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ES1050 – Introductory Engineering Design and Innovation Studio 1 Computer Aided Design (CAD) Part 4 Prof. Paul Kurowski.

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Presentation on theme: "ES1050 – Introductory Engineering Design and Innovation Studio 1 Computer Aided Design (CAD) Part 4 Prof. Paul Kurowski."— Presentation transcript:

1 ES1050 – Introductory Engineering Design and Innovation Studio 1 Computer Aided Design (CAD) Part 4 Prof. Paul Kurowski

2 2 In the third lesson: We have created two shelled-out block. We’ll now use them to build an assembly. block01.SLDPRTblock02.SLDPRT

3 3 Open a new Assembly 1 2

4 4 Assembly A new assembly also comes with three reference planes. We’ll insert parts into assembly.

5 5 Assembly Make the origin of assembly visible 1 2

6 6 Insert the first part Browse for the existing part block01.SLDPRT 1 2 3

7 7 Drop block01.SLDPRT into assembly. Make sure to align the coordinate systems of part and of assembly. The part if now fixed (notice letter f in front of part). Examine the assembly Feature Manager window. Insert the first part

8 8 Insert more part Inset more parts into assembly. Notice that the first part is Fixed, the other parts are “loose”, you may move them around as you wish. We’ll have to define mating conditions to define positions of these parts in assembly. Loose parts Fixed part

9 9 Mating conditions Use Mating Conditions as required to build the assembly. One done all parts should be fully placed. Make sure you have no (-) signs in the Assembly Feature Manager.

10 10 Complete assembly Save assembly as LEGO.SLDASM

11 11 In this lesson we have: Created two different parts taking advantage of parametric formulation of SolidWorks Learned different ways to display the model In the next lesson we’ll use these parts to create as assembly Summary

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