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History Process Religious issues Experiments conducted Federal and governmental regulations Medical issues World view Pros and Cons.

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Presentation on theme: "History Process Religious issues Experiments conducted Federal and governmental regulations Medical issues World view Pros and Cons."— Presentation transcript:

1 History Process Religious issues Experiments conducted Federal and governmental regulations Medical issues World view Pros and Cons

2 History of Cloning: 1952 The world's first ever successful animal cloning experiment. Robert Briggs and Thomas J. King successfully cloned tadpoles by nuclear transfer. 1996 The world's first ever cloned mammal. Robert Briggs and Thomas J. King successfully cloned tadpoles by nuclear transfer. 2004 The world's first ever cloned human embryo. South Korean scientists create several cloned human embryos which they only allowed to develop for a short while – just long enough to extract embryonic stem cells which could be used in the treatment of disease..

3 1999Dec. 2002 Scientists secretly placed a human cloned embryo into a pig. The cell only lived to be 32 days old. Experiments conducted: Failed Experiments A company called Clonaid announced that they successfully cloned the first human. Experts say it is impossible for the company to clone a human due to inadequate technology.

4 Human cloning experiments in 2009 Wednesday, 22 April 2009 Fertility expert: 'I can clone a human being' Panayiotis Zavos, a fertility doctor, claimed he has cloned 14 human embryos and implanted 11 of them into four women. The experiment was conducted in a secret laboratory most likely in the Middle East. He personally owns fertility clinics in Kentucky and Cyprus. None of the women became pregnant but the doctor indicated that this was just the “first chapter” for his ongoing attempts to produce a cloned baby from parent’s skin cells.

5 Future of Human Cloning No one truly knows the future of human cloning, but many believe models will be cloned to make designer babies. It is highly probable that a cloned human being lives among us now. You might read breaking headlines about cloning but most of those are A few years behind. Some say they just discovered a new process to human cloning in 2010, but in reality it was completed in 2005. In 2001, there was such a stir in the human cloning idea that hundreds of scientist did their work with out anyone knowing. Thousands of dollars, eggs, adult cells ect. have been donated to human cloning research. As citizens of the world we can not ignore scientific research, but instead regulate it. “Either we control gene technology today, or technology will redesign us by tomorrow.”

6 Process of Cloning: Donor egg Remove nucleus Remove cells from person to be cloned Human egg donor Surrogate mother with cloned baby Implant embryo into surrogate mother Embryo Cell Egg fused with cell Fuse cell and enucleated egg with electricity

7 "Creating human life is God's job, and His alone" "Human cloning is going too far and trying to take God's place in our creation." "Only God has the power to create a living creature, and for man to 'create' life is blasphemous." "As a Christian, I feel that cloning is morally wrong. The only person who should grant a life is God." "Creating human life is GOD's job, and His alone!!!!!!!!!!!!" "We are not the creator, only the creation." "God is the Creator of all life. Period." "The breath of life is given to us by God - not by scientists splicing genes in a lab." Religious issues “Playing God” Some people believe that cloning is similar to playing God. They believe that God should be the creator of all living and natural things. It is believed that a human has the right for the full human development in a natural environment and that the human embryo should be left alone after the 14th day of fertilization. “Reverence for life” Some religious people believe that if you clone a human being it has no soul. People believe human cloning takes away from an Individual being unique and stresses Psychological and social development “Not Unique” “No Soul”

8 Medical issues Possible miscarriage or still birth Deformities Unforeseen deaths in later life of the clone Health risks from mutated genes Developmental delays Lung problems Heart defects Neurological disorders Unstable immune system

9 Some State Cloning Laws Maryland Iowa ConnecticutCalifornia ArkansasArizona North Dakota MissouriMichigan South Dakota Bans the use of public monies for reproductive or therapeutic cloning. Prohibits reproductive and therapeutic cloning Prohibits reproductive cloning but permits cloning for research. Prohibits reproductive and therapeutic cloning Prohibits any type of cloning. Prohibits reproductive cloning but permits cloning for research. Prohibits any type of cloning. Prohibits state funds to be used for cloning on embryos for newborns Prohibits any type of cloning.

10 Pros and Cons ProsCons Cloned body parts can serve as backup systems for humans Solution to infertility Combat genetic diseases Replicate animals for research purposes Enable alterations of plants & animals. Produce people with desirable traits Weaken diversity & ability of adaptation Production of undesirable traits Technical & economic barriers: cost effective? Reach the common man? Invites malpractices into society Human & animals rights at stake Ethical & moral principles Undermining human life Devalue mankind Human’s acting as God

11 Some other World views Canada Prohibits: any type of human cloning That would duplicate a human being Costa Rica Prohibits : : “Any manipulation or alteration of an embryo’s genetic code is prohibited, as is any kind of experimentation with embryos.” Panama Prohibits: financing, promotion, donating, experiments research of any kind of cloning. Prohibits:: “experiments concerning cloning of human cells in order to generate human beings.” Argentina Prohibits: Placing a human embryo into a woman (other then for fertilization). United Kingdom

12 Works cited: Leon Kass and James Q. Wilson, 1998. The Ethics of Human Cloning. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute Author Unknown. 2003. The Future of Human Cloning: Ethics-Progress-Politics. NCSL, West Group. January 2008. National Conference of State Legislatures: State Human Cloning Laws. Oak, Manali. 8/26/2008. Pros and Cons of Cloning from Roario Isasi, JD, MPH. 2005. Database of Global Policies on Human and Germ-line Engineering.

13 Works cited Continued: Connor, Steve: Science Editor. 22 April 2009. Fertility expert: 'I can clone a human being' Five students of Indian Hill Elementary. No date given. Cloning Experiments.

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