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Catering revision guide By Megan Hales.. Home page Cakes Afternoon teas Desserts The Table.

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Presentation on theme: "Catering revision guide By Megan Hales.. Home page Cakes Afternoon teas Desserts The Table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catering revision guide By Megan Hales.

2 Home page Cakes Afternoon teas Desserts The Table

3 Cakes Celebrating cakes Themed cakes

4 Afternoon teas Victoria sponge cake Scones Éclairs

5 Celebrating cakes Wedding cakes Birthdays Christings

6 Themed cakes Peppa pig cake Power ranges One direction

7 Victoria sponge cake Sponge cake is a cake based on flour (usually wheat flour), sugar, and eggs, sometimes leavened with baking powder which has a firm, yet well aerated structure, similar to a sea sponge. A sponge cake may be produced by the batter method or the foam method.

8 Scones a small unsweetened or lightly sweetened cake made from flour, fat, and milk and sometimes having added fruit. You can have loads of different flavours like pumpkin scones, lemon and ginger scones even chocolate. Traditionally you would have two scones with a dollop of jam and pot of cream. You can also have butter on your scones or you can have chessescones.

9 Éclairs a long, thin individual cake of choux pastry filled with cream and topped with chocolate icing. These are quite common as a frozen desert but you can have these as a n0rmal desert they are very easy to make and taste very good.

10 Peppa pig cake This is a themed cake. These are good for little kids such as 7. these are good for kids birthdays.

11 Power ranges This is a good idea for boys birthday cakes as they like these kind of themed cakes which are stuff that they like.

12 One direction This is a themed cake for teens who like these kind of bands you can get smaller cakes or own one big one.

13 Different themed cake. You can have different kinds of themed cakes for different occasions. You can have different themes for different ages. These cakes are quite popular.

14 Cupcakes a small cake baked in a cup-shaped foil or paper container and typically iced. Mostly used as gifts or weddings.

15 Ice creams a semi-soft frozen dessert made with sweetened and flavoured milk fat. Mostly used in desserts known as a sweet dessert. It is also known as a stressful desert. This is also a comforting food.

16 Trifles a cold dessert of sponge cake and fruit covered with layers of custard, jelly, and cream.

17 Wedding cakes a rich iced cake, typically in two or more tiers, served at a wedding reception.

18 Birthday cakes The birthday cake has been an integral part of the birthday celebrations in western European countries since the middle of the 19th century, which extended to Western culture. Certain rituals and traditions, such as singing of birthday songs, associated with birthday cakes are common to many Western cultures.

19 Christing cakes Christening cakes creative as you want. From traditional christening cakes to novelty christening cakes. Popular themes are booties, teddy bear's and toy box.

20 Table for different prices ShopsTESCOASDAMORRISON S SAINSURYS Cupcakes (red velvet) (2 in a pack) £1.50£1.35Don’t have any! £1.45 Ben and jerry's ice cream (cookie dough) £4.49£4.00£2.24£3.00 Peppa pig cake £12.00£11.98£9.99£10.00 Victoria sponge cake £1.90£2.65Don’t have any £2.65

21 Tables (cakes) ShopsTESCOASDAMORRISONSAINSBURYS ELCAIRES£1.30£1.20£1.00 SCONES£1.10£1.00£0.50p£1.50 THERE OWN ICE CREAM £0.89p£1.50£1.70£1.05 SHOPSTESCOASDAMORRIS ONS SAINSBU RYS Peppa pigs cake mix £1.69£1.68£1.69DON’T HAVE IT Icing sugar(50 0g) £1.28£1.08£1.28£0.90p Butter icing £2.25£2.00NONE£2.00

22 Tables ( pastry's) Products/Sh ops TescoAsdaSainsbury'sMorrison Cheesecake( strawberry) £1.50£2.00 £1.50 Coffee cake£2.65£0.89p£2.00£1.09 Carrot cakes £2.65£5.00£2.00£1.69 Croissants£1.75£1.00£1.85£1.49

23 YouTube clip This clip Is a quick clip to decorate a trifle.

24 Ice cream deserts These are deserts made with ice cream. These are mostly banana splits, sticky toffee pudding, ice cream sundae.

25 Quiz!!!!!!!!! This is a quick quiz about catering and what the slide has said GOOD LUCK

26 QUESTION 1 What is ice cream made out of? 1) sweetened and flavoured milksweetened and flavoured milk 2) butter and milkbutter and milk 3) ice and milkice and milk

27 TRUE Correct you got the right answer well done BACK BACK NEXTNEXT

28 FALSE Sorry you got this question wrong try again BACK NEXT BACK NEXT

29 QUESTION 2 What's in a Victoria sponge cake? 1)Wheat, Sugar, EggsWheat, Sugar, Eggs 2) sugar,salt,chocolatesugar,salt,chocolate 3)everything you can find 3)everything you can find

30 TRUE 2 Correct you got the right answer well done BACK BACK NEXTNEXT

31 FALSE 2 Sorry you got this question wrong try again BACK NEXT BACK NEXT

32 QUESTION 3 What is the ice cream dessert? 1)banana splitbanana split 2) Victoria sponge cakeVictoria sponge cake 3)sticky toffee puddingsticky toffee pudding

33 TRUE Correct you got the right answer well done BACK BACK NEXTNEXT

34 FALSE Sorry you got this question wrong try again BACK NEXT BACK NEXT

35 QUESTION 4 What does this describe? This cake is based on flour (usually wheat flour), sugar, and eggs, sometimes leavened with baking powder which has a firm, yet well aerated structure, similar to a sea sponge. This cake may be produced by the batter method or the foam method. 1) Victoria sponge cake) Victoria sponge cake 2)browniesbrownies 3)ice creamice cream

36 TRUE 3 Correct you got the right answer well done BACK BACK NEXTNEXT

37 FALSE 3 Sorry you got this question wrong try again BACK NEXT BACK NEXT

38 Question 5 When and where was the birthday cake made? A) western European countries since the middle of the 19th century A) western European countries since the middle of the 19th century B) England in 2012 C) since cavemen was around

39 TRUE 4 Correct you got the right answer well done BACK BACK NEXTNEXT

40 FALSE 4 Sorry you got this question wrong try again BACK NEXT BACK NEXT

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