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How to use the word parts How to remember the word parts For the most effective use of this strategy, teach three things: How to recognize the word.

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4 How to use the word parts How to remember the word parts For the most effective use of this strategy, teach three things: How to recognize the word parts

5 “committing definitions to memory would only lead to a superficial understanding and a rapid forgetting of words” (Irvin, 2001) How to remember the word parts

6 How to use the word parts Irvin says morphology can be used to recognize words more efficiently. It can be used to remember the meanings of words and spellings of partially known words and morphology can be used to figure out the meanings and pronunciations of new words. Using the word parts to remember the meanings of words Using the word parts to figure out the meanings of words

7 Participants




11 How to recognize the word parts

12 Anim: mind, soul Anim advert Cast criticism upon un Anim ous Of one mind magn Anim ity Greatness of mind or spirit

13 Anim: mind, soul Anim advert Cast criticism upon un Anim ous Of one mind magn Anim ity Greatness of mind or spirit

14 Anim: mind, soul Anim advert Cast criticism upon un Anim ous Of one mind magn Anim ity Greatness of mind or spirit

15 Being able to think of other words that also use that word part

16 Anim: mind, soul animal, animate, Anim advert Cast criticism upon un Anim ous Of one mind magn Anim ity Greatness of mind or spirit

17 abstract: abstracted: abstraction: abstractionism: attract: attraction: attractive: contract: contractile: contractility: contraction: contractor: contractual: detract: detraction: detrain: distract: distraction: distraught: entrain: entreat: extract: intractable: maltreat portrait: portray: protract: protractile: protraction: protractor: retract: retraction: retreat: subtract: subtraction: subtrahend: trace: tract: tractability: tractable: tractableness: tractile: traction: tractor:



20 How to use the word parts

21 Assessment Tool

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