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Working with Acrylic Quiz Garden Furniture Baths Cooking Pots 1.Sheet Acrylic is often used to make?… Kitchen Worktops Tea Cups Fire Surrounds.

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2 Working with Acrylic Quiz

3 Garden Furniture Baths Cooking Pots 1.Sheet Acrylic is often used to make?… Kitchen Worktops Tea Cups Fire Surrounds

4 Thermoplastic Thermosetting plasticElastomer 2. Acrylic is classed as a ?....

5 3. The purpose of the protective film is to….. To give you a surface to draw on To prevent the Acrylic getting scratched To make the sheet easier to cut To stop the sheets sticking together

6 4. Which of the following tools is not suitable for cutting Acrylic? A Panel Saw A Coping SawA Piercing saw A Jnr Hacksaw

7 5. The method of filing shown below is called …. Smooth Filing Cross Filing Draw Filing

8 6. The abrasive used to produce a fine finish on acrylic sheet is called …. Aluminium Oxide Paper Wet & Dry Sand Paper Glass Paper Emery Cloth

9 Vacuum Forming Machine Strip Heater Oven Line Bender 7. What is the correct name for the machine shown below? Injection Moulding Machine

10 8. When should you remove the protective film? Leave it on as long as possible As soon as possible Never Any time you want

11 Vacuum Forming Machine Strip Heater Oven 9. What is the correct name for the machine shown below? Injection Moulding Machine

12 The acrylic was not hot enough when it was bent The acrylic was over heated while it was being bent The acrylic was heated on both sides 10. What is the most likely cause of the small bubbles that have formed along the bend line? The acrylic was bent too quickly

13 PVA Tensol Cement 11. What is the correct name for the adhesive used to glue acrylic to acrylic? Epoxy Resin Cascamite Impact Adhesive Cyanoacrylate

14 Vacuum Forming Machine Strip Heater Oven Line Bender 12. Which machine would have been used to shape the acrylic sheet into this sink? Injection Moulding Machine

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