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Lessons from Practice: Toward Climate Change Resilient Cities World Urban Forum Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 23 March 2010 Anna Brown Associate Director The.

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Presentation on theme: "Lessons from Practice: Toward Climate Change Resilient Cities World Urban Forum Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 23 March 2010 Anna Brown Associate Director The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lessons from Practice: Toward Climate Change Resilient Cities World Urban Forum Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 23 March 2010 Anna Brown Associate Director The Rockefeller Foundation Asia

2 Overview of session The Rockefeller Foundation’s interest in urban climate change resilience Overview of the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) Summary Remarks followed by Q & A Outline

3 Changes Happening Now Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 Climate change mitigation is critical….but not enough

4 Unprecedented Rates of Urbanization Source: The World Bank Global Urbanization Trends: 1950 - 2050 affects land and resource use, and social and economic systems

5 Climate change will hurt cities

6 Poor and vulnerable people face greater risks: Direct Impacts: Increasing frequency + intensity of extreme events Changes in disease vectors Sea level rise Heat waves Water availability + quality 2 nd Order Impacts: Power supply Supply of climate sensitive products (food, water, etc.) Disruption to industry, commerce, business Migration Health epidemics Have fewer resources to cope with change Often live in vulnerable places

7 Asian Cities Climate Change Resilient Network (ACCCRN) Impact Statement: A diverse range of effective approaches, processes, and practices to build urban climate change resilience that incorporate the priorities of poor and vulnerable communities is demonstrated in ACCCRN cities that generate additional actions by more institutions in current and new places

8 ACCCRN aims to build climate change resilience in 10 cities in 4 countries in Asia

9 ACCCRN Phases 20082009201020112012 Phase 1 India and Vietnam, with Indonesia starting Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 - Phase 1 City Scoping and Selection Identify partner cities Phase 2 City-level engagement and capacity development Conduct shared learning dialogues (SLDs) with key stakeholders and undertake key studies Phase 3 Implementation of urban resilience projects Work with local and international partners to implement interventions identified in Phase 2 Phase 4 Replication Scale-up through networking and shared learning, dissemination of captured knowledge and practice; and leveraging additional funding Thailand

10 ACCCRN Phases 20082009201020112012 Phase 1 India and Vietnam, with Indonesia starting Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 - Phase 1 City Scoping and Selection Identify partner cities Phase 2 City-level engagement and capacity development Conduct shared learning dialogues (SLDs) with key stakeholders and undertake key studies Phase 3 Implementation of urban resilience projects Work with local and international partners to implement interventions identified in Phase 2 Phase 4 Replication Scale-up through networking and shared learning, dissemination of captured knowledge and practice; and leveraging additional funding Thailand

11 Key ACCCRN contacts Anna Brown Associate Director Rockefeller Foundation Asia For more information on ACCCRN please visit

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