great adventure to Madagascar and explore the wonderful creatures and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction: I like to Move it! Move It! I Like to…MOVE IT!!....Let's Move along a great adventure to Madagascar and explore the wonderful creatures and animal only found there. With over 200, 000 different species, Madagascar is a wildlife wonder. Come along for the adventure!!

2 Task: Imagine that you are an animal from Madagascar, and the whole class is going on a safari, your job is to tell us your story. You will be working individually, You will need to present your animal research to the whole class in one of two different ways: Oral or powerpoint presentation. You will also be graded on research.

3 Process: 1-You will be assigned an animal from Madagascar
2- You will print out an animal mask that pertains to the animal given to you, then you will color, make, and use it on the day of your presentation. These are some links to websites where you can find a mask and print it: Animal mask 1 Animal mask 2 Animal mask 3 Animal mask 4 Animal mask 5 Process:

4 Process: 3- You will conduct your report by answering the following questions about your animal What is the name of your animal? What is its habitat? Where does it live? Does it have fur/spot/stripes? What does it eat? How small/ big can it be?

5 Process: Does it travel in a pack or alone?
Are the female types called differently? Is it a mammal? Herbivore? Vegetarian? How long has this animal lived in Madagascar? Is this animal endemic to Madagascar? What is one feature that helps this animal survive? Is this animal an endangered species?

6 Process: 4- There are three web sites for you on the resource section of this document, use them to gather information. Read the information on the first website then move on to the next two to find more information. 5- Now you are ready to write the rough draft for your presentation once you have gather you information you will compose an essay detailing the information obtained. 6- You may choose to do your presentation in one of two different formats: a Power Point presentation, or Oral presentation. You will also be graded on research. 7- Share your presentation with the class

7 Resources and Evaluation
Use the links below to find information about your topic Madagascar1 Madagascar Lemurs Pictures of different animals Evaluation The information you gathered and your presentation on your animal will be evaluated. I will evaluate your work on your webquest using these rubrics. read out loud presentation Research Presentation Power Point Presentation

8 Conclusion During your webquest, you have learned much about the animals that live in Madagascar.  There is much more that we can learn about the status of animals and their habitats. How can you use the information gathered in your webquest to educate the public about animals in Madagascar?  Can you tell one fact that you learn that you did not know? Write a response to your selection in your Journal.

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