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EDI: Teacher Modeling Clear Target: Identify ways to model thinking throughout a lesson.

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Presentation on theme: "EDI: Teacher Modeling Clear Target: Identify ways to model thinking throughout a lesson."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDI: Teacher Modeling Clear Target: Identify ways to model thinking throughout a lesson.

2 Why is this important? 5

3 CMCSS Explicit Instruction Snapshot Models OR Demonstrates Explains Questioning


5 3 Parts to “Presentation” 1. Explaining delivering or explaining content or process 1.Modeling revealing strategic THINKING process 1.Demonstrating physical demonstrations using objects

6 Classroom Scenario 1.Read classroom scenario. 2.Highlight any instance(s) where teacher models strategic thinking for students. 3.Share findings with small group, then with whole group.

7 Checks for Understanding Modified following modeling Focus on verifying students’ understanding of the thinking process Examples “How did I know where to put it in the organizer? “What was I thinking when I…?” “How did I decide to…?” “Why did I…?”

8 1.Re-read or recall the classroom scenario discussed earlier. 2.As a group, create Checks for Understanding questions based on the teacher’s modeling used in the scenario. a.If you were the teacher delivering this lesson, what CFUs would you already have prepared for your students? 3.Share with whole group. Classroom Scenario

9 “…what is important and necessary for deep learning is that students experience all four phases of learning when encountering new content.” (Fisher and Frey)

10 Bridge to Practice Clear Target: Identify ways to model thinking throughout a lesson. Task: Using the lesson plan(s) you brought with you today, script the modeling you will use for at least one lesson. Remember to focus on the strategic thinking you want students to utilize in order to complete the task in your lesson or when using the skill covered in your lesson. What CFUs will you prepare to assess thinking?

11 Resources Hollingsworth, John, and Silvia Ybarra. "Six: Delivering Information to Students." Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI): The Power of the Well-crafted, Well-taught Lesson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2009. 99-112. Print. Full Text is available on PLAN ONLINE E-BOOK OFFERINGS (2014-2015) - EXPLICIT DIRECT INSTRUCTION (EDI): THE POWER OF A WELL-CRAFTED, WELL-TAUGHT LESSON (TRAINING CREDIT) Course Code: 4792.12201

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