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Minority Outreach and Limited- Resource Partnerships SSARE Grants and 1890 Land-Grant Universities

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1 Minority Outreach and Limited- Resource Partnerships SSARE Grants and 1890 Land-Grant Universities

2 Who is SARE?  Stands for Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program  Authorized in the 1985 Farm Bill and is part of USDA’s NIFA program  Our goal is to support farmers, researchers and educators as they explore sustainable ag practices  Primary tool is grants

3 How SARE Works  Regionally administered; we support 13 states and two territories in the Southern region  Host institutions: UGA, FVSU, Kerr Center  Participatory  Inclusive  Administrative Council sets research priorities, releases grant calls for proposals, and reviews/selects grants

4 Defining Sustainable Agriculture  SARE’s three broad goals, known as the Pillars of Sustainability  Profit over the long term  Stewardship of our nation’s land, air and water  Quality of life for farmers, ranchers and their communities These goals must be considered when applying for a grant.

5 1890 Land-Grants We partner with 1890 institutions to assist minority and limited-resource farmers 14 1890s in the Southern region; each one has received at least one SSARE grant Funded over 60 1890 projects in SARE’s history In addition, 1890s collaborate on countless SSARE-funded grant projects


7 Our Grant Opportunities Nationally, SARE has provided funding support for over 5,000 sustainable ag research projects. In the Southern region, we’ve awarded over $52 million in grants for over 900 proposals.

8 Research & Education Grants  For researchers (1862, 1890 or otherwise), govt. agencies, NGOs, other ag professionals.  Encourages a systems approach to sustainable ag.  Awards up 3 years of research. Funding ranges between $100,000 and $300,000.  Research-based projects with an educational/outreach component; Producers and consumers should be part of the process.  Sample Funded Grants  Improving fitness in meat goat herds  Using silvopasture to advance agroforestry systems  Food hubs and regional food systems  Cover crops and soil quality

9 Funding Priority Areas  Proposals generally address one of the following priority areas:  Limited-resource farmers  Organic farming systems  Environmentally sound practices/ag ecosystems  Marketing/economic development  Policy, program evaluation, and quality of life  Women in sustainable ag Download the Call for Proposals to learn more:

10 Interested in Submitting a Proposal? Tips to Consider  Make sure SARE is the right granting organization for your project  Involve farmers and other end users  Look beyond state lines  Keep the writing simple  Avoid jargon  Get someone else to proof read your proposal.  Follow directions in the Call for Proposal.  Ask Questions

11 On-Farm Research Grants  For Extension specialists, university researchers, NRCS, NGOs or other ag professionals who currently and regularly work with farmers/ranchers.  These grants are not open to farmers.  Supports on-farm research or marketing projects related to sustainable ag to help farmers find solutions to various ag production issues.  Funding is $15,000 for up to 2 years of research.  Sample grant funds:  Pollinator habitat conservation  Companion plants as IPM tools  Grafting heirloom tomatoes  Propagation of edible pecan truffles in pecan nurseries

12 What Grants Fund and Don’t Fund Fund can be used for:  Cost of sampling and sample analysis  Project materials and supplies  Outreach expenses  Project travel  Hired labor  Refreshments at events Funds cannot be used for:  Starting or expanding a farm, farming operation or NGO  Buying equipment  Permanent farm improvements  Lunches or other full meals  Testing of commercial products

13 Funding Priority Areas  Proposals generally address one of the following priority areas:  Beneficial insect habitat  Alternative crops/animals  Organic agriculture  Sustainable marketing projects  Sustainable grazing systems  SOM buildup/protection/management  Increasing sustainability of existing farming practices  Appropriate technology  Agroforestry Download the Call for Proposals to learn more:

14 Graduate Student Grants  For full-time Master’s and Ph.D. students at accredited universities in the Southern region interested in sustainable ag research.  An applicant may only receive 1 SARE Graduate Student Grant during his or her degree program.  Funding is $11,000 for up to 3 years of research.  Sample grant funds:  IPM using cover crops  Livestock grazing behavior  Herbal treatments to prevent mastitis in dairy cattle  Identifying barriers to sustainable food production in low-income areas

15 What Grants Fund and Don’t Fund Fund can be used for:  Supplies  Equipment  Labor  Special texts not readily available  Farm equipment rental  Travel and per diem necessary for the project Funds cannot be used for:  Graduate student stipends  Travel to scholarly meetings or any international travel  Preparation of thesis or dissertation copy  Publication costs  Purchase of classroom books  Payment of tuition  Permanent capital improvements

16 Interested in Submitting a Proposal? Tips to Consider  Make sure SARE is the right granting organization for your project  Keep the writing clear and simple  Help reviewers understand the importance of your project  Avoid jargon  Develop a realistic budget  Get someone else to proof read your proposal.  Follow directions in the Call for Proposal.  Ask Questions

17 Professional Development Program Grants  Funds projects that provide training on sustainable ag for ag professionals and educators who serve farmers and other interested parties.  Targets land-grant and non land-grant universities, colleges, USDA agencies, community-based organizations and NGOs.  There is no funding cap, but to fund a broad portfolio of projects, most proposals are funded within the range of $80,000 or less.  Can be funded for up to two years.  Central purpose is to provide or enable training to ag professionals, educators, mentor farmers and others. Research projects and farmer-outreach or education projects do not qualify.  Sample Funded Grants  Training of renewable energy systems for small farms  Moving local food systems toward sustainability  Implementing Annie’s Project  Small Ruminant Toolbox

18 General Guidelines  Projects should include or involve the following:  Relevancy of sustainable ag and significance to the state(s) involved  Participation or support from both 1862 and 1890 institutions  Effective participatory training methods  Systems approach  Interdisciplinary efforts and multi-institutional partnerships  Farmer involvement  Multiple formats of delivering training material Download the Call for Proposals to learn more:

19 Know More  SARE offers more than grants  Learning Center: National publications, including facts sheets, bulletins and books  Regional educational resources and newsletters  SARE program materials  Grantee project products  Videos  Topic Rooms  SARE listserv

20 To Learn More, Visit: Contact James Hill E-mail: Call: 478-825-6263 Look for us at conferences, workshops and other events

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